3. Red hair boy

"Walk off and mind your own business, you don't know what she did. She deserves to pay" the short girl leading the clique said with a snort. She turned to me and glared at me.

"You're right but I do know, a gentleman won't hit a lady," red hair boy said.

Wulfric snatched his hand back from him. I don't know his name so I'll call him red. 

Wulfric's face was hardened as he exchanged murderous gaze with red. This guy must have anger issues with the way his blood was almost visibly boiling. But something about Wulfric made me want to hug him, I have no idea why.

Despite the anger, it seems I could read the emotions of hurt and loneliness in his lonesome blue eyes. 

His angered blue eyes suddenly averted to me, his steady gaze trailed me from head to toe obviously taking my appearance to memory. 

"We will see where this ends!" Wulfric spat at me and pushed the other guy out of his way while storming off, the three girls followed. I glanced around and couldn't find the guy that was being bullied, he must have escaped some times ago.

"Is that boy going through puberty?. Because with the way he's been angry and picking on that poor guy these days, it's alarming," A brown skinned boy that had been standing behind red incase he needed support said. I didn't notice him until now..

"Thank you for that. But I totally had it under control" I said confidently to the boy with red hair, I couldn't control my urge to take long glances at his hair! They looked so much like mine, exactly the same color.

He stood with unwavering confidence that I never had at my old school and even now. He wasn't trying to hide his hair like I always used to do before I met, my ex boyfriend. I carefully shoved the old memory off my mind. I hate him now and I want to forget about him.

The brown skin boy spoke up before red hair boy could, "Yeah right!. You definitely could not have had it in control for long!. Do you know who that was?. That was Wulfric his father owns this school. Scratch that late father! And to all we know it might soon belong to him. Gosh! He's going to turn all of us to his minions and control this school. I'm Knight by the way and this is Freddy," he introduced, they were both clad in sport Jerseys. 'Red Rebels' i think it's a basketball team.

I widened my lips to a smile, "Freddy uhn?" I became aware of how Freddy was staring deeply into my eyes, he seemed to be lost in a trance making me feel uncomfortable and self aware. 

Freddy kept staring at me without uttering a word, the color of his eyes were just like mine, but even deeper, the deepest shade of red I've ever seen.

"Hey, thanks though" I nodded at Freddy feeling awkward under his gaze.

"I haven't seen you around. You're new here right" his deep voice boomed. 

"Good point" I chuckled sarcastically. 

"What's your name?" He asked just as a bell went off. 

"Mel. Mel Howard " a genuine little smile crept to the left side of my lips. 

Knight cleared his throat, "You two about to fall in love and dance like they do in India movies?."

"Shut up knight. Mel I..I like your eyes" I love the way my name rolled on his tongue.

"Oh hm" I glanced down at my sneakers shyly, not meeting his gaze, "Yours too and..." I began to say but an earsplitting shriek cut me off. 

"Freddyyyyyyy?. Is this where you've been?. Babe I've been waiting in class. You know we have second hour on Mondays together," a tall girl dressed almost sluttily in a short silver skirt and white crop top appeared. She had very long blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. She wore heavy makeup..

Freddy was still staring at me and he didn't hug her back. 

The blonde lady had to turn to face what her boyfriend was staring at, she immediately grinned when her gaze met mine, "A new student?, Hi I'm Naomi, Freddy's one and only pookie bear" she took my hand and shook it. The smell of her heavy perfume swirled around me. And I could smell the tan on her skin. 

"I'm Mel. I'd love to stay and chitchat but I gotta find my class. I missed first hour already. Thank you all" I hurried off feeling hurt by the fact that the only red haired person I was meeting was already taken. What bad luck!. Blue hair wasn't so bad in terms of looks —meaning Wulfric, but I couldn't imagine being with someone who almost hit me. And he is an angry bird. Wait is he even single?. Wait why am I thinking of him?.

I jogged briskly after reading my map. Everyone else was clad in Prime academy uniform. Gray skirts for the girls with long sleeved white shirts and Gray ties. Some of them had on Gray colored sweaters and some had white colored vest. I had to admit they looked nice and slick. 

"Mel!. New roommate!!" I felt two bodies bounce to both sides of me. It was the weird twins and my roommate, Maia and Naia. Now I remember. 

"Need anything?" they said together clinging to their school bag, I was one foot taller than them. 

Maia and Naia were mirror images of one another without a single freckle to differentiate them. They both had short black hair and light olive skin. 

"I can read a map" I scoffed. I was about to tell them off again but I changed my mind and decided to be nice. 

I stopped and stared at both of them, "Point me to class 5A!" I simply said. 

"Fifth floor, sixth room to the right" they chorused. 

"Thank you. Now get off my back and pretend you don't know me" that's how nice I can be. 

I walked briskly away.

Later that evening, I slammed my book shut after my last class for today, maths. Who the heck puts maths class in the afternoon! It barely even sticks to your brain early in the morning, then afternoon!. Shit I don't understand a line. I've collected my uniform and now it's sitting in my locker. 

Before I could get up from my seat, my roommates Maia and Naia rushed to me and I think the one called Maia sat on my desk, her eyes glued to her phone. I'm guessing these two don't have friends. Can't blame the others they're weird. 

"I thought I told you two weird twins to pretend you don't know me" I groaned. 

"We heard, but we didn't obey" they said at the same time.

"Have you seen the video of this girl from Beverly hills turning into a werewolf?" Maia's eyes widened as she stayed glued to her phone screen. Technically, I didn't shift finish, it was just fur that appeared on my skin..

I immediately touched my head to check if my wig was in place and cleared my throat.

"We... werewolf don't exist!" I quickly said standing up.

Maia and Naia exchanged weird looks and glanced back at me, "UHM yeah!" They said together. Their almond beaded eyes glittered strangely, they looked exactly alike and, it was impossible to know them apart. 

"It's probably just video effects to embarrass the poor girl. You know..." 


"I can't even see her face clearly, I wanna know who she is" Maia tried to zoom into the video. 

"Hey, what are you guys doing after school?" I quickly pulled both of them by the hand. 

"Uhmm. We were planning to go to a hangout today. And we have an event tomorrow" they said together, "a very special event" they added. 

So they have friends?, "Really?. Can I come?. It will be a good way for me to make friends. My first party at Prime academy. Whose party is it?."

"Hm invites only!" Naia or Maia said with a nod.

"Did you two get invitations?. Don't any of you have plus one invite?." 

They said together, "No." 

"What kind of party is that?." 

"Hm see it's sort of special. Just anyone can't come and you can't leave the school premises because you're a boarder." 

"You two are boarders too and you're leaving" I said getting slightly pissed. 

"We gave a quick notice."

"I can give a quick notice too" I said.

As me, Maia and Naia were about to leave the classroom, a tall guy in baggy clothes with the shyest face approached us.

"Hey" his voice was barely audible. 

"Oh Nathan!" Maia and Naia said together.

He glanced down at his feet and said, "Th...tha... thank you for saving me from my brother in the morning" he told me. Oh he's the boy Wulfric was bullying.

"Hmm it was nothing. Nathan right?" I put forth my hand for a handshake, smiling kindly. 

"Yeah" Nathan took my hand in his but as if electrocuted, he let go and flinched back staggering. He sharply glanced up and stared directly into my eyes, I was so shocked at his reaction. He began to pant as if he had been running a long race.

"Are you okay?. Did I hurt you?" I asked in confusion trying to get close to him but Nathan was off, he ran away.