Just like Paul predicted, the captured goblin's deaths were painful and took a while.
Since it was already getting dark, everyone agreed to spend the night at the entrance to the cave and return to the city the next day.
Paul didn't have enough transport spalls on him to get everyone back but he sent Xiao Han and Luo Mo back with the last one he had so that they could send some soldiers their way with carriages to make the trip back easier.
During the night, Paul and Luo Feng kept watch along with the dwarves who took the time to clean their equipment.
-How the hell did they capture you?
Luo Feng asked the dwarves when they were done with cleaning.
-It was our fault, to begin with.
One of the bearded guys said.
-We got careless when we heard that the imperial army just swiped this area clean of any monsters and the like during the beast tide so we didn't keep guard and one night they came.
Before we knew what was going on we had blades on our throats and were tied up.
The next thing we knew we got branded and became slaves.
The dwarf said with regret.
-This is a shame that we can never get rid of, and if others from our race hear about it, they won't let us forget that we got captured by the goblins and even saved by humans.
The red-bearded one added.
-Then just don't tell them.
Paul said like it was the most obvious thing to do.
-Even if we keep quiet about it, sooner or later someone will find out about it.
The dwarf said shaking his head.
-Then why don't we change the story to say that you were not captured but helped us to take them down?
Luo Feng asked.
-Right now everyone who knows anything is here and the two that went back won't tell anyone for now, so we can say whatever we want and nobody will doubt it.
This idea was good since it would allow the dwarfs to preserve their honor and even allow them to brag that they took down the goblins with the help of humans.
-This is a good idea, but won't the others say the truth to anyone?
The red-bearded dwarf asked.
-I think that we can convince them to be quiet about it.
Paul said with a smile.
In the end, everyone accepted the altered story and promised to keep the secret as it didn't cost them anything while it allowed them to repay at least a little to the people who saved them.
There was only one exception and it was an elf woman who was captured even before the dwarfs.
-You do not need to worry, I won't say anything to anyone since I will be dead the moment I return to my people.
She said sadly when Paul asked her about it.
-Why would you die when you go home?
He asked, not understanding.
In all the books that he had read about the Elves, they were portrayed as a race that was highly protective of their own and would do anything to get them back if it so happened that they got caught and enslaved.
So her words surprised him quite a bit.
-I was meant to become a servant in the dragon temple, which is a great honor to my clan as the servants are chosen only once in five hundred years.
But to become one, I had to fulfill many requirements, such as being a virgin and a devoted believer in Lady Draconia.
Since I was captured by the goblins and my purity is gone, I will have to return home in shame.
The punishment for disgracing my clan is death and even if my family spared me, the temple surely informed them by now that I never arrived and once they heard what happened, they would demand my life as compensation to the goddess for not taking my own life to preserve my purity and the honor of the temple.
She explained emotionlessly.
Seeing her state, Paul pitied her.
She was saved only to die because of her clan's honor and some stupid temple rules.
-Is there no way to get pardoned from the punishment?
He asked, knowing that the chances of that were slim to none, but in his eyes, killing someone because of circumstances they had no control over was beyond stupid.
-Not in this world.
She said quietly.
The elf was grateful that the human was concerned about her, but it didn't change the fact that she would die the moment she got to her home or the temple, there was no difference other than a chance to say goodbye to her family.
-To exonerate me, I would have to be forgiven by a true dragon and there are no true dragons down here, the highest form of the dragon here is a flood dragon but they lack the authority to absolve my crime.
She said sadly, shaking her head.
The girl was already reconciled with her fate which could not be changed.
-If that is all it takes, then you are in luck.
Paul said suddenly with a smile.
-Don't tell me that you are a dragon in human disguise.
The girl looked at him surprised.
-No I'm not, but I know one and I think she would be able to absolve your so-called crime.
He said with a grin.
-Are you serious?
The elf asked with doubt but also with a spark of hope in her eyes.
-Yes, I'm 100% serious and if everything goes as planned, you will meet her tomorrow in the city.
Paul confirmed.
-At least I will be able to see a true dragon before I die.
She said with a sad smile.
-And Why would you still have to die if can get forgiveness?
Paul asked surprised once more.
-Because the price of forgiveness is usually the life of the sinner, the only difference is that instead of bringing shame to my clan and the temple, I will bring them the honor of being forgiven and dispatched by a true dragon.
For someone like me, this is already the best outcome, so you don't need to feel pity for me.
You have given me the opportunity that no one in this lower world had in at least ten thousand years.
She said seeing his expression full of pity.
Paul had a hard time believing that this elf was happy that she would get herself killed and by Fei Fei no less.
-As you wish.
He said and left her alone, thinking about Fei Fei's reaction when she heard about all of this.