Chapter 3 I'm alive!

"Take it as I want to experience a life as a man. To better prepare for future assignments concerning that area," Avery said such high-sounding words, that she almost believed it herself.

But it didn't fool the other man on the other end of the line. "When do you need it?" he asked boredly, clearly uninterested in her reasons. Her eyes widened in surprise, she expected he would agree so quickly.

"Now! I need it should not pass midnight." Avery, almost screamed, her emotions unstable, the man was too tired to care.

"Okay... Consider this payback for the last time. Don't ask for another favor, or you'll pay in cash." The man hung up after leaving those words.

She slid the wood back in place and slumped weakly into the chair, glancing at the clock: 4:30 pm. She prays to everything holy that this idea works.

Her stomach growled, and her hands patted her stomach, she had not eaten anything all day.

Opening the fridge, and pulled out a dark chocolate cake, it was cut in half-eaten from the day before.

You might wonder why a vampire could eat anything other than blood, she didn't know the reason either, but she could accept, sweet, light food with no heavy spices.

Pastries, especially, were her favorite- after blood, of course. She wished she had enough money to buy a type O blood bag; she heard it was the most delicious out of the whole blood types.

She drooled internally and ate the cake to console herself. That day would come, she whispered encouragingly in her heart.

After two hours, she received a notification from her phone. Opening the file, she unfolded her new identity as a man.

Male: Avery Graves

Species: vampire

Born: September 1, 2003

Graduated: Prestige Business University.

Her identity was basically the same; only her gender had changed. She could sense the laziness of the person who created this identity for her. But she is grateful anyway.

Her heart relaxed, and she picked up her phone to scroll around. Seeing a headline on Weibo concerning Black Enterprises, she opened the page curiously.

"Submit your credentials via this link for the position of personal assistant to CEO Lucas Black. Only males are allowed for this interview." She straightened up, biting her lips in indecision. Should she...? Anyway, she might not be picked, there's nothing to think too much about.

Taking deep breaths to calm her nerves, she clicked on the link, which took her to a site, requesting her documents and headshot picture.

She sent her certificate, having no further experience to add. Then she arranged her face making sure her expression was serious and manly enough.

She took a picture and checked it to be sure. Feeling her collar was rumpled, she adjusted it and took another one, finally getting a perfect shot. She sent, feeling spontaneous and brave. In her mind, she had no chance against the elites before her, she did it for the fun of it.

Leaving the page, she threw it to the back of her mind and patiently waited for the time to pass.

"11:59." Her hand tightened on the chair, which was far away from the bed, sweat dripping down from her face as her heart froze.

"12:00 a.m." She sat like a statue, unable to react, until the breeze blew on her curtain.

Her trembling hands patted her chest as she stood up tentatively from the chair, cautious at every step she took.

After twenty minutes of her weird state, she jumped up in happiness, "I'm alive! Hahaha...Me=I; universe=0!" She was so happy to have survived that it didn't cross her mind today was her birthday.

"Settle down! People are sleeping!" Her neighbor shouted angrily.

Avery quickly covered her mouth, but her eyes were twinkling with happiness.

After her mood settled, a new problem appeared: since she was able to survive by changing her identity does that mean she has to live as a male forever?

Don't think about it for now. I will cross that bridge when I get there. Now, she should be happy for her little win.

She lay on the bed without removing her clothes, she stared wide-eyed at the ceiling with lively eyes, unable to sleep.


In city A, a metropolis still buzzing with life and activity even past midnight, a man stood at the highest skyscraper window, looking down at the dazzling sight of the city's night view.

His black hair, with silver tips, was meticulously gelled back into place, and his sharp silver eyes looked at the door when he heard a sound. His senses were sharper than a human's. It took three minutes before the person could reach the door.

The person raised his hands to knock, "Come in," a husky, deep voice sounded from the office, and the person opened the door with a tablet in his hands.

He bowed respectfully to the man by the window, "Alpha...Sir, I have brought the list of the applicants." The middle-aged man changed his address in mid-speech, used to call Alpha, but they were at the office.

The man walked, with a sense of control and grace with his every movement. He pulled out his chair, sat, and motioned for the man to approach.

"Here." The man switched on the tablet, and there was a long list of applicants up to 100, though it had already gone through strict selection or it would have been millions.

Lucas took the tablet and scrolled quickly through it, but his eyes caught the details as he passed by. He stopped at a picture of a man who looked sophisticated and intelligent.

He paused on the file and was about to choose him when his eyes caught another picture below. His fingers clicked on that photo; he was drawn to the clean, clear eyes, and made a decision, clicking on the file: Avery Graves, Vampire.

"He will a background check, and he starts on Monday," He spoke with authority, and the man bowed and left with the tablet.