Chapter 7

I turned to Hestia, my mind brimming with a new idea. "Hey, Hestia, I've been thinking - what if I used my World Traveler ability to visit other worlds? Maybe I could find some way to gain more power and become a stronger adventurer."

Hestia's brow furrowed with concern. "Other worlds? David-kun, I thought your portals only led to Orario. Are you saying you can go to completely different realms?"

I nodded, feeling a surge of excitement. "That's right! I'm not sure of the full extent of my abilities, but I think I might be able to travel to all sorts of places. Imagine the kind of powers and equipment I could find in other worlds!"

Hestia's eyes widened, and she reached out to grasp my hands. "But David-kun, that sounds so dangerous! What if you get lost or hurt in these other realms? I couldn't bear the thought of something happening to you."

I squeezed her hands reassuringly. "Don't worry, Hestia. I'll be careful, I promise. And besides, think of how much stronger I could become! Imagine the kind of feats I could accomplish to help grow your Familia."

Hestia chewed her lip, her expression torn. "I understand your desire to become more powerful, David-kun, but I can't help but worry. How will you know which worlds are safe to explore? What if you encounter something you can't handle?"

I gave Hestia's hands a gentle squeeze, hoping to reassure her. "Don't worry, Hestia. I'll be careful, I promise. And with my World Traveler ability, I'll be able to scope out each world before fully exploring it. I'll make sure to only visit places that are safe and won't put me in danger."

Hestia's brow furrowed as she considered my words. "But how will you know which worlds are safe, David-kun? There are so many different realms out there, filled with all sorts of unknown dangers."

I grinned, feeling a surge of excitement. "That's a great question, Hestia! You see, I've been keeping track of all the different stories and fictional worlds I've come across. Manga, anime, movies, TV shows - you name it, I've got a whole collection."

I gestured to the shelves behind me, where an array of books, comics, and DVDs were neatly organized. "Each one of these represents a potential world I can explore. I've studied them extensively, so I know what kinds of powers, abilities, and threats exist in each one."

Hestia's eyes widened as she took in the impressive collection. "You mean to tell me that all of these... are actual worlds you can visit?" She carefully picked up a volume of Dragonball, flipping through the pages with a sense of wonder.

"That's right!" I exclaimed. "Just imagine the kind of powers and resources I could find in a world like this. I could become stronger than anyone in Orario!"

Hestia's expression shifted from amazement to concern as she continued to skim through the manga. "But David-kun, these characters are incredibly powerful. What if you encounter something you can't handle?"

I nodded in agreement, "You're absolutely right, Hestia. Diving headfirst into these powerful worlds would be way too risky, even for me. I don't want to put myself or the Familia in danger."

I gestured to the shelves, "But think about it - with all these different worlds to explore, I can start small and work my way up. Maybe I'll find a nice, peaceful world first to get my bearings, build up my strength, and then tackle the tougher ones."

Hestia's expression softened as she considered my proposal. "That does make sense, David-kun. And knowing the details of each world ahead of time gives us a huge advantage. We can carefully choose which ones are safe to explore, rather than rushing in blindly."

She traced her fingers along the spine of the Dragonball manga, a thoughtful look on her face. "Plus, if you can bring back powerful new abilities or equipment from these other worlds, it would be a huge boost for the Familia. We might even be able to surpass the other Familias."

I grinned, seeing the excitement building in Hestia's eyes. "Exactly! This could be the key to making our Familia the strongest in Orario. We just need to plan it out carefully and take it one step at a time."

Hestia nodded, her previous concerns melting away. "Alright, David-kun. I trust your judgment on this. Let's start small and see what kinds of treasures and powers we can find in these other worlds. But please, promise me you'll be cautious and come back to me safely, no matter what."

I reached out and gave Hestia's hands a reassuring squeeze. "I promise, Hestia. I won't do anything reckless, I swear. Together, we're going to make the Hestia Familia the envy of all Orario!"

I watched with bated breath as Hestia's fingers traced the spines of the manga volumes, her expression filled with wonder and curiosity. She seemed genuinely fascinated by the creative worlds depicted in these stories, a far cry from the classical heroic tales she was likely familiar with from her divine origins.

Suddenly, Hestia paused, her gaze drifting to the side as she murmured, "I wonder... do I have a story like these, too?"

My heart skipped a beat at her words, and I couldn't help but flinch involuntarily. Of course Hestia had a story - she was the central figure in the Danmachi universe, the beloved goddess who had captured the hearts of countless fans, including myself. The very thought of her being unaware of her own role in this grand tale was both comical and unsettling.

Hestia's sharp eyes immediately picked up on my reaction, and she turned to me, her brow furrowed in suspicion. "David-kun, did you just flinch? Why did you do that?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of playful accusation.

I start sweating nervously, trying to play it off as nothing "Haha, what? No, no, it's nothing, Hestia. I just, uh, had a little muscle spasm, that's all!"

Hestia's eyes narrow as she scrutinizes me. "David-kun, you're a terrible liar. I can tell when a mortal is being dishonest, you know." She leans in closer, her voice taking on a teasing lilt. "Now, what are you hiding from your dear goddess?"

I gulp audibly, realizing my mistake too late. Of course Hestia, as a deity, would be able to sense when a mere mortal like myself was being less than truthful. How could I have forgotten that? I chuckle awkwardly, scratching the back of my head "Ah, well, you see, the thing is... I, uh, I kind of forgot that gods can tell when their followers are lying. Haha, silly me!"

Hestia taps her chin thoughtfully, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Hmm, so you thought you could pull one over on your goddess, did you? Tsk, tsk, David-kun, that's not very nice."

I take a deep breath, steeling my nerves "Hestia, the truth and the entire world of Orario, you're all part of a story on Earth. A story called 'Danmachi', or 'Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?'."

Hestia's eyes widen in shock, her mouth agape. "W-what?! What do you mean, David-kun? I'm...part of a story?" She looks around the room frantically, as if searching for answers.

I nod solemnly. "Yes, Hestia. On Earth, there's an anime, manga, and light novel series all about this world and the adventures of a young adventurer named Bell Cranel. And you, as the goddess of the Hestia Familia, play a central role in it all."

Hestia's brow furrows in confusion. " can that be? I'm a real goddess, living in the real world of Orario. How can I be part of a story?" She pauses, then a look of realization dawns on her face. "Wait, does that mean...everything that's happened to me, to us, has all been predetermined?"

I shook my head quickly, dispelling Hestia's fears. "No, no, Hestia, you've got it all wrong. Just because this world is part of a story on Earth doesn't mean everything is predetermined. In fact, I think the fact that I'm here with you changes things up."

Hestia's brow furrowed, her expression relaxing a bit as she listened intently. "What do you mean, David-kun? How could your presence change the course of events?"

I grinned, feeling a surge of excitement. "You see, Hestia, the moment I arrived in Orario and joined your Familia, I became a wild card. The story you're a part of, the one they call 'Danmachi' back on Earth, well, it's no longer set in stone. Anything could happen now!"

Hestia's eyes widened, a glimmer of hope shining through. "You mean, I'm not just a character in a story? That my destiny is no longer written?"

I nodded emphatically. "That's right, Hestia. With me here, the future is wide open. Who knows what kind of adventures we'll have or how we'll shake up the world of Orario?"

Hestia relaxed a little after hearing my explanation, the tension in her shoulders easing. Hestia blinks rapidly, processing this new information. Then, suddenly, her eyes light up with mischief. "Hehe, so you're saying I'm a famous goddess in this world, huh?" She leans in closer, a coy smile playing on her lips. "Does that mean all the mortals on Earth find me irresistibly cute and charming?"

I feel my face flush with heat. "W-well, I mean, yes, a lot of people do find you, um, very adorable and...captivating." I avert my gaze, unable to maintain eye contact.

Hestia giggles, her shoulders shaking with amusement. "Aw, David-kun, you're so flustered! Don't tell me you're one of those mortals who finds me irresistible, too?" She winks playfully.

I felt my face flush with even more heat as Hestia's words sank in. "W-well, I mean, yes, I do find you quite captivating, Hestia," I admitted, unable to meet her gaze. "That's actually one of the reasons I was so eager to join your Familia. I wanted to be close to you."

Hestia's eyes sparkled with delight, and before I could react, she bounded towards me, wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug. "Oh, David-kun, you're just too cute!" she exclaimed, her laughter ringing out. "I knew you couldn't resist my charms!" She pulled back slightly, her face mere inches from mine, a mischievous grin plastered across her features.

After Hestia was content with teasing me, she asked, "So, David-kun, if this world of Orario is part of a story on Earth, can you show me this 'Danmachi' that you've been talking about?"

I nodded eagerly, "Of course, Hestia! I have the entire first season of the anime right here." I quickly retrieved the DVD set and set up the TV, gesturing for Hestia to join me on the sofa.

As the opening credits rolled, Hestia leaned in, her eyes fixed on the screen. But the moment the full title "Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?" appeared, her brow furrowed in annoyance.

"'Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?'" Hestia repeated, her voice dripping with displeasure. "Who on Earth would give a story about me and my Familia such a scandalous title?" She crossed her arms, a pout forming on her lips.

I chuckled nervously, "Ah, well, you see, Hestia, that's just the way they market these kinds of stories on Earth. It's meant to be a bit provocative and draw in readers, but I assure you, the actual content is much more wholesome and focuses on your Familia's adventures."

Hestia huffed, her gaze still fixed on the screen. "Well, I don't like it one bit. It makes me sound like some sort of...some sort of..." She struggled to find the right words, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"Don't worry, Hestia," I said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure the story itself will show how caring and devoted you are as a goddess. And besides, I think the title is just a marketing gimmick. It doesn't reflect who you truly are."

Hestia seemed to relax a bit at my words, her expression softening. "I suppose you're right, David-kun. I shouldn't judge the story before I've even seen it." She turned her attention back to the screen, her curiosity piqued once more.

As the episode played out, I watched Hestia's reactions closely, eager to see how she would respond to seeing her own story unfold before her eyes.


As Hestia and I sat on the couch watching the opening scene of the Danmachi anime, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. I knew this was the moment where Bell Cranel, the protagonist, would be introduced, and I was eager to see Hestia's reaction.

Sure enough, the scene unfolded exactly as I remembered - Bell, with his distinctive white hair, was being chased by a towering Minotaur in the depths of the Dungeon. I could feel Hestia tense up beside me, her eyes glued to the screen.

"Oh no, that poor boy!" she exclaimed, her brow furrowed in concern. "He's no match for that beast!"

Just then, a blur of golden hair and gleaming steel descended upon the Minotaur, and Ais Wallenstein emerged, effortlessly slaying the monster with a single swing of her sword. I glanced over at Hestia, eagerly awaiting her reaction.

"Wait, I know that girl!" Hestia said, her eyes widening. "That's Ais Wallenstein, the Sword Princess of the Loki Familia! She's one of the most famous adventurers in Orario!"

I nodded, a small smile playing on my lips. "That's right, Hestia. And the boy she just saved is Bell Cranel - the one who's supposed to be your first Familia member."

Hestia blinked in surprise, her gaze shifting back to the screen as Bell stared up at Ais in awe, his face splattered with the Minotaur's blood. "My first Familia member?" she murmured, a hint of wonder in her voice.

As we continued watching, Hestia couldn't help but comment on the events unfolding. "Look at him, all covered in that monster's blood! Oh, the poor dear, he must be so embarrassed." She shook her head, a sympathetic frown on her face.

When Bell suddenly fled the scene, Hestia let out a small gasp. "He's running away? But why? Ais was just trying to help him!" She turned to me, her brow furrowed in confusion.

I chuckled, "I think he's just overwhelmed, Hestia. Ais is one of his idols, and he's probably feeling pretty embarrassed that she had to save him like that."

Hestia nodded slowly, her gaze returning to the screen. "I see. Well, I hope he doesn't let this discourage him. If he's truly meant to be a part of my Familia, he'll need to be braver than that."

As Hestia and I continued watching the Danmachi anime, I couldn't help but steal glances at her, gauging her reactions. I was particularly eager to see her response to Bell.

When the scene shifted to a freshly cleaned-up Bell, Hestia leaned forward, her eyes fixed on the screen. "Look at him, all cleaned up now. Such a polite and innocent-looking young man," she remarked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

As Bell approached the Hestia Familia's humble abode, Hestia's animated counterpart greeted him with an enthusiastic embrace. I couldn't help but chuckle at the contrast between Hestia's animated self and the goddess sitting next to me, who watched the scene with a more reserved expression.

"Well, that's certainly an energetic greeting," Hestia commented, her brow slightly furrowed. "I must admit, I don't quite share the same level of affection for this Bell Cranel as my animated self seems to. He's a stranger to me, after all."

I nodded in understanding, noting the subtle differences between Hestia's on-screen persona and the goddess I had come to know. "I can see that, Hestia. But perhaps, in time, you'll grow to care for him just as deeply as your animated counterpart."

Hestia hummed in contemplation, her gaze returning to the screen as her counterpart updated Bell's Falna. "Hmm, yes, I suppose it's possible. Though I must say, I find this 'Liaris Freese' skill of his quite intriguing. A skill that grants him the power to grow rapidly when in love? How curious."

I nodded in agreement, "Yeah, Liaris Freese is pretty crazy. Seems like it's giving Bell an unfair advantage." I chuckled, "Though I guess I can't really talk, since I've got my own little cheat code with this World Traveler thing."

Hestia placed a hand on my arm, her expression softening. "Now, now, David-kun, don't sell yourself short. Your World Traveler ability is just as special, in its own way. We all have our own paths to greatness."

I nodded in agreement, a wry smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "You've got a point there, Hestia. I guess we're both a bit unique in our own ways."

Hestia hummed thoughtfully, her gaze returning to the screen. "Indeed. Though I must say, I'm quite amused by how my animated counterpart seems to dote on this Bell Cranel. It's almost as if she's already adopted him as her own."

I chuckled, "Yeah, it is kind of like how you were with me, Hestia. Welcoming me so warmly and making me feel like part of your family."

Hestia looked at me, a playful smile on her lips. "Are you jealous, David-kun?"

I felt a slight heat rise to my cheeks. "Maybe a little bit," I admitted with a sheepish grin.

Hestia let out a light laugh and pulled me into a warm embrace. "Oh, you silly boy. Even if Bell joins our Familia, you'll always be my first child. My affection for you won't change, David-kun." She squeezed me gently, her voice soft and reassuring.

I relaxed into Hestia's hug, a contented smile spreading across my face. "Thanks, Hestia. I'm glad to hear that."

As Hestia and I continued watching the first season of Danmachi, I couldn't help but notice how Hestia's expression shifted whenever the goddess Freya appeared on the screen. Her brow would furrow, and her lips would purse in a subtle display of frustration.

"I can't believe Freya would orchestrate such dangerous situations for Bell," Hestia said, her voice tinged with a mixture of concern and annoyance. "Sending a Silverback and a mutated Minotaur after him, just so he could grow stronger? That's incredibly reckless and manipulative."

Hestia sighed heavily, her eyes fixed on the screen as the events unfolded. "I know Bell has incredible potential, but putting him in harm's way like that is unacceptable. As his goddess, I'll have to be even more vigilant and protective of him."

I placed a reassuring hand on Hestia's shoulder, feeling her tense muscles under my touch. "I know you're upset, Hestia, but try to stay calm. It's because of Freya's unique ability to see the color and brilliance of people's souls that she's taken an interest in Bell."

Hestia's brow furrowed deeper, her lips pursed in frustration. "I know all about Freya's 'Discerning Eye,' David-kun. But that doesn't make it any less infuriating that she's putting my Familia in danger just to satisfy her own desires!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at Hestia's fiery reaction. "True, but you have to admit, the idea of Freya the 'Goddess of Beauty' getting into a catfight with you is pretty amusing."

Hestia's cheeks puffed out in a pout, and she lightly swatted my arm. "David-kun! This is no laughing matter. If I ever see that conniving goddess again, I'll give her a piece of my mind, you mark my words!"

I placed a hand on Hestia's shoulder, feeling the tension in her muscles. "I know you're upset, Hestia, but antagonizing Freya is not a good idea. She's one of the most powerful Familias in Orario after all. We need to be careful not to draw her ire, or we could find ourselves in a lot of trouble."

Hestia let out a frustrated sigh, her brow still furrowed. "I know, David-kun, I know. But I can't just stand by and let her endanger Bell like that. He's my first Familia member, and I need to protect him. And what if she comes after you, too?"

I gave Hestia's shoulder a reassuring squeeze, feeling the tension slowly leave her body. "Don't worry, Hestia. We'll find a way to stand up to Freya, even if she is one of the most powerful goddesses in Orario." I flashed her a confident grin. "After all, I've got this handy World Traveler ability, and there are countless worlds out there that might hold the answers we need."

Hestia's brow smoothed, and she offered me a grateful smile. "You're right, David-kun. With your unique power, we may just have a chance against that conniving Freya." She reached over and squeezed my hand. "And no matter what, I'll be right here by your side. We'll face this challenge together."

As Hestia and I finished watching the first season of Danmachi, she couldn't help but find it all a bit... weird. "It's like seeing myself in the future, but not quite," she mused, her brow furrowed in contemplation. "And this Bell Cranel, he's supposed to be my first Familia member? It's all so strange."

I chuckled and gave her shoulder a gentle nudge. "Yeah, I know what you mean, Hestia. But don't forget, the events in the anime may not play out exactly the same way, what with my World Traveler ability and all."

Hestia nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "That's true, David-kun. We can't take everything we see at face value. This is just a reference, a glimpse into a possible future, but not the definitive one." She let out a lighthearted laugh. "Who knows what kind of chaos we might stir up with your little 'cheat code'?"

I chuckled and gave Hestia's shoulder a gentle nudge. "Cheat code, huh? Where'd you learn that term, Hestia?"

Hestia smiled sheepishly. "Well, I've been reading some manga while you went out to the Dungeon in the morning. It's been quite fascinating, all these strange new worlds and the unique abilities people have." She paused, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "I suppose I've picked up a few interesting terms along the way."

I grinned, impressed by Hestia's willingness to explore new forms of entertainment. "Manga, huh? Didn't take you for the reading type, Hestia. Though I guess it makes sense, with you being cooped up here while I'm off adventuring."

Hestia nodded, a playful smile on her lips. "Indeed, David-kun. A goddess has to find ways to pass the time, after all. And who knows, maybe I'll even find some inspiration for how to deal with that meddlesome Freya."

Hestia's eyes suddenly lit up, and she turned to me with an eager expression. "Speaking of which, David-kun, do you have any ideas on which world we should visit next? I'm sure there must be something out there that can help us stand up to that conniving goddess."

I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly, feeling a bit of a comedic panic rise within me. "Uh, well, to be honest, Hestia, I haven't really had a chance to think about it yet. With all the excitement of watching the Danmachi anime and, you know, dealing with your little rivalry with Freya, it kind of slipped my mind." I let out a nervous chuckle, hoping Hestia wouldn't be too disappointed in my lack of preparation.

I noticed Hestia saying "we" and couldn't help but ask, "Wait, Hestia, are you planning to come along with me?"

Hestia's eyes sparkled with determination as she nodded. "Of course, David-kun! I can't go with you to the Dungeon, since the Dungeon is angry at the gods, but there's no such restriction when it comes to other worlds. I'm definitely coming with you this time."

I tried to persuade her otherwise, "But Hestia, it could be dangerous. I don't want you to put yourself in harm's way because of me."

Hestia placed a hand on my arm, her expression resolute. "Nonsense, David-kun. I'm not letting you go off on your own. You're still so weak compared to the challenges you might face. I won't allow it."

"Gah!" Hearing Hestia call me "weak" felt like an imaginary arrow had struck me.

I let out a defeated sigh, knowing I couldn't argue with Hestia's determination. "Alright, Hestia, you can come with me. But promise me you'll be careful, okay?"

Hestia's face lit up with a wide grin. "Yatta!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together excitedly. "I can't wait to see what other amazing worlds you can show me, David-kun!"

Hestia's expression turned thoughtful as she tapped her chin. "Speaking of which, maybe we could find a world where you could find a partner to join you in the Dungeon. It would be much safer for you to have someone watching your back, don't you think?"

I gave it some thought, and Hestia did have a point. It would be hard to accomplish things on my own, especially with the challenges that might lie ahead. "That's not a bad idea, Hestia," I admitted with a chuckle. "I guess I could use a little help in the dungeon."

My mind raced, considering the various fictional worlds I had knowledge of. The world of Fairy Tail immediately came to mind, filled with powerful mages and formidable wizarding guilds. Perhaps I could find a skilled wizard there to join our team. Or maybe the world of One Piece, with its vast array of unique Devil Fruit abilities, could provide the perfect ally.

I was about to voice my thoughts when Hestia spoke up, her eyes shining with excitement. "Ooh, David-kun, what about that world with the Huntsmen and Huntresses? I saw they're incredibly skilled fighters, trained to battle the most dangerous of creatures!"

I guess that is a good idea, wait...creatures? My mind immediately went to a particular world—a place filled with powerful digital monsters that could make for the perfect dungeon-diving partners. I grinned, knowing just the series that could provide us with the muscle we need.

"Hestia, I think I've got the perfect world in mind. What do you say we pay a visit to the Digital World?"


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