The Living Reaper

Gorlab possessing a woman's body has Rondo by the neck...

Darnel unload a barrage of bullets into the possessed woman's back. The bullets are absorbed by dark energy.

"Who are you," Yells Darnel.

"Your Boss knows all about me," Gorlab says.

In that instant it goes dark...

The lights come on...

A man with a skull masks stands in between Rondo and Gorlab...

"I Thought your kind were destroyed by the Angels," Asks Gorlab.

"Not all of us," says the skull masked man.

It goes dark...

The light comes back on, Rondo and the skull masked man are gone.

Darnel looks confused, as Gorlab just stands there in the possessed woman's body,

"Till next time Agent Darnel," Gorlab smirks as she poofs into black smoke disappearing.

An Hour Later...

The Precinct has gained control with many cultists committing suicide. Darnel makes a call

"Toshi, hey there is a situation with a black magic cult," asks Darnel.

"You need to pull up the file on the Raven Family they reside on the Eastside of Big City, they run the cult that uses black magic," explains Toshi.

"I will, the head honcho seemed to know you," Darnel questions...

"Yes, I will explain at a better time, just know that The Raven Family worships a Demon by the name of Gorlab," Explains Toshi.

"I see, is this Gorlab the one who, gave you that scar across your face," asks Darnel.

Toshi hangs up...

Rondo wake up in a endless Gray Space. In front of him is the skull masked man that saved him.

"Where are we," Rondo asks.

"Solitude, a plane in-between life and death," explains the skull masked man.

"So am I dead," asks Rondo.

"No, However you only able to be here because of that power you have," says the skull mask man.

"I'm Jaden, this is Lilly and Lucan. We are the last of the living reapers," Explains Jaden.

"Living Reapers," asks Rondo,

"Yes, when a Reaper becomes conscious we take sentient life forms, not sure exactly how we come into being. It happened some 700 years ago, Earth was in the feudal Era. A Demon had got his hands on the Darkness core causing a Void war. Reapers came to stop this demon ripping him apart. However he was able to break a piece of a Reaper's scythe creating two powerful weapons. A shadow sword and a shadow scythe," explains Jaden.

"The Demon Scythe power is that of the Shadow Scythe," says Lilly.

"I don't want this power anymore, I feel was tricked by Gorlab, can you guys just remove it from me," pleads Rondo.

"Yes, not without your death," Tells Lucan...