chapter 7

She checked out of the hotel, stepping outside she breathed in the morning air, hearing the sounds of beating hearts and cars honking.

She searched around covertly for cameras, but seeing none, she flashed out into the street at speed, stopping at the sight of a busy street.

Walking at a normal pace, her eyes twinkled from the rush she got from using her speed as she wanted and it settled the nerves she was trying to suppress after getting that text. It felt like the work was coming too fast to reality, she would soon face the reality of her new job.

She stretched out her hand to wave down the cab, the cab rode to a slow stop, and she bent to the car window.

"I need to go to this address." Avery showed the driver the screenshots of the address. The man's dull expression changed, "Are you sure it's Silver Estate?" The man asked again to be used, seeing her nod a blooming smile broke out on his face and he respectfully unlocked the door for her to go in. This is big business. This was the man's thought.

Avery was puzzled by the man's reaction and actions, as soon as he heard the location. She held doubts in her mind as she watched the man help her put the suitcase into his trunk.

Along the way nothing happened which made Avery relax, and enjoy the scenery. It could be said that she hadn't fully explored this city, only going to specific locations.

As drove passed Avery caught a whiff of baked cake ahead, "stop!"

The man stopped perfectly in front of the dessert shop, he looked at his passenger with a questioning gaze.

"Sorry....please hold on a minute I want to buy something from here." She pointed sheepishly to the dessert shop.

The man nodded, secretly relieved she was still going; he didn't want to lose a big customer this morning.

Avery went into the dessert shop unaware of the driver's secret thoughts, her mind was on the two cakes showcased in the glass window. It was hard to choose between the velvet cake and the dark chocolate cake.

Since she couldn't delay her journey, she chose the velvet cake. Seeing its red moistness and the smell clashing into her nose, she couldn't help but drool.

Something she doubted if she was fully a vampire, maybe one of her cheap parents was human. She didn't know she touched on the truth.

Holding the medium-sized cake, she paid thirty dollars for it, though she felt a pinch in her heart.

She picked up a plastic-wrapped disposable fork from the counter and left it under the bright smile of the shop owner.

Entering the car, the journey continued but this time Avery's mouth was busy. The cake melted on her tongue making her squint her eyes in enjoyment while eating in huge chunk with the help of the fork.

It was a long journey with the car moving passed different busy streets, at a point it felt as if they had left the city and entered a quiet suburban location.

From ahead, she saw a mountain, but the road they passed was paved, thirty minutes they saw a huge gate with silver estates written in gold on it.

"I can't go further." The driver stopped in front of the gate, Avery checked the address making sure it was the one. Her mind was in awe at the gate alone, she wondered how mind-blowing the inside would be.

She snatched her eyes away from the gate, not wanting to look like a bumpkin.

She brought out her phone to pay and was stunned by the price he called.

"It's $400. Madam." The driver called out happily.

"Are you trying to rob me?!" Avery shouted after recovering from her stunned state. It was expensive.

She could only pay since the man had already driven her here. She sighed, hoping her next paycheck would come soon, and glanced at the $10,000 left in her account.

All her savings, she gritted her teeth and watched the happy driver zoom off. No wonder he was all smiles when he heard the location she called. She put this lesson in her mind.

She faced the gate, her eyes catching the camera at the gate. She took a deep breath; it was now or never.

"State your business." A voice came from the microphone beside the gate pillar, Avery got closer, Looking straight into the camera, and spoke calmly, though her sweaty hands exposed her tense state.

"Avery Graves, I..."

"Place your hand on the fingerprint scanner, We have to verify your identity before you can enter. Protocol." The voice interrupted another other form of address she was about to say.

She nodded in understanding and pressed a finger onto the fingerprint, grateful and confident in the person who made the identity for her.

"Clang! Clear..."

The side gate opened by itself and she walked in, her eyes taking in the sight before her: various types of house buildings, each spaced to avoid feeling clustered or crowded.

The building spread far and wide, for as far she could see, the building went beyond and she could the outskirts of a huge mountain surrounding this estate. The air here carried the unmistakable scent of wealth.

She grew more nervous and tense. She felt she was standing in front of the gate like an idiot, before she could send a text of her arrival, she saw a car heading in her direction. It came to a stop in front of her and a middle-aged man got down.

"Mister Graves welcome, I hope your flight went well." He said his necessities in a butler-like fashion and motioned for her to get into the door.

"Good Day, Sir..." Avery asked politely, with her best manners and calmness that always comes through for her whenever she's under pressure.

"Stan Black the former personal assistant to Mr Black... I'll be handing over everything to you before I retire." The man said, his earlier distant tone faded became softer, and he now looked more like an elder.