28. Who's Daniel


"Nice game man!."

I felt a hand pat my back as I struggled to tug the jersey off my body. The sweats had made the jersey cling disgusting on my skin making my skin become irritated.

"What the hell?!" I yelled impulsively shaking the hand off violently. I finally ripped the shirt off my face not caring whether it tore.

It was one of the guys on the team, Darien or whatever, "Don't you ever touch me again" I pushed his chest backwards until his body was slammed on the set of lockers.

"Ohhhhhhhhh!" The rest of the boys cooed.

"Don't ever touch me again" I repeated, yelling at him.

He seemed taken back, blinking to cover up his shock "Wow!. Sorry man!. I didn't mean to upset you!."

I groaned, feeling too annoyed to even use the shower at school anymore. I reached out for a hoodie in my locker, slammed it shut and left the locker room.