Chapter 8

I watched as the shimmering portal opened before us, revealing a strange and wondrous world on the other side. Hestia's eyes went wide with childlike wonder as we stepped through, finding ourselves in the midst of a bustling digital landscape.

"Wow..." Hestia breathed, her gaze darting from one fantastical creature to the next. "So these are the 'Digimon' you told me about, David-kun?"

I nodded, taking in the bizarre sights around us. Towering, dinosaur-like creatures lumbered by, their scales glinting in the digital light. Nearby, a winged, feline being perched on a nearby structure, its piercing eyes scanning the area.

"That's right, Hestia," I replied, a grin spreading across my face. "Welcome to the Digital World - a place filled with all kinds of incredible digital monsters. I figured this would be the perfect place for us to find a powerful ally to help us in the Dungeon."

Hestia's eyes sparkled with excitement as she watched the Digimon with rapt attention. "They're amazing! Look at that one, it's like a giant bird!" She pointed enthusiastically at a massive, avian creature soaring overhead.

I chuckled at her infectious enthusiasm. "Yeah, the Digimon come in all shapes and sizes. I'm sure we can find one that would make a great partner for us."

Suddenly, a small, round creature with large eyes waddled up to us, letting out a curious chirp. Hestia squealed with delight, immediately scooping the Digimon into her arms and cuddling it.

"Oh, you're just the cutest thing!" she exclaimed, her cheeks flushed with joy. "David-kun, can we keep it? Please?"

I couldn't help but laugh at the sight, Hestia's maternal instincts clearly kicking in. "I don't think we can just take a Digimon home, Hestia. But we can certainly try to find one that wants to join our team."

Hestia pouted, reluctantly setting the small Digimon back down. "Aww, alright. But I still think this one is adorable!"

I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find the perfect partner. Let's explore a bit and see what else the Digital World has to offer."


(A few minutes ago)

"Digital World? What is that place?" Hestia asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "I've never heard of such a world before. Tell me more, David-kun!"

I chuckled, knowing Hestia's enthusiasm would only grow once she learned about the wonders of the Digital World. "Well, Hestia, the Digital World is a fascinating parallel universe made entirely of digital data. It's home to all sorts of incredible creatures called Digimon - digital monsters, if you will."

Hestia's eyes widened, and she leaned in closer, her pigtails bouncing with excitement. "Digital monsters? That sounds amazing! What are they like?"

"Oh, Hestia, you're going to love them!" I exclaimed. "Digimon come in all shapes and sizes, from cute and cuddly to absolutely massive and powerful. They can even 'digivolve' into stronger forms, growing more and more impressive as they gain experience."

I could practically see the gears turning in Hestia's mind as she processed this new information. "Digivolve, you say? That sounds amazing!"

Chuckling, I nodded. "Exactly! And the best part is, we might even be able to find a Digimon partner to join our Familia and help us in the Dungeon. Imagine having a powerful digital beast at our side, ready to crush any monsters that stand in our way!"

Hestia's face lit up with a mischievous grin. "Ooh, I like the sound of that, David-kun! Let's not waste any more time, then. When do we leave for this Digital World?"

I couldn't help but match her enthusiasm. "Right now, Hestia! The sooner we get there, the sooner we can start building our unstoppable team."

I snapped my fingers and a shimmering portal appeared. Hestia and I stepped through it. We were off to the Digital World.


As Hestia and I wandered through the lush, digital forest, the brilliant blue sky overhead was peppered with shimmering 1s and 0s, a constant reminder that we had left the mortal realm behind. Everywhere I looked, in-training and rookie level Digimon scurried about, their curious eyes fixed on us, no doubt wondering who these strange newcomers were.

"Oh, David-kun, look at how adorable they are!" Hestia exclaimed, her face lighting up with pure delight as she bent down to get a closer look at a small, round Digimon that resembled a pink puffball. The little creature tilted its head, emitting a soft coo, and Hestia squealed with joy, scooping it up into her arms. "Can we keep it, please? It's so cuddly!"

I chuckled, gently prying the Digimon from her grasp. "I'm afraid we can't just take a Digimon home, Hestia. They're not pets - they're living, thinking creatures. But don't worry, I'm sure we'll find the perfect partner for you before we leave."

Hestia pouted, her cheeks puffing out adorably. "But it's so small and adorable! How can I resist?" She cast a longing glance at the Digimon as I set it back down, watching it scamper off to join its companions.

As we continued our trek through the digital forest, I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer wonder of this place. If you are wondering why I chose Digimon instead of Pokemon, it is because Digimon are cool! And I, for one, would like to have a partner who can speak and talk to, instead of creatures who keep saying their names.

As Hestia and I continued our stroll through the digital forest, we came across a group of Tanemon, the adorable in-training Digimon that resembled budding plants. Hestia's eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store.

"Oh, David-kun, look at all the little sprouts!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing with excitement. "Can we go say hello? Please, please, please?"

I sighed, already knowing I couldn't deny that pleading look. "Alright, Hestia, let's go introduce ourselves."

We approached the Tanemons, who paused their frolicking to stare at us curiously. Hestia bent down, her "Boob Ribbon" swaying dangerously close to the poor Digimon's faces.

"Hi there, little ones!" she cooed. "I'm Hestia, and this is my friend David. We come in peace!"

The Tanemons exchanged bewildered glances, unsure of how to respond. One of the little sprout-like Digimon cautiously stepped forward, its large eyes blinking up at us.

"Umm, hello?" it said in a soft, soothing voice. "We haven't seen your kind around here before. What are you doing in our forest?"

I smiled reassuringly at the Tanemon. "We're just passing through, little one. My friend Hestia here was admiring how cute you all are." I shot a glance at Hestia, who was practically vibrating with excitement.

"Oh, you're all just so adorable!" Hestia gushed, clasping her hands together. "I want to take you all home with me! Can I keep one? Please, please, please?"

The Tanemons recoiled slightly, their leaves rustling nervously. "Keep one of us?" the first Tanemon squeaked. "But we're not toys or pets! We have our own lives and homes here."

I chuckled and placed a hand on Hestia's shoulder. "See, I told you they weren't pets. These Digimon have their own world to live in."

I placed a comforting hand on Hestia's shoulder, feeling her tense up under my touch. "I'm sorry, little ones," she said, her voice tinged with remorse. "I got a bit carried away. You see, we're looking for partners, Digimon who would be willing to join our Familia and come back to our world with us."

The Tanemon seemed to relax slightly at her words, their leaves no longer rustling quite so nervously. "Partners?" the first one repeated, its large eyes blinking up at us. "You mean, you want us to leave our home and come live with you?"

Hestia nodded eagerly, her "Boob Ribbon" swaying dangerously close to the Tanemon's faces once more. "Yes, yes! We'd take such good care of you, I promise. And you'd get to see the human world and have all sorts of adventures with us!"

I stifled a chuckle, amused by Hestia's boundless enthusiasm. "What she means to say is, we're looking for Digimon who would be willing to join our Familia and become our partners. It's a big decision, and we don't want to force anyone into it."

The Tanemons thought about it, but they did not want to leave their home. Hestia's face fell, her "Boob Ribbon" drooping slightly. "Oh, I see," she said, her voice tinged with disappointment. "Well, I certainly can't force you to come with us. Your home is here, and I respect that."

I placed a comforting hand on Hestia's shoulder, giving her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Hestia. I'm sure we'll find the perfect Digimon partner for you. Maybe one that's a bit more, uh, adventurous?" I chuckled, glancing at the cautious Tanemons.

Hestia perked up, her eyes sparkling with renewed hope. "You really think so, David-kun?" she asked, her voice filled with childlike wonder. "Alright, let's go and meet more Digimon!"

As Hestia and I continued our trek through the digital forest, we encountered a few more groups of Digimon, each more cautious and hesitant than the last. The Koromon bounced away nervously when we approached, their large eyes filled with uncertainty. The Tsunomon huddled together, their horns trembling, refusing to even acknowledge our presence.

"Oh, David-kun, they're all so afraid of us!" Hestia lamented, her face falling with each rejection. "Don't they know we just want to be their friends?"

I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, offering a sympathetic smile. "Hey, don't be too hard on them, Hestia. This is their home, and we're the strange new visitors. It's only natural they'd be a bit wary of us."

Hestia's brow furrowed, her "Boob Ribbon" swaying back and forth as she pondered my words. "I suppose you're right," she sighed. "I just wish they could see how much we have to offer. I know the perfect Digimon partner is out there somewhere, waiting for us!"

I chuckled, giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "That's the spirit, Hestia. We'll just have to keep looking. I'm sure the right Digimon will come along when the time is right."

As we continued our stroll, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment myself. I had been so excited to explore this digital world and find the perfect Digimon companion. But so far, the Digimon we'd encountered seemed more interested in fleeing than joining our Familia.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp impact on the back of my head, followed by a splash of cold, sticky liquid. "Ack!" I exclaimed, whirling around to see a group of giggling, shadowy creatures emerge from the bushes.

"Haha, we got them good!" one of the Pagumon cackled, its beady eyes glinting with mischief.

Hestia let out an indignant squeal, her "Boob Ribbon" swaying dangerously as she turned to face our assailants. "You ruffians! How dare you attack us like that?" she fumed, her cheeks flushed with anger.

I grimaced, wiping the fruit pulp from my eyes. "Well, this is just great. Just freaking great," I muttered, shooting a glare at the Pagumon. "What's the big idea, huh? Can't you see we're trying to make some new friends here?"

The Pagumon only laughed harder, their shrill voices grating on my ears. "Friends? You two are the weirdest looking Digimon we've ever seen!" one of them jeered. "We just had to give you a little welcome gift, that's all."

Hestia puffed out her chest, her hands balling into fists. "Well, your 'welcome gift' was rude and uncalled for! You should apologize immediately!"

The Pagumon exchanged amused glances, clearly unintimidated by Hestia's outrage. "Apologize? Yeah, right! That was the best prank we've pulled all day!" Another Pagumon stuck out its tongue, taunting us.

I sighed, running a hand through my fruit-covered hair. "Look, guys, we don't want any trouble. We're just passing through, and we were hoping to find some friendly Digimon to chat with. No need for all the hostility, you know?"

But the Pagumon were having none of it. They clustered together, their eyes gleaming with mischief. "Oh, we're just getting started!" one of them cackled. "This is gonna be fun!"

Before I could react, the Pagumon launched themselves at us, their sharp teeth bared in malicious grins. Hestia let out a startled yelp, and I quickly took her hand, and we started running.

"Hestia, come on! We gotta get out of here!" I yelled, tugging her hand as the Pagumon horde closed in.

"I'm trying, David-kun!" she cried, her short legs pumping furiously as we raced through the digital forest. The Pagumon's shrill cackles echoed behind us, spurring us on.

"Just a little further, we can lose them in the trees!" I panted, my heart pounding in my chest.

Suddenly, Hestia dug in her heels, pulling me to a stop. "Wait, David-kun! Let me handle this," she said, her eyes narrowing with determination.

"Hestia, what are you—?" Before I could finish, she stepped in front of me, her "Boob Ribbon" flaring dramatically.

"Alright, you ruffians! Prepare to feel the wrath of the goddess Hestia!" she bellowed, raising her hands. A brilliant flash of light erupted from her palms, the protective fire of her divine power blazing to life.

The Pagumon recoiled, their beady eyes wide with fear. "What is that?!" one of them screeched, as the flames crackled and danced before them.

Hestia grinned triumphantly. "Tremble before my might, foul creatures!" she declared, thrusting her hands forward.

But as the fire struck the Pagumon, they simply blinked in confusion, unharmed. Hestia's face fell, her eyes widening in shock.

"W-what? But how?" she stammered, staring at her hands in disbelief. "My protective fire... it's so weak?"

I winced, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Uh, Hestia? I think we might have a problem..."

Seeing Hestia's fire did not do anything. The Pagumons' pursuit intensified.

David and Hestia started running like their lives depend on it.

"Oh man, this is not good!" I yelled, my legs pumping furiously as I tugged Hestia along. "Those little creeps are really coming at us hard!"

Hestia let out a frustrated huff, her "Boob Ribbon" bouncing erratically. "I don't understand! My divine powers should have scorched them to a crisp!" She glanced back at the cackling Pagumon, her brow furrowed in confusion.

I risked a glance over my shoulder, my eyes widening as I saw the Pagumon closing in. "I think we might have a bigger problem than your weakened fire, Hestia! Those guys are gaining on us!"

We stopped dead in our tracks as we reached the edge of the cliff, the Pagumon horde closing in around us. My heart raced, the fruit pulp still dripping down my face as I frantically searched for a way out.

"David-kun, what are we going to do?" Hestia cried, her "Boob Ribbon" flailing in a panic. "My divine powers are useless against these ruffians!"

I stared down at the steep drop, an idea slowly forming in my mind. It was risky, but at this point, it was our only chance. "Hestia, do you trust me?" I asked, my voice steady despite the situation.

She blinked in confusion, then nodded resolutely. "Of course, David-kun! With all my heart."

I grinned, taking her hand. "Then get ready to jump!"

"Jump?!" Hestia squeaked, her eyes wide with alarm. "But David-kun, that's—"

"Just do it!" I yelled, pulling her close as the Pagumon closed in, their shrill laughter echoing all around us.

With a deep breath, I leapt off the cliff, Hestia clinging to me as we plummeted downward. The wind whipped through our hair, and I could hear Hestia's terrified scream.

"David-kun, you're insane!" she cried, burying her face in my chest.

I just laughed, my heart pounding with adrenaline. "Trust me, Hestia! This is gonna be fun!"

As we plummeted down the cliff, I instinctively wrapped my arms around Hestia, shielding her from the impact. The wind whipped through my hair as we hurtled towards the ground, and I braced myself for a rough landing.

Thankfully, our fall was broken by the thick branches of the trees below. I grunted in pain as we crashed through the foliage, the branches scratching my skin. Finally, we hit the ground with a thud, and I lay there, vision blurry, but relieved that Hestia seemed unharmed.

The last thing I saw before darkness claimed me was a white figure approaching, its gentle gaze filled with concern.


I groggily opened my eyes, my head pounding. "Ugh, what happened?" I mumbled, blinking against the bright sunlight.

"David-kun! You're awake!" Hestia's worried voice rang out, and suddenly her face was hovering over mine, her big blue eyes filled with concern. "Oh, thank the gods! I was so worried!"

I tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through my side, and I winced. "Ow, ow, ow... Hestia, what happened? Where are we?"

I could see we were in a small wooden house. The furniture and bed were clearly made for a diminutive occupant, and I guessed it belonged to some kind of Digimon.

"Ah, well, you see..." Hestia began, her cheeks flushing slightly. "After our, uh, fall, we were saved by a kind Digimon who brought us here to recover."

Right on cue, a small, rabbit-like Digimon with lavender fur and a crescent moon on her forehead entered the room. "Oh, you're awake!" she exclaimed in a soft, melodic voice. "I'm so glad to see you're feeling better, David-san."

Hestia beamed and gestured to the newcomer. "David-kun, this is Lunamon. She's the one who found us and brought us to her home to heal you."

I blinked in surprise, my gaze shifting between the two. "Lunamon, huh? Well, I can't thank you enough for your help. I'm David, by the way. Pleasure to meet you."

Lunamon's large, expressive eyes sparkled with warmth. "The pleasure is all mine, David-san. I'm just happy I could be of assistance." She paused, her ears twitching slightly. "Though, I must say, your, um, arrival was quite the spectacle."

"You two suddenly fell from the sky. It surprised me," Lunamon said in her soft, melodic voice, her large eyes filled with wonder. "I was simply tending to my garden when you and Hestia-san came tumbling down right in front of me."

I winced, the pain in my side still throbbing. "Ah, yes, about that..." I chuckled sheepishly. "We, uh, we were being chased by some rather persistent Pagumons, and jumping off that cliff was the only way to escape. I'm really sorry for the scare, Lunamon. We didn't mean to intrude on your home like this."

Hestia, who had been hovering anxiously by my side, nodded vigorously. "Yes, yes, we're very sorry! We're just grateful you were here to help us." She flashed Lunamon a bright, apologetic smile.

Lunamon's ears twitched, and she let out a soft, melodic laugh. "Oh, please, there's no need to apologize! I'm just happy I could be of assistance." Her gaze shifted to me, filled with warmth. "And I must say, your, um, dramatic entrance certainly made my day a bit more exciting."

I felt my cheeks flush, and I rubbed the back of my neck, wincing slightly. "Heh, well, I do try to keep things interesting." I shot Lunamon a lopsided grin. "Though, uh, maybe next time we could try a slightly more graceful landing?"

David, Hestia, and Lunamon laughed together, the melodic chuckles filling the cozy little home. Lunamon's eyes crinkled with mirth as she watched our amusement.

"Oh my, it seems my home has become the stage for quite the dramatic performance," she said, her voice light and musical. Reaching behind her, Lunamon produced a basket overflowing with vibrant, juicy-looking fruits. "But enough of that - please, help yourselves. You must be famished after your, ah, unorthodox arrival."

I eyed the platter of exotic-looking produce, my mouth already watering. "Don't mind if I do!" I reached in and plucked a round, golden-hued fruit, taking a large, eager bite.

The flavors exploded on my tongue, sweet and tangy and unlike anything I'd ever tasted on Earth. "Whoa, Lunamon, these are incredible!" I exclaimed, practically inhaling the rest of the fruit. "I don't think I've had anything this good, even back home."

Hestia followed suit, her eyes widening in delight as she savored the treat. "Mmmm, you're absolutely right, David-kun! These are simply divine." She beamed at Lunamon, her cheeks flushed with happiness. "Thank you so much for sharing these with us. You really are too kind."

Lunamon's ears perked up, and she smiled warmly. "I'm so glad you're enjoying them. Please, help yourselves to as much as you'd like. I have plenty to share."

I grinned, already reaching for another piece of the delectable fruit. "Don't mind if I do!"

I leaned back against the soft, cozy bedding, my belly pleasantly full from the delicious fruits. "Lunamon, these were honestly the best things I've ever tasted. I don't think I could've asked for a better landing spot," I said with a grateful grin.

Hestia nodded enthusiastically, wiping a bit of juice from the corner of her mouth. "Absolutely! We can't thank you enough for your hospitality, Lunamon. You've been such a wonderful host."

Lunamon's large, expressive eyes crinkled with a warm smile. "I'm so glad you've enjoyed them. Please, don't hesitate to have more if you're still hungry." Her gaze shifted between Hestia and me, her ears twitching slightly. "But, if I may ask, what exactly brings you two to this part of the Digital World?"

Hestia's cheeks flushed, and she fidgeted nervously. "Ah, well, you see, we're actually on a bit of a, um, mission." She glanced at me, silently pleading for me to jump in.

I chuckled and scratched the back of my head. "Heh, yeah, you could say that. See, Hestia here is trying to help me find a Digimon partner. We've been, uh, searching all over the place, but so far, no luck."

Lunamon's eyes widened with understanding. "I see, I see. That's quite the endeavor you've undertaken." She paused, her ears perking up. "Well, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you looking for in a Digimon partner?"

I chuckled and shrugged, wincing slightly at the twinge in my side. "Honestly, Lunamon, I'm not too picky. As long as we can work together and have a good time, that's all that really matters to me."

Hestia nodded enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Exactly! David-kun here is more interested in finding a fun, loyal partner than some strong Digimon." She shot me a playful elbow to the ribs, earning a yelp from me.

Lunamon's ears perked up at my words, her large eyes gleaming with interest. She opened her mouth as if to speak, but then hesitated, her ears twitching slightly.

Hestia, ever the bold one, leaned forward and asked, "So, Lunamon, what were you doing all the way out here? This place seems a bit...isolated."

I chuckled, wincing a bit as the movement jostled my injury. "Yeah, Lunamon, what's a cute Digimon like you doing living all by yourself in the middle of nowhere?" I teased, flashing her a playful grin.

Lunamon's eyes grew distant, her ears drooping slightly. "I used to live in a bustling village with many other Digimon," she began, her soft voice tinged with nostalgia. "It was such a warm and lively place, filled with the sounds of laughter and the scent of flowers."

She paused, a wistful smile gracing her features. "My sister and I would spend our days exploring the fields, chasing butterflies and playing hide-and-seek with the other children. At night, we'd gather around the firelight, sharing stories and singing songs under the starry sky."

I listened intently as Lunamon's soft voice painted a picture of her idyllic childhood. Her words were tinged with a bittersweet nostalgia that tugged at my heart.

Suddenly, her expression darkened, her ears drooping as she continued. "But one day, a large Kuwagamon attacked our village. The chaos was terrifying - Digimon were screaming, buildings were destroyed. In the mayhem, I was separated from my sister." Lunamon's eyes glistened with unshed tears. "I've searched for months, but I just can't find her. I feel lost without her."

My chest tightened with empathy, and I reached out to gently squeeze Lunamon's paw. "I'm so sorry, Lunamon. That must have been awful." I paused, searching for the right words. "But I'm sure your sister is alive somewhere, don't lose hope.."

Lunamon's large, expressive eyes filled with gratitude as she looked up at me. "Thank you, David-san," she said, her soft voice warm and sincere. "Your kindness means more to me than you know." A grateful smile spread across her delicate features.

I returned her smile, feeling a sense of camaraderie with the gentle Digimon. "Of course, Lunamon. I'm just glad I could offer a bit of comfort." Hestia beamed at us, her eyes sparkling with happiness at our budding connection.

I glanced out the window, noticing the setting sun painting the sky in vibrant hues. "Wow, look at that," I murmured, "Guess it's getting pretty late, huh?"

Lunamon's ears perked up, and she nodded. "Oh my, you're right. It is getting rather late." She turned to us with a warm smile. "Please, David-san, Hestia-san, I insist you both stay the night. It's the least I can do after your, ah, dramatic arrival."

Hestia clapped her hands together, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Oh, Lunamon, you're too kind! We'd be honored to stay." She elbowed me playfully. "Isn't that right, David-kun?"

I chuckled, wincing slightly at the twinge in my side. "Heh, well, I'm not one to turn down free room and board. Especially not after all that running." I flashed Lunamon a lopsided grin. "Lead the way, Lunamon. I'm ready to get my beauty sleep."

Lunamon's musical laughter filled the cozy home as she ushered us to a small, but comfortable-looking sleeping area. "Then please, make yourselves at home. I'll be sure to have a hearty breakfast ready in the morning."


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To read advance chapters see my p@|tr|$0n Najicablitz