This ship was much worse than their previous one. It could barely be called a ship. A tiny, below-decks storage area served as crew quarters, by placing a few hammocks inside.
The crew itself comprised a dozen older drunk fools who couldn't even work the sails properly. The ship's hull had many holes letting in the sea. Periodically, they brought water up from the storage area to prevent sinking.
The deck wasn't the best either. The sails had plenty of tears from overuse, while the wheel often got stuck in a starboard turn position, because the rudder couldn't move properly.
The ship also had no cannons or any other long-range weaponry. Billie had no clue how these people planned on hunting pirates in this floating wooden scrap.
They couldn't even catch the pirates or make them immobile with cannons. But none of the five hunters seemed to care for these facts. They just continued drinking and laughing with the crew.