"If I turn into a giant monkey, will I be able to eat a lot? But if I fill up and return to my normal form, will my stomach explode? What if I stumble and hurt my feet? Will they still hurt in my human form?" Goku seemed to have been bitten by the mosquito of questions.
Perhaps as a way to distract his mind from the situation that was making him uncomfortable, Goku decided to find out as much as he could about his Ozaru form, at least in his way.
"Bulma, are you eating sun? What if it runs out or gets dark? You can't eat the sun! She's a funny flower!" Or maybe it was because kids like to tease, so little Goku quickly abandoned the important questions and started asking more and more absurd things, at least to an adult's ear.
"Not like sunshine, that's impossible," Bulma replied with a bit of irritation in her voice, and noticing this, Goku decided to annoy Bulma even more.
"But that's what I learned in school! If plants do that thing where they eat the sun and produce fruit, will Bulma produce fruit too? I would like to try one! Bulma, answer me! Bulma? Buuuuuulma, Bulma! Bulma! Bulma! Bulma!" Goku shouted at the blue-haired girl more and more, causing her to explode.
"What!?" asked Bulma visibly upset small sparks of purple Ki appeared on her right hand, the idea of throwing Goku out of the airship growing more and more in her mind.
"Are we there yet~?" asked Goku in a singing voice, only to duck his body as a small ball of Ki flew past his head.
Luckily, Bulma controlled her energy so that it was quickly undone before it hit anything important, but she ran after the annoying kid, needing to show him that he shouldn't bother her big sister.
"Kids have a lot of energy, haha," Bikini laughed as she saw her current daughter as a little girl, sometimes one could forget that underneath all the genius and strength there was just a little 10-year-old girl.
"Goku knows how to tease her, but I don't think he realizes the consequences," said Tights, who had conveniently recorded everything that happened on her phone.
Why? Sometimes it was good to go around collecting footage to embarrass them in the future, after all, she was the real older sister in the family. Tights was waiting for the right time to show off her collection of embarrassing videos and photos of her two siblings.
Yes, the family had practically integrated Son Gohan and Son Goku into their family, after all, they were good people who could be trusted, added to the fact that it was not a problem for a family with so much wealth to take care of two more people, the integration was very smooth and natural.
"You can see that Goku has a special talent for annoying Bulma, even though it's just a game," Gohan replied a little embarrassed, luckily he hadn't given the Magic Staff to his grandson.
He already imagined the future where Goku would extend the weapon to annoy Bulma from a safe distance, especially to constantly prod her to provoke some reaction, because children were so fidgety.
'Although Ox King's daughter is really quiet,' Gohan thought of his fellow apprentice and the one he had met sometime later to introduce his apprentice Bulma.
Of course, he had to have a somewhat rude conversation with the man to teach him not to use the knowledge their master Muten Roshi had given them not to kill indiscriminately for unfounded ideas.
Greed had taken over his fellow apprentice's mind and he didn't realize that the area he lived in was likely to suffer a terrible accident, or at least that's what Gohan could interpret at first glance due to his Celestial Path.
Following his advice that if he wanted prosperity, he could get it honestly in the capital, where he could give a better future to his daughter Chi-Chi, Ox Satan left his increasingly bloodthirsty path and moved to the capital of the West with all his wealth.
Chi-Chi went to the same school as Goku and because of the relationship between their parents, they had become friends and even trained together sometimes, but for the time being, the girl was not officially Gohan's pupil.
Something about having to talk to Muten Roshi first when it was time to formalize Chi-Chi's training. Bulma's apprenticeship was something more private and personal on Gohan's part if it wasn't for how simple Muten Roshi was, Gohan might have received some punishment.
Old rules were hardly followed anymore except in a few remote places where there were martial arts temples or the master-apprentice tradition was overly valued, fortunately, the whole Muten Roshi 'lineage' was not that strict.
"Gotcha, brat!" said Bulma, holding Goku's tail, but unlike the early years, the boy was still full of energy, just a little uncomfortable.
"Don't touch my tail! It tickles!" Goku shouted, trying to run away from Bulma's grip, but the girl was much stronger than him.
"Bulma, let go, it's not good to touch other people and make them feel uncomfortable," Doctor Brief advised, making his little daughter blush with embarrassment.
'Another one for the collection,' Tights thought as he photographed her sister's embarrassed face, feeling she had done something good with the angle she had chosen.
"Stop playing around, we're here," Brief said quickly so the others could see the scenery they were heading for.
If you have ever seen Dragon Ball, you will recognize the rock constructions that can be seen in this place, it seems that Doctor Brief chose this place well, where a big giant monkey could vent his desire for destruction if he wanted to, without anyone getting hurt.
Of course, the others did not see the green-skinned creature hiding behind some rocks some distance away, his especially good eyes and ears, enhanced by his position as Kami-Sama of the land, allowed the son of Katatz to spy, indeed, to evaluate in detail the test to be conducted here.
The Brief family airship landed in an open field and quickly transformed into a capsule, which Mr. Brief carefully stowed away. It was late afternoon, almost four o'clock, so the sun was not as strong as it had been earlier.
"This place is perfect for camping! We can spend the night here under a beautiful starry sky," Bikini said, admiring the place, even though it was dry, it would certainly allow for a beautiful view of the night sky.
Desert places had that special something, and the woman didn't want to miss anything special about this place. She already had hundreds of plans and ideas, but the lack of time made her feel a little resentful towards her husband.
'He will sleep on the floor tonight,' thought the kind woman, who always stayed with the close ones, deciding the fate of her unsuspecting husband, who only had a premonitory shiver, but did not give it much importance.
"Well, the tests are about to begin. Bulma, can you prepare the equipment?" Brief handed some capsules to his daughter so that she could place some necessary machines.
Several special cameras had to be placed in certain places to get a complete view of Goku's transformation, where not only his physique would be scanned, but also more detailed data for future analysis.
The agility provided by 70 power points meant that Bulma accomplished this task with relative ease, although she didn't realize that she almost ran into Kami-Sama, who managed to hide from her quite well.
'The technology of this family is really interesting,' Kami-Sama thought with some interest when he saw the camera that Bulma had placed a few meters away from where he was hiding.
Sure, he had seen the creation of robots by a group of pirates over 100 years ago, the androids of a certain doctor in a certain army, and was even in awe of Doctor Omori's feat with his time-stopping machine, but it was the Brief family that caught his attention the most.
Doctor Brief was not the first of his family to be a genius, but those traits seemed to explode with him and magnify with his young daughter Bulma, each more prominent than the last.
Although it might not seem like it, Kami-Sama was someone with a lot of knowledge, perhaps seeing all that humanity was capable of for centuries would have opened your mind, and added to what we can call 'divine wisdom', his assimilation of knowledge was high.
"Good, now I need to calibrate the weapon. Little Goku, stand there, under the big X," Brief instructed as he touched a few key points on his orb weapon.
His expression was serious this time; he didn't even have the cat he always carried with him or the cigarette that always seemed to accompany him. Next to him was Gohan, who watched his grandson with some reluctance.
"You'll be fine Goku, your grandfather is here," Gohan comforted, making Goku nod, but this time he didn't make any funny and innocent comments as usual, he knew the seriousness of this moment.
"Come on Goku, reject your humanity, go back to being a monkey," Bulma encouraged with a little joke that brought a silly grin to Goku's face, who wagged his tail excitedly.
"Bulma," the boy said with a wistful tone.
"Yes?" asked Bulma, knowing that her younger brother was sure to make some strange or outrageous request, and he did.
"Can you make a machine that makes muffins with the push of a button?" the boy asked with excitement in his eyes, thinking about food was certainly a way for him to distract himself.
"I will think about it," Bulma made no promises, but it seemed like a good idea to try something like that, who knows, maybe something good would come out of it.
As long as she doesn't make a machine that creates sentient food like a certain genie in the omniverse, something like what Goku asked for would be really interesting.
"Okay, all set. Goku, get ready," Brief finally said, making the whole atmosphere quite tense.
Bikini and Tights were at a considerable distance, watching what was going on through a screen divided into several stages, using the signal from the cameras set up by Bulma beforehand.
They kept their distance to avoid any accidents, there were only three humans near Goku and one god who watched furtively. Brief pointed his beam weapon at the boy, who was a little tense.
"Is it going to hurt?" Goku finally asked, expecting a negative answer.
"I don't know, answer me later" Brief activated the weapon, which emitted a constant buzzing sound, but nothing spectacular happened.
There was no beam of light, no incredible sound effect, not even a little extra wind, in fact, Goku constantly looked at his body, expecting some change, but noticed nothing.
"Mr. Brief, your weapon is..." Goku couldn't finish speaking because his body had finally started to react to the invisible influence of the Blutz Waves.
The sound of a huge heart began to be heard clearly by all, like a war drum announcing the arrival of a terrible creature. A wild aura emerged from the naive Goku, who began to change.
His eyes turned red, his body began to transform, his muscles grew, and gradually his being was covered with thick brown fur. His body grew larger and larger, tearing at his clothes.
With a primal roar, his body reached an enormous height, casting shadows on those below. His roar pushed loose rocks from the ground and his footsteps shook the entire desert.
"Okay, Goku, can you hear me?" asked Gohan with some hope in his voice, but he received only a wild growl in response.
"I don't think he's sane," Bulma felt the overwhelming wild and violent emotions coming from Goku, which already meant something very important.
Goku had gone on a rampage!
AN: Happy New Year!