Last Reunion

"Thats Fine, whatever it takes, I just can't live with all the killing," cries Rondo...

"The Demon Scythe power can't be removed unless you grant it to another person," explains Jaden.

"I can't wish this on another person," says Rondo. "You could just let it fade, however then Gorlab could take the power, he's just using you to see if you'd make a prime vessel," Says Lilly.

"What can I do then," pleads Rondo.

"Kill Gorlab, then we'll remove it," explains Lucan.

"Fine, I don't even know where he is," says Rondo.

" He on his way here, we can track his Astral movements," Lilly using magic to shows Gorlab traveling through a metaphysical wormhole.

The location, Rondo panics as it is the address of Emily's house.

"We have to stop them now," Rondo yells.


Gorlab's followers are in legion heading to the Neighborhood where Emily's house is. A powerful electrical current sparks a explosion as Rondo is face to with Gorlab still in his female vessel.

"It seems you were stocking me Rondo," grins Gorlab.

"Stay the fuck away from my daughter," Rondo demands.

" Haha, You're not fit to be a parent," Yells Gorlab as she send a barrage of black energy blasts. Jaden blocks the attacks with his black mana shield. Rondo promptly changes into to demon Scythe attacking Gorlab with intense speed.

They dance around as Jaden shoots black blasts at Gorlab. She dodges both with ease.

"It seem I made a huge mistake choosing you to be one of my vessels, you have weaken it with your emotions," yells Gorlab.

Gorlab shoots a huge blast at Demon Scythe sending him into someone's house. Jaden and Gorlab are in a intense black blast battle unleashing their power.

"Gorlab, The Reapers will find you, and rip the rest of you up," Yells Jaden.

"Haha as long as they think I'm dead, I have nothing to worry about," yells Gorlab.

Demon Scythe appears instantly behind Gorlab. Gorlab can't move. Jaden placed a binding spell under Gorlab during their exchange. Demon Scythe slices off the vessel's head. Her body plops on the ground gushing black blood.

" Hahaha, my followers are already at your daughter's house, soon I will have my new vessel," Gorlab's voice projects then fade.

Jaden begins to burn the body with black flames from his hands, he's gasps hard for air, his powers fading. 

"Make your way to her, I will clean up here," Jaden explains.

"How can we kill Gorlab," asks Rondo.

"Don't worry about it get to Emily," yells Jaden.

 Demon Scythe disappears into black smoke...