Chapter 6

"You may never know. And did you tell your old boss you quit?" Emily asked offhandedly.

Her words stirred angry, murderous emotions. She took deep breaths to calm herself as the image of her sleazy, fat boss appeared in her mind.

She called him 'Dog' in her mind, always sniffing around her, his hair slick with excess oil and grease.

"He is lucky we are in a law-bidding society or I would have shot him in the forehead." Avery's tone dripping with anger and repulse.

When she recalled the weird advances he wanted to take on her person, she was grateful to her speed for making her always escape his touch but even though, the constant weird leering glance made her uncomfortable and mentally exhausted having to always be alert of his presence.

She came down from the car, checking her phone for the time, 6:30. It was almost time for her flight.

"I won't miss you. But make sure to text me when you get there and tell me if you need my help." Emily said, yawning lazily and stretching, her movement graceful and seductive, with her tails swinging at her back.

Avery knew she was being truthful, they were both working the same line of work and could travel anything, so they had gotten used to each other's abrupt absence.

"So you used me to listen to gossip, and now you dumped me when you are done," Avery said in mock anger, as she pulled out her suitcases from the trunk.

Emily was about to follow her inside, "Go put on some clothes; I'm not ready to receive weird glances because of your arse." Avery said, shooing Emily away.

A minute later, she saw Emily in a pair of shorts and a jacket- clearly without any underwear. Avery pretended not to notice; what the eyes don't see, the mind won't think about.

As she headed into the airport building, nearly reaching security screening, she thought of something and her heart sank, she started second-guessing her decision, whether she was making the right decision in accepting this job.

To calm herself and be on the safe side, she asked with her heart in her throat "Emmy, can you tell my gender from my scent?''

Emily had a look asking if she was stupid, "Girl am not a dog, how could I possibly sniff out your gender don't lock me in with those creatures." Emily said with her usual sass, but it calmed Avery down somewhat.

"You can quit if you want." Emily dropped her playfulness looking seriously at her pale friend.

Avery looked into the distance and a picture of a wrinkled older face of Mrs Grace flashed in her mind, taking a deep breath her emotions settled. A smile broke out on her lips.

"Oh, here's my car keys, take good care of my baby. Any scratch, I'll pull out your furs." She threw her key over and went forward to the security check while waving bye to Emily.

Emily stood there stunned, "Bitch! Who said..." But Avery had already gone far. She was here to gossip, not babysit.

"Tsk." She made an unwilling sound in her throat and left.

After going through the process, she boarded the plane, she sent a message to her former boss that she quit not forgetting to add a middle finger emoji.

Switching off her phone, she looked at the blue sky, clenching her hands into fists. No matter what, she would safeguard her identity, even if it was the last thing she did. A new journey awaits her. Everything will work out.

She said these words in her heart like a mantra, before she closed her eyes as the plane started its flight.


It was night in City A when the plane landed, Avery dragged her flight-weary body out of the airport and booked a ride on her phone. She was familiar with this lively city, a city that never sleeps, having been here before on a previous assignment.

"Where you headed?" The driver's monotonous voice brought her back from her reprieve, "Gale Motel at 44 Dale Street." She gave an the address of the cheap motel she stayed in.

Resting her back, looked through the window as neon lights flashed by, the tall skyscrapers and city lights, and crowds of people, either going home or coming back from work.

The city's sound was amplified at night- the hums of traffic and honks and distant wails of sirens made her brows knotted together into a frown, her heightened senses picked up on every little sound, lowering the sounds with familiar motion- her brows relaxed as the sound was like a mere whisper in her ears.

After two hours through the heavy traffic, the cab finally stopped in front of a dingy, secluded motel. She scanned her QR code, paying for the ride.

The car zoomed off, and she walked in the bell ringing, alerting the man at the counter. Paying for a room.

The next few hours were eventful, wearing her pajamas she was finally able to eat her first meal of the day.

After drinking the six blood bags, she still felt hungry. She looked out her dark window at the full moon in the sky- this was the perfect night to hunt. But remembering her ailments, she lay on the bed, feeling envious of her fellow vampires who could.

She shrugged her sad thoughts, she knew she could never experience the thrill of the hunt, so no use fixated on it. Clicking on the email, and saved the number on her phone to call tomorrow.

She closed her eyes and slept off.


The next morning, the sun shone through the curtains and on her face waking her. She turned on the bed, realizing it wasn't her familiar soft bed, she woke up fully.

Yawning and stretching, she got down from the bed when her legs tangled up with the sheets.


She fell face flat, "Hmm..." moaning from pain, she bit her tongue by accident, making her eyes water with physiological tears.

She could only suck on her tongue to stop the pain and did her morning routine with her vampire speed, ignoring the bumps and pain along the way.

After putting on her disguise, she relaxed internally. She starting to hate mornings now, she has to go through torture just because her disguise is off.

She shuddered thinking she had to live this way forever, at least her injuries healed quickly without a trace she would have to explain she didn't have an abusive boyfriend or a weird fetish for pain.

Checking the time, 9 am. She quickly sent a text to the normal, sitting formally on the chair even when no one was present.


"Good morning Sir." Before she could text more a location was sent to her and nothing else. It was straight to the point and the shortest text ever.