Chapter 10

She followed him to a secluded, private elevator. She entered with him, and the elevator took them up. The air was quiet around them as Avery prayed she wouldn't mess up today.

Taking deep breaths, her red pupil flashed with firm resolve and focus through her grey contact lenses. And her heart regained its calm.

Lucas, who was paying attention, noticed the change in her. His interest was piqued by how she could withstand his intentional pressure and regain her calm.

Whenever his aura changes, his pack fears him; even non-pack struggle to remain calm in his presence.

The elevator opened on the first floor. They walked out to see a female secretary typing on the computer while answering calls. She greeted her boss and went back to work.

But as soon as they left, she stopped pretending and quickly opened the group chat to gossip.

*Group chat typing...

"Guys we have a fresh blood joining the company today."

"His he going to last..."

"¯\_(ツ)_/¯ its none of my business am swarmed with work here.''

"Is he single?"

"What qualified him for the job."

"Do you hear the office beauty in the other branch was fired."

"What happened?!"

"Everyone get back to work."

Their discussion was going off-topic before they saw the last chat and everyone logged out from the group chat immediately, they didn't want to be caught by their superiors. To some people, Avery was just a new person, to some, she blocked the road of them becoming Alpha Lucas's PA.

Each with different thoughts but they all went back to work.

Avery was clueless about all this, she looked at her office across from the CEO's and touched her desk, opening up the blindfold curtain, she could see the city view from the window.

She sat at her desk, her hands trailing the desk, her eyes darted at the big comfortable room.

So this is what having an office feels like, she sat up straighter in her chair and turned on the computer.

She was sorting the files in order and researching sub-companies under Black Enterprises. She can't go into things unaware.

Black Enterprises owns fifty sub-companies across the country, spanning various sectors such as the entertainment industry, real estate, and more.

She realized the seriousness of her job, any mistake or deft of documents could cause billions of losses.

Was she even qualified for this job? She only knows the surface level of what a PA job entails, though she graduated from business school, she was still green in the real business world.

Her self-doubt was kicking in making her apprehensive, her phone lit up in notification and the screen saver was the face of an old smiling woman.

Seeing that face it was as if a calm breeze blew on her heart calming her instantly. I just have to learn and be extremely careful, no one is above learning. And she has Mr. Stan's number she could ask him to teach her the ropes.

She quickly acted on her thoughts, typing humbly, "Sir please I need your help to show me the ropes of what my job entails."

Stan received the text and was gratified that she was willing to humble herself and learn from him.

This began the week of learning and familiarizing herself with her work but she couldn't get used to her boss wanting her presence every few minutes, either to get coffee for him or to bring him lunch, she was like a housekeeper at this point.

But she gritted her teeth. Who would complain about a comfortable house, even if it was near her boss's, especially when type O blood bags were supplied to her fridge daily? She is living her best life now.

"Come to my office." A deep voice broke out from her office phone, speaking of the devil. She opened her briefcase and quickly drank down a blood bag, cleaning her lips, she put on a perfect smile and walked across to his office, knocking. "Enter."

She turned the door handle and entered, seeing his sleek gelled hair and his chiseled jaw, her eyes went straight to his throbbing veins, her ears flowing along his beating heart.

It was a very good decision to drink a blood bag before laying her eyes on him or she might jump him.

Lucas felt a hot gaze on his neck, he frowned but his wolf was almost dizzy with joy and wanted to drop his neck on a platter for her. He didn't like things slipping out of his control, and her presence spelled trouble.

He sent his hackers to dig into her identity but they couldn't find any false identity, making him almost doubt his wolf a bit. But he felt the file on her was too perfect, and a nagging feeling that things were more that meets the eye about her. He trusts his instincts.

"Sir?" Avery asked, uncomfortable by his piercing gaze.

"Get your coat. We are heading out." Lucas said and stood up to get his suit jacket and his phone.

Avery fumbled angrily in her mind, trying hard to keep the smile on her face. what stopped him from telling her to get her coat when he called her on the phone.

Watching his back she made faces at him but he turned suddenly, Avery quickly covered her mouth, choking from shock.


Lucas gave a knowing gaze, making her flush with embarrassment and wish she could turn back time.

He said nothing and walked out of the office, Avery flashed to her office and picked up her coat, not wanting to add to her offense.

She appeared before Lucas in seconds and followed him respectfully.

They passed through the private hallway and elevator, a black Rolls-Royce was parked, waiting for them.

She moved to the front seat quickly and closed the door, not wanting to sit with him right now, he saw her little act and didn't bother to tell her to get down.

His mind was flashed to the image of her perky behind in those suit pants as she bent over to enter the car.

He loosened his tie, cleared his throat, and focused on the business at hand.