Short Story

David frowned.

He realized he had just pulled a little manipulation. He had directed Sofia to a bad situation and then swooped in as the hero. This manipulation made David feel guilty, but the system didn't care. Dark Triad System was all about David's gain.

David went home, greeted by Layla's cheerful smile and Clara's usual scowl.

"Got a job yet?" Clara asked.

"Not yet," David replied shortly.

Layla gave David an encouraging pat on the shoulder. David was still thinking about what he saw on CursedFlix and wondered why Layla had gotten into writing erotic stories if he failed to become successful.

Later that night, after dinner at 9:00 PM, David put away his cigarette pack. "I shouldn't be too wasteful; cigarette prices are going up."

David walked out of his room and approached Layla who was sitting on the sofa typing on her phone.

"Layla?" David called out.