After arriving at port, Billie and Gerald wasted no time. They payed and left the ship behind.
They needed to find someone who would take them, or at least provide information about the Île des Secrets Morts, or in Dracish—the Island of Dead Secrets.
They entered the first tavern they saw near the docks. After stepping inside, they approached the large bounty board next to the entrance.
Despite over one hundred attached pages, Billie quickly located the desired one. The picture showed a middle-aged man with dark gray hair and bored purple eyes. Below the picture, the text read:
'Name: Alex Morrow
Age: 30-60 years old
Description: Male, Average height and build, Dark gray hair, Purple eyes
Ship Name: Airen
Ship Type: Steam-propelled Ironclad Warship
Firepower: Inconclusive
Crime: Robbery, Arson, Murder, Destruction of Government Property, Illegal Trade, Smuggling, Kidnapping, Law Evasion
Bounty: 5,000 Gelt