4. Missing necklace

"Well that wasn't weird" I exchanged glances with the twins with a puzzled expression as Nathan ran off.

"Are you putting on an electric glove?" One of them asked. 

I rolled my eyes, "Yes I am. Because I'm a prankster." 

"Your eyes are so red, do you put on contact lenses?" One of them was glaring into my eyes in wonder .

"Are two always like this?" I asked as I walked ahead of them. If there was any chances of me meeting a new friend today, they've ruined it by tagging about with me.

"Like what?" They chimed falling in step with me.

"Talking at the same time?. Being creepy?" I said making them chuckle simultaneously. 

I groaned for the hundredth time today, "Stop doing that. It creepy." 

"So Nathan said you saved him from his brother?" One of them asked.

"Yeah" I shrugged, "I mistakenly bumbed into a blue hair guy this morning when I was rushing. He..."

They interrupted with a gasp, "Wulfric?." 

"Yeah. That's what Knight called him...." I was saying but they interrupted me again. 

"Knight?. Freddy's friend?" They gasped again.  

I nodded glancing at them, "Yeah. And that Freddy guy is pretty cool, he was nice to me when Wulfric almost hit me because I bumbed into him." 

They chorused gasped again, pretending like they were about to faint.

I halted and faced them, "What's the deal with this Wulfric guy. Or is the Freddy and Knight you two are tripping for?. You know Freddy's got a babe right?, I met her too." 

I won't be shocked if all the girls at this school was crushing over those guys, they were drop dead gorgeous hunks. 

Maia had a dreamy look in her eye as she began to talk, "Wulfric is the most popular guy in the whole of Prime valley. And also the dreamiest. He plays basketball Oh you should just see him swimming. He's super hot."

I agreed with that, "But he's super grumpy too, he's a shitface bully. And imagine him bullying his own brother?."

"Step brother actually. Nathan is from an affair" They whispered together. That still doesn't justify the bullying.

"I knew you two would know everyone's backstory" I teased. 

"You should stay away from Freddy though?. Don't be deceived by his pretty face," Maia—I think, whispered as we began to head out of school. I completely ignored the weird looks I was getting as I walked, I just tried my best to blink so my red eyes became barely visible.

"I saw Sadie too, our fourth roommate, with something like...I dunno a clique."

"Oh that's Andrea and Kenzie with her. Her friends, Andrea is the short one."

"Mr grumpy face's girlfriend?.

"Oh no. She's just the only girl he'll talk to or even look at. She has been his best friend even before they could wolf ou....I mean walk"Naia— I think, ended with a cough.

The other twin was still in dreamland, "I wish I could be his long awaited Luna!."

"Luna?" I gasped turning to here directly. She stuttered, unable to explain. But on que, Freddy and Knight interceded us.

"If it ain't supergirl" Knight said standing behind Freddy. His brown curly hair dangling over his brown forehead in an adorable way.

Maia and Naia stared at them like they would bite off their heads. Ex issues?, I wondered. I love spicy gist.

"What do you want?" The twins snapped at them drawing attention. Freddy ignored the twins and faced just me.

"Relax, he's not even talking to you short peeble" Knight said in scorn and stuck out his tongue like a kid.

Freddy was staring deeply at me like he was in a trance, just like in the morning, "I like your eyes" his deep voice came out soft and nice.

"Hm...hm...I hmm...thank you. Are you also a border Freddy?," I stuttered not knowing what to say and not wanting to be awkward.

"No I'm not."

"But I am" a voice answered.

A sudden hurricane of perfume engulfed my nose as a blonde haired girl situated herself beside Freddy, clinging to him. She was holding a large fancy cup of transparent sparkling water. 

"Hey Naomi" I smiled eyeing her, she always seems to appear from nowhere. Well Freddy was her boyfriend. I don't blame her for being overprotective of this hot hunk. 

"So, are you a border, Mel?" Freddy wondered as my phone began to ring. 

"Hm yeah" I rummaged my back pocket for it.

"What dorm do you stay?" Naomi asked. 

"She stays at Lady Elizabeth dorm, with us" the twins chorused together. 

"Oh. What luck!" Naomi hummed sarcastically just as I brought out my phone.

Before I could excuse myself from the group, someone bumped into the shoulder and my phone fell out of my hand. 

It fell heavily to the floor, the smashing sound alerting me that the screen has probably been broken, it didn't stop there, whoever bumped into me stepped on it, damaging it even more. 

"Hey!" I shouted in anguish dropping on my knee, what the hell?. If that fall didn't break it, that step definitely did. 

I averted my gaze up to see who the f idiot was and my eyes caught a flash of blue. 

It was blue hair boy. Wulfric. He didn't even glance back to see what he did, he literally just kept dividing his way into the crowd of student, everyone on his path creating space for him. Is this how everyone was afraid of him?. That MF broke my phone!. 

"That jerk!" Freddy wanted to go after him but Knight and Naomi kept him from going. 

"Oh my it's broken" one of the twins picked it up for my sake. 

I scoffed sarcastically, trying to gulp my anger, "You think?." I jabbed it from her trying to get up. 

"Argh" I shrieked, jolting and flinching with sudden shock as something cold and freezing slid down my head, back, and my hand finally over my hand on my already broken phone. It was so cold and freezing I could have gotten into a shock because of the contrast with my warm skin. 

"Gosh!" The twins exclaimed. 

"I'm so sorry. He pushed me. It was a mistake. Are you okay.." Naomi apologized. I was still coached on the floor when I saw her empty fancy cup fall..

The passing students were laughing. Loud cackling laughter diffused into my head, enraging me even further. 

I gripped my phone, anger boiling through my veins, unable to get up from the floor. 

"Here I gat you" I felt a jacket coming over my shoulder and hands securing them, "it's okay" Freddy's deep voice assured me. 

He helped me to my feet, Naomi was apologizing but I paid no attention to her. 

"T..thanks" I muttered before freeing myself from Freddy. I angrily ran the rest of the way out of school, angry at Wulfric and Naomi.


"What the hell?" I exclaimed, wiping the bits of tears that laced my eyelashes. I was still upset about my broke phone but something else got my attention.

My compartment in the room was in disarray. I dropped my bag pack on the floor glancing around, I mean completely turned upside down. I wasn't exactly the neatest girl around, not having arranged my room properly since I arrived but still. 

This wasn't how I left it!. Someone must have snopped through my stuffs. But who?..

"My necklace!" I exclaimed jumping to my drawer. I began to rattle the already opened drawer only to find my necklace missing. My chest constricted immediately, what the hell?. I yelled slamming it shut. Who the hell stole it?. 

Maia and Naia can't be here yet so it had to be that snubby bitch that snubbed me since the very first day I said HI to her. Sadie!. 

I ran out of the room and to her compartment, I knocked furiously on the door and turned the knob but it was locked!. Gosh why did I forget to lock mine too!. 

The only reasonable thing to do was go report to the dorm supervisors, but no! I hate getting adults involved. That necklace is an extremely special necklace that I would hate to lose, i have to get it from Sadie herself. If she's the only who stole it. 

We have 4 keys to our room, each with one of us, so only Sadie could have come in here. I tried to call myself while going back to my compartment. 

I groaned ripping my wig off my head in distress!. The necklace was my father present. He had given it to me right before he died and

sometimes I could hear him talking to me through the necklace. I must get it back, it's a big part of my life. 

I got out of my cloths, went in for a shower and slept off on my bed. This Sadie girl and her clique must be in for war with me.