27. Tournament begins


"My name is Mel Howard and I'll be auditioning for drama club class 3" I said as calmly as I could. Then I cleared my throat.

I could make out Wulfric's gaze in the crowd of students, penetrating into mine, even though only a faint shadow of the light reflected where he sat at the back, I could feel he was smirking at me. Why is suddenly everywhere I am.

Why is he even here!?.

"Mel you got this" I heard Scarlet's faint cat call.

And so I began my monologue, " You keep saying you love me. But you don't show it, what am I supposed to do with just your words. It's my mistake, I should have left a long time ago. I should have left before it got this far.

But I was just afraid because I had so much hope that's you were the one for me. I thought, what if I let go but then I never find anyone. For you, I let go. I let go of the romantic love story I've always imagined in my head and settled for something less