Chapter 118 Dragon Summit.

The night went by uneventfully and in the morning the group started making their way towards the city.

The two humans and the dwarves formed a loose circle around the rest to protect them.

This was necessary since the area wasn't as secure as they originally thought.

During the night Luo Feng and Paul talked with almost everyone and learned that besides this group there were at least five additional goblin clans in the area, that were similar in size or even stronger.

-After we return to the city, I will send soldiers to deal with them all.

Luo Feng said when they discussed this topic.

-I think, Uncle will also send some of his forces to deal with them.

Not to mention that there will be a lot of mercenaries willing to earn some cash from goblin hunting.

Paul said.

-One way or the other, they will be hunted down.

The city lord said with a grin.

It's too bad that I won't be able to join in on the fun.

He added a moment later with some regret in his voice.

-Yeah, I think that the ladies won't allow any of us to go out this time.

Paul nodded sadly.

He was almost certain that even his ladies would have something to say if he wanted to go hunt goblins again.

Especially after spending so much time with Liu Lili, Jing Su, and Cai Xiao.

They discussed many topics to relieve their boredom, but they didn't dare to drop their guard even for a moment, which turned out to be a correct choice when around midday they spotted a group of twenty goblins returning with their prey from a hunting trip.

The thing that got their attention the most was the goblin's prey as they were carrying five Blood rabbits back to their lair.

Not wanting to pass the opportunity to fight some more, Luo Feng and Paul took out their bows and after a short planning session with the dwarves, they decided to become the bait.

Both humans fired arrows killing three goblins and injuring two more, before running away.

The rest of the goblins chased after them, only to find themselves surrounded by eight dwarves and two humans who turned in their direction with their bows ready.

the two arrows flew out taking down a goblin each and then they all charged.

The fight was brutal, short, and one-sided.

Humans and dwarves annihilated the remaining goblins in less than a minute, without breaking a sweat.

Paul took their bodies and remembering the previous corpses he made a pyre using the wood he was always carrying in his storage space and burnt them all together.

An hour later they found the soldiers that were sent to find them.

The soldiers had some carriages with them and everyone got a place to sit on their way back.

The rest of their way back was uneventful, mostly thanks to over fifty soldiers escorting them.

Before the sun went down, they were already back in the city and the former slaves were settled in an inn for the night.

The only exception was the Elf girl who wanted to meet Fei Fei as soon as possible and be done with it, so Paul took her to his mansion.

He was surprised that all the ladies were still there having fun.

-This is the most relaxed few days we have all had in a long time so we want to have as much fun as possible.

Liu Lili said when he asked about it.

Paul had to admit that all the ladies looked much better after these few days.

-I don't mind, besides, you all look way better than before.

He said with a smile.

Indeed all the ladies were looking better, especially Xiao Su who was now sitting in a jacuzzi with Cai Xuan, Natalie, and Rin, chatting happily without a care in the world.

-I have to admit that you were right, we all needed this to get rid of all the stress.

His aunt said with a smile, looking at all the women around with happy smiles on their faces.

-I'm happy that you like it, and if you want I can make the same facilities at your mansion as well.

-No, don't.

She shot that idea down immediately.

-If I have all this at home then I will become too lazy and the same goes for Su.

She explained with a smile.

-Well, it's not like we live so far apart that you can't drop by whenever you like.

-True, but I don't want to get too used to such luxuries, I'm already feeling guilty about lazying around for so long.

She admitted.

-You needed that, and you know it, not to mention that you are not the only one who needed a break, and uncle was having fun here yesterday as well so you have nothing to feel guilty about.

Paul said with a smile.

-Ok, anyway this is the last day so I'm going to join the others in the sauna.

She said leaving in that direction.

The Elf girl looked around his mansion and saw beautiful women everywhere having fun in things she had never seen before.

-Come on, let's find Fei Fei.

Paul said, bringing her back to reality.

Fei Fei was having fun swimming in the pool when he found her.

-How did your goblin hunt go, and who is that?

She asked when she noticed him approaching with an elf.

-The goblins are dead, the slaves are now free and she is one of them, but I need your help.

Paul said and proceeded to explain the situation.

Fei Fei waited for him to finish but he could tell that she was getting angry.

-I should have known that these morons would not relinquish their power so easily.

Fei Fei said, seething with rage.

-What do you mean?

Paul asked, surprised at how angered she was.

-The Draconia faith was abolished by the dragon summit around three thousand years ago and every congregation was supposed to be disbanded.

But evidently, some of the high priests decided to disregard the order.

Fai Fai explained, surprising Paul and shocking the elf girl.

-How do you know?

Paul asked.

-Because it was this summit that sentenced me to banishment.

Fei Fei admitted.