Chapter 13

She stopped in front of the door and knocked. Inside, the only source of light was a green glow emanating from the bed. The room was still, with a woman tied to the bedpost, unconscious, but her lips were stretched in a daze, creeping smile.

A beautiful blond man hovered over her, his hands glowing with green light that seeped into the woman's body. He was interrupted by the knock on the door.

His face turned murderous; he was in the middle of an important moment. The green light vanished from his hands. He walked to the door, assuming it was a member of the serving staff.

"I don't need anything at the moment," he said, an honest smile spreading across his lips as he faced the person at the door. His eyes flashed in surprise at the sight of the effeminate, innocent-looking face before him.

This person was to his taste. He licked his lips but sighed internally with regret.

He was about to close the door but was stopped by a firm hand. "Are you Aaron Grace?" a cold, pleasant tone cut through the air. Avery looked at her target like he was her next paycheck. Who told him to commit the crime of using his glamour for female sex trafficking?

Seeing his expression change, she whipped out her gun and shot him in the legs. She was confident in her shot and didn't bother checking if the bullets hit him. Her heart remained steady, without any fluctuation, as she heard his painful screams.


Black veins formed around the wound, and he slumped to the ground, clutching his bleeding legs. He glared at his attacker with hatred and anger, wondering when he had acquired such a coldhearted enemy, who now looked at him with a flat detached gaze.

Aaron tried to initiate an attack. A green light flashed in his eyes, and soundless whispers left his mouth. Avery frowned and shot him in the other leg and hands, disrupting the glamour spell from his lips.

She quickly knocked him out, tying his hands together, careful to avoid looking at the bloody floor.

Stepping outside, she took deep breaths into her lungs. She prefers the sniping; that way, she wouldn't have to see her targets bleeding.

She sent a coded text and vanished from the area. Ten minutes later, three people dressed in black took the body and the unconscious woman away, disappearing into the night.

Avery put her lenses back and returned to the lively party. Her eyes searched for her boss and found him frowning at the woman in front of him. For some reason, she felt unhappy with the woman being so close to him but ignored the feeling and moved towards them.

"Cousin, don't blame Scarlet; she begged on my behalf. Please don't be angry at her," the woman said softly. She was a delicate beauty with brown locks pulled back into a ponytail, with a few loose curls framing her face.

Her eyes were filled with love and awe as she looked at Lucas. Everyone around could feel it, but the man gazed at remained cold and detached.

"I have heard what you wanted to say. You can leave." Lucas's tone was the same as always, calm but distant. His voice sounded deep and husky, but his eyes were unfamiliar as they met Selina's.

Selina felt her heart squeeze in pain. Why did he treat her this way? She had rejected her mate for him and dropped her dignity to chase him, but he still looked at her coldly like everyone else. She wasn't special to him- just another face in the crowd. Her eyes darkened; he shouldn't blame her for what she would do next.

She nodded and left, exchanging a secret glance with a waiter as they both passed each other.

When Avery reached him, the woman had left, "Boss, what's the party about?" She asked curiously, trying to start a conversation and avoid speaking about the woman when she sensed his darkened mood.

"It's a party hosted by the Damilier family," he replied, subconsciously feeling at ease in her presence, tho he wasn't aware of it.

Nodding her head, they fell back into silence, with only the clicking of glasses and piano music filling the air.

A waiter passed them with a glass of red wine on a tray. Lucas was about to ignore it but noticed Avery's tempted gaze, so he picked it up.

The waiter left and typed a message: ''It's done,'' and sent it to his employer.

Lucas was about to sip it when a sliver of light glinted on the rim of his glass. Avery's hand flashed, snatching the glass away from him.

"What..." Lucas was startled by her sudden action.

"Something's wrong with the wine," Avery said with certainty, making Lucas's eyes narrow in suspicion.

"Look." Avery moved the glass into the light, and Lucas watched the rim sparkle with silver dust, which was invisible unless you looked closely.

Avery rubbed her finger along the edge and found a bit of oil on it. Lucas's eyes grew cold, his silver irises almost blending with his black pupil in fury.

Pulling out his phone, he contacted his people to search for that waiter. Avery wondered what kind of drug it was. If not for her sharp eyes, she would her missed it. She brought her fingers to her nose, detecting no odor.

While Lucas was making his call, Avery spotted a plastic bag, placed the glass inside, and tucked it discreetly under her suit jacket.

Lucas noticed her smooth, familiar actions and felt she was a mystery, far from ordinary.

But now his mind was focused on who had drugged his wine. He had a gut feeling that the wine was meant for him.

His phone rang. "Do you have him?" he asked, his face frowning at the reply he received

Avery's eyes were filled with question as she looked at Lucas, whose aura was now icy.

"He's dead," he said, his tone dripping with cold fury. Avery pursed her lips, feeling that there was more to this drugging incident.

"We are leaving," he said, leaving the party. Avery could only follow, her mind was on sending this drug for testing, instinctively feeling that something was wrong.

Selina was happy inside, thinking Lucas had drunk the wine. That person said once the drug entered his system, he would be obedient and dependent on her. She couldn't wait.

When they returned, Avery contacted her people to take the wine glass for testing. She shipped the bagged glass out that night. Unaware of the trouble it would bring her.

After washing up, she settled down on the sofa with a blood bag covered in clothes. She opened her novel app to relax, finally feeling comfortable and at ease.