"So are you saying that there are special waves in the light of the full moon that make Goku's DNA react in an 'exceptional' way and that is why he is transforming?" Gohan asked Doctor Brief.
Everyone in the Brief house was happily eating lunch in the courtyard of the mansion, enjoying the fresh air with a hearty meal, although much of it went to Goku, who was already demonstrating his exceptional appetite.
Not only he, but also Bulma ate in large quantities, although not to the exaggerated level of a Saiyan, and even though she could photosynthesize, who could refuse the rich food? She couldn't.
Perhaps because of the influence of her Plant-like nature, Bulma especially loved sweets, while Vash liked doughnuts, she was very fond of cupcakes and ate them for dessert whenever she could, making sure that the gluttonous Goku didn't eat them.
"Yeah, at first I didn't understand the reason for such an extraordinary transformation, you know? So I did some experiments with samples of Goku's DNA. But I discovered something very interesting.
The boy's tail is vital for this transformation, I think that the energy needed for his transformation is gradually stored in his tail and later activated by the special waves on the moon catalyzed.
According to Tights' alien friend, it is known that these waves already have a specific name, 'Blutz Waves', although I would have called it something else, like 'Lunar Essence' or something more mystical, because this whole situation is like something out of an ancient tale," Brief explained, not to mention all the effort he put into this work.
He also discovered some strange anomalies in Son Goku's genome, a genetic quirk that allowed his body, under certain conditions not yet determined, to produce a special type of cell with greater energetic activity than those in his tail.
It was doubtful that such an event would have been triggered in the child or he would be much stronger than he is now, but it was interesting how the Saiyan race worked.
Coupled with several genetic 'blocks' he found in their DNA for unknown purposes, it made him think about the uniqueness of the Saiyans and how different they were from humans.
But the fact that they could potentially lover with Earthlings was the most interesting. What would happen between an Earthling and a Saiyan? Would the child have a tail? Would it have those genetic blocks in its DNA? Would it inherit the special cells if its Saiyan father had them at the time of fertilization?
The only way to test those things was to wait for Goku to get married and decide to have children, so Brief was in no hurry to do that, because seeing how innocent the child was, it would probably be a long time before that situation came to fruition.
"But Dad, you said that Goku's power level is currently 50 points, multiplied by 10 is 500. Can Grandpa Gohan fight him?" Tights asked about the key point of the situation.
"I can," Gohan said normally because he knew it quite well.
As long as the difference in power levels was not overwhelming, it would depend more on control and the ability to project energy. Having 500 power points doesn't mean that you can project that much power with every hit unless you've trained for it.
Goku hadn't, and adding to that the fact that he still didn't have the mental strength to control his transformation, he would be lucky to be able to project even half of those 500 points, making it easy for Gohan to fight him.
Although it would be difficult to affect Ozaru's body, he had techniques to solve this problem. Bulma had given him the concepts of a very devastating technique a few years ago, and he had only recently put it into practice, so he was ready to use it if necessary.
"Mngmhh," Goku said with his mouth full, for which he received a slap on the back of the head from Bulma.
"Chew and swallow, Goku, you're not being understood," Bulma scolded, but Bikini's laughter ruined the tense moment the girl was trying to create.
"Don't be so rude, Bulma, or you won't get a lover. You have to be nice and patient with little Goku. Come on Goku, have some juice to wash down your food," Bikini kindly offered the boy a glass of orange juice.
"Thank you, Aunt Bikini!" Goku thanked her after drinking the juice and swallowing the food that had prevented him from speaking clearly.
"What I meant was that I don't like being a giant monkey," Goku complained as he overheard the two men talking.
He knew that he could turn into a monster named Ozaru, but knowing that he could endanger his grandfather and the people he loved made him very reluctant to do so, so he remained cautious on nights with a full moon.
Unlike his canonical counterpart, who didn't realize his situation until he reached a certain age and even came to the realization that he was the one who killed his grandfather, this version of Goku was much more self-aware and even a bit more cautious.
Yes, he was a naive and restless child, but growing up without possible brain damage and under the tutelage of the Brief family gave Goku a better understanding of the world and common sense.
He even went to school! Although his only friend was a strange girl named Chi-Chi, he was relatively average among the students and excelled in physical education. He, who knew the dangers of his transformation and the loss of control that would come with it, did not look favorably on the plan to transform.
"Goku!" Gohan called to his grandson, causing the boy to stop trying to steal one of Bulma's cupcakes and look at his grandfather with an innocent smile.
"I understand your fears little one, but you have to face them, you have to know yourself better, accept yourself, and turn that power into your own strength, that's why I ask you to meditate," Gohan spoke with a small smile on his face, he saw that the innocence of the child was not lost, maybe it will be a trait he will never lose in the future.
"But, but... what if I hurt you, what if I hurt Bulma or Tights?" asked Goku softly, his voice was shaking and really showed his fear, he even had some tears at the corners of his eyes.
"Your grandfather will always be there to protect them, to protect you until you can do it yourself, Goku," Gohan's words of comfort made Goku nod carelessly.
"Oh, little boy, come, let your Aunt Bikini hug you," the blonde woman approached little Goku and hugged him tightly, resting the boy's head on her ample breasts, smothering him.
"Mom, he's an alien, but he also breathes through his nose," Bulma warned, pointing out that Goku was struggling to get out of Bikini's embrace.
"I'm sorry! It's just that he's so soft," Bikini replied with a small smile, before releasing Goku, who began to take big breaths.
"Dad, can we see Goku's transformation? I'd like to have first-hand information to write about it, some pictures would be nice, but I doubt I can capture the true impact of seeing a gigantic being," Tights didn't miss the opportunity and approached her father, making a cute appeal for her father's permission.
"They'd do their best to go anyway, even if I refused," Brief replied somewhat wearily, only to be hugged by his daughter, who almost threw herself at him.
"Thanks, Dad, you're the best!" the teenager cried before running off to her room.
She needed her laptop to write down everything she was about to experience! Who knew, maybe she'd be inspired to write something good. She already had ideas, the one about a monkey boy wreaking havoc in the world, and no one could defeat him, not even the Space King's army.
"Hmmp! What a good idea Tights, I'll call it 'The Journey to the Northern Galaxy', I just have to find an excuse to make it travel the galaxy in a coherent way, going just to fight wouldn't make much plot sense," Tights muttered, the ideas coming to her active mind, she felt she had a big blockbuster.
"You're a genius, Tights, you're a genius!" the blonde teenager praised herself, unaware that she had been inspired not only by her everyday life but maybe also by some legendary stories in the Omniverse, too bad she'll never know.
"Even though it is not a full moon tonight, my beam weapon can fire the necessary amount of Blutz Waves, enough to catalyze Goku's transformation into an Ozaru. I have also found an excellent place to perform the procedure where no one will be hurt," Brief said, picking up the main direction of the conversation again.
"Where is that, do we need coats or sunscreen, should I pack a picnic, why did you wait until now to tell me?" Bikini bombarded her husband with questions, who felt the urge to smoke another cigarette, but remembered that they were in the middle of lunch.
"This is in the desert, so sunscreen and light clothing would be a good idea. You can prepare something to eat, but nothing as elaborate as a picnic. I told you now because I knew that if I did it days in advance, you would turn it into a party," Brief said with some resignation, understanding his wife too well to know how she would react, so he had rehearsed the answers.
"Of course, I would plan everything accordingly, such as appropriate desert clothing, special sunscreen, methods to avoid the sand, the sun, also several very appropriate desert foods such as..." Bikini started to say everything she could have done if she had had enough time to prepare, which perfectly justified Brief's decision to tell her at the last minute.
Especially since he didn't think that trying to cook eggs in the desert sand to see how they turned out was something he wanted to experience, so his wife's whole plan would be considerably curtailed, except for...
"But next time you have to tell me in time, or someone will have to sleep on the couch," Bikini finished and turned her attention to Brief, although her eyes were not open, the Doctor had the feeling that he was being watched by some terrible animal.
"Auntie is as scary as Bulma," Goku whispered, or at least he tried, his voice was heard by everyone.
"I'm not scary, honey, I'm just giving your uncle a gentle reminder, come on, eat some apple pie, Bulma took care of a tree that produced some excellent fruit, I barely used sugar," in a quick change of mood, Bikini opened her eyes and took a piece of pie, which she quickly brought closer to Goku's open mouth, preventing him from talking anymore.
'Mom is scary,' thought Bulma, who thought she wasn't that bad to compare herself to her mother, not knowing that her temper was as explosive and vengeful as Bikini's, if not more so.
While the whole family was preparing for this activity, in the sky where Kami-Sama's lookout was located, a certain green-skinned alien was looking down, watching and listening to everything that was going on in the Brief household.
"Experimenting with this power? No, I have to see for myself. Just in case, it would be dangerous to leave something like that unattended," Kami-Sama mused, then looked back and saw his faithful servant, Mr. Popo.
"Mr. Popo, I have some things to do on Earth, please take care of the lookout," Kami-Sama said before flying directly to Doctor Brief's chosen location.
"Bye, Kami.... now, how many bitches should I buy? This weed is not going to smoke itself," said Mr. Popo with a terrible coldness in his words, his eyes permanently open, lidless, staring straight into nothingness, into the void.
"I see you, maggot," he said directly to you, the reader of this fanfic.
"Do you want to be one of the bitches I invite?" asked the creature capable of breaking the fourth wall, although the author decided to do it only this once because he couldn't stand the action style of this character, relegating him to a mere wink and giving him back his canonical personality.
AN: There will be no episodes until January 1, 2025. At the time this chapter is uploaded, it is the night of December 29th, so I wish you happy holidays, happy new year and abundant prosperity.