Chapter 114 Combat addicts.

The group of young people he had helped, didn't stay there for long since they had to get their injured friend to a healer.

Paul on the other hand decided to see if there was anything worth taking from the goblins he had just killed and also started to store their bodies into his storage space.

It turned out that among them only one item was worth something and it was a small dagger held by one of the creatures now resting in pieces.

That was the only thing that was different as the rest of them held crude goblin weapons and this one was definitely of a human design.

-Well, let's see what else you gathered.

Paul said to himself and followed the tracks back to their lair.

Thanks to Maya and Mia he now knew more about goblins than most people and if what they told him was true then he could find many treasures in the goblin lair as the small green bastards were hoarding anything they found or stolen to trade between themselves and to show off to other tribes.

What's more, the bigger the tribe was the more treasures they possessed and also there was a chance of finding some slaves from other races that they managed to capture.

This group was quite big so their tribe had to have quite a lot of treasures stored in their lair and he intended to find it and take everything after getting rid of the rest of their tribe.

It took him a few hours to finally arrive at their hideout which turned out to be a big cave hidden from sight by the trees and a small hill.

If not for the footprints, he would have missed it completely.

Paul waited to see how many goblins were left as rushing into their lair blindly was not a good idea.

Goblins might not be the brightest bunch but they were no fools either and anyone who thought that they were paid for it.

After observing them for a few hours from a nearby tree he figured out that there were only six guards and the rest were females, younglings, and the higher-ups.

In total, there were around fifty goblins left but he could not use bombs to wipe them out since he also saw slaves and didn't want to kill or injure them.

What would have been child's play if he had his ladies with him, was much more problematic when he was alone.

Not wanting to take risks he decided to retreat for now.

In the mansion, the ladies were enjoying the second day of fun and they were not alone as Xiao Han, Luo Mo, and Luo Feng joined them this morning since they didn't return home for the night.

Everyone was just chilling around the pool when suddenly a formation appeared right in front of the main house, startling everyone.

-Don't worry, it's Paul, but why is he using a transport formation?

Fei Fei said trying to calm everyone and figure out what was wrong at the same time.

Paul always told them to only use the formation in an emergency and all the ladies had a spell on them that would transport them back to the mansion if they were within a fifty-kilometer radius of it.

Paul materialized a few seconds later.

-What's going on?

Fei Fei asked him the moment he stepped out of the formation.

-I need you, Anna, Nia, Lia, Wei Lan, and Wu Yin to get your battle gear and weapons ready.

He said not beating around the bush.

-Why are we getting ready for war?

Anna asked surprised, knowing that he would not have asked if there was not an important reason for it.

-Paul, what's going on and why do you need them to get ready for battle?

Xiao Han asked as the three men came out of the mirror formation.

-Uncle, I had no idea that you were here.

Paul said surprised to see all of them.

A few minutes later he finished telling them everything.

-So I decided to get help instead of going in by myself.

He finished the story.

-I see, that was a good call and since we are here then let us go hunt some goblins and let the ladies stay here and continue having fun.

Luo Mo said.

-He is right, the four of us are more than enough to deal with this and I see no reason to get them involved.

Xiao Han said.

-Besides, as a province lord, I can't exactly ignore the situation.

He added with a smile.

-Just admit that you want to go and fight.

Liu Lili said rolling her eyes at her husband's words.

-Believe it or not, but your uncle is a combat addict and the only reason he is not out there fighting is his station.

She said.

Xiao Han wanted to say something but was stopped by her.

-I won't complain this time, but you better come back in one piece or you will regret ever being born.

She said surprising him as normally she would always tell him to just send soldiers and be done with it.

Lili never liked his fondness for combat and usually tempered it as much as she could but this time she would allow it, especially since it was just a mop-up of the remaining goblins and there was not much risk involved.

-I want to go to, I never saw a goblin.

Anna said, unhappy that they were being replaced.

-Young lady, you must know that we are going there to kill them all, no matter if they are female, children, or elderly.

Luo Mo said.

-We can't let even one of them escape since the survivor would learn from this and become more dangerous in the future.

He said grimmly.

-I don't think you want to witness this kind of thing.

Luo Feng said while nodding.

Anna went white, upon hearing this.

She could understand killing the warriors and the higher-ups, but killing the defenseless was definitely not something she could do.

-Then why did you want us to go there in the first place?

She asked, looking at Paul with accusation.

-I had no idea that they were there and didn't want to waste time informing everyone.

He answered.

-Give us a moment to get ready and we can go.

Xiao Han said.

All three men had their gear in their spatial devices so they didn't need to go home to get it.

-Actually, how far away is their lair?

Luo Mo asked.

-We can use the transportation array to get there so if everything goes well we should be back before it gets dark.

The three men nodded and went to change from their swim trunks into their combat gear.

-That was a good call.

Jing Su said approvingly of Paul's actions.

-At least now they won't be able to complain that they never get to fight.

Cai Xiao added with a smile.

-Don't tell me that these two are the same as uncle.

Paul asked, not sure if he really wanted to hear the answer.

-All three of them are the same, and it was getting hard to persuade them to avoid fighting lately.

Liu Lili said with a resigned sigh.

-So this is the best opportunity for them to let loose without any big risks involved and they won't be able to complain that we don't let them fight.

Jing Su said with a cunning smile.

Paul was speechless, but he didn't have time to think about it as all three men came back at that moment.

-Shall we go?

Xiao Han asked excitedly.

Paul only nodded and prepared the transport formation by adjusting the coordinates and a moment later all four of them were gone.