Chapter 4 Ow!!!


Avery turned in the bed, using her pillow to muffle the alarm's sound. The sound grew more high-pitched, making her frown and toss restlessly on the bed.

Her hand moved blindly across the bed in search of the culprit. When she finally grabbed her phone, her sleep-muddled brain almost made her fling it against the wall to shut it up. She paused at the last minute, realizing she was about to destroy her phone, her "baby."

Sitting up with blurry eyes, she switched off the alarm, her face had lines of drool at the corner of her mouth, and her hair scattered wildly as if caught in a storm.

She sat dazedly on the bed, not fully awake, almost ready to lie back down and continue sleeping. But then, she felt a sharp ache in her chest, waking her fully.

"Hmm..." She moaned, slipping her hand under her clothes to loosen the bandage wrapped around her chest. She didn't even remember falling asleep with her clothes on.

Massaging her sore breast to get the blood circulating, she got out of bed and stretched, yawning as she walked barefoot across the rug to the bathroom. She turned on the tap, splashing water on her face, and looked into the mirror, already used to her sometimes wind-blown hair.

As she turned to leave, she tripped and hit her side on the wall. Instinctively, she touched her chest and sighed in relief that it was intact.

Grimacing, she stood up, thinking it was just an accident. She removed her clothes to shower, turned on the water, and let it wet her body. But just as she was covered in soap, the water stopped rushing and her eyes were closed shut from soap.

"Ahhh!!!" She screamed internally, cursing the landlord's entire lineage. Blind and covered in soap, she felt her way along the walls, trying to navigate her way out.

Walking with the memories of the layout of her apartment in mind, and feeling confident but...





It was a soundtrack of pain and toes hitting corners and her head banging into the walls.

By the time she managed to wash her face off in the kitchen sink, she was covered in red bumps and mentally traumatized.

She fell the the ground, feeling tired mentally and sore all over her body, the soap had dried on her skin, forming crumbs and making her itch all over.

Staring blankly at the rug, wondering why her clumsiness had multiplied by a hundredfold today. She was occasionally clumsy but not all at once like this morning.

Was it because she removed her male disguise? This strange thought flashed through her mind.

To verify, she flashed to the bathroom and turned on the shower, which suddenly worked normally. She had her bath with vampire speed even if she slipped and hit the wall from too much speed, she finished her bath.

Putting on the man outfit, she walked around everywhere she tripped, and nothing strange happened. She patted her chest in relief, taking in deep breaths.

She picked up her phone, grabbed a few blood bags from the fridge, wrapped herself with a bedsheet, and opened her novel app.

With familiar action and ease, she opened sucked from the blood bag and opened the dog blood steamy romance. Today was her day off, and she intended to enjoy it fully. A natural homebody, if she didn't need money urgently she wouldn't leave her house at all.

Clicking on chapter 62 on "Your Gentle Touch." She sneakily covered her face and read the novel.

"His hands held her by the waist, slowly moving lower, grasping her butt firmly...." Avery blushed, giggling shyly into the pillow as she read on.

She was getting deeper into the scene when an email notification popped up on the screen. She stopped reading, clicking on her email with a mind to checking if it was important or her payment for the last job.

"You have been granted the position of a Personal Assistant at Black Enterprise. Housing will be provided. Your start date is Monday. Click the link to the specifics of your job. -Management."

"Haha... as if. who's the unlucky soul trying to scam me now?" She muttered, clicking on the link with disbelief, waiting to see a joke.

But after a minute, she froze in shock. Her eyes widened as she saw the authentic stamp of Black Enterprises on the document. "A silver wolf.''

To be sure, she checked the company's official Weibo page, her eyes looked back and forth, comparing the stamp, to see if the silver wolf stamp matched. It matched perfectly.

She rubbed her eyes and pinched her thighs, to check if she wasn't dreaming, one minute passed, two minutes before she accepted it was real.

"Ahhhh!!!!!" She screamed, jumping around on her bed with joy, her slow-beating heart was pumping faster than normal with excitement.

Feeling tired, she flopped back onto the bed, spreading her arms wide as sweat dripped down her flushed face.

Once her emotions settled, a pressing problem appeared. She lied about her gender-what if her identity was exposed one day and she was faced with lawsuits she couldn't win?

Should she accept it or not? She bit her lips, filled with doubts and fear possible lawsuit.

Then, an old, pale wrinkled face appeared in her mind, and her resolve grew firm. She had to take the job.

Mrs Grace, always with a smile on her lips despite anything. The woman who raised her, how could she not take such a high-paying job?

If only it was permitted to change humans, she would have turned Mrs Grace as soon as her sickness started. She sighed with sadness, feeling the joy of her new job weaning as she made her choice.

She sat up quickly, no time to waste, she had to shop for men's clothes, she winced when she thought about the money that would leave her account.

There was nothing she could do, she grasped her car keys and phone and left the house.