Chapter 9

I awoke to a warm, comforting weight resting on my chest. Blinking the sleep from my eyes, I gazed down to see the serene, slumbering form of Hestia nestled against me. The morning sunlight streamed in through the wooden window, casting a gentle glow over her delicate features.

I couldn't resist the urge to tenderly brush a stray lock of her raven hair away from her face. Hestia stirred slightly at my touch, her long lashes fluttering open to reveal those captivating blue eyes.

"Good morning, David-kun," she murmured, a soft smile playing on her lips.

"Morning, Hestia," I replied, my voice still thick with sleep. "Did you sleep well?"

Hestia nodded, snuggling deeper into my embrace. "Mmhmm, your heartbeat is so soothing. I could stay like this forever."

I chuckled, savoring the warmth of her petite form against mine. "Well, I certainly don't mind being your personal pillow."

Hestia giggled, the melodic sound filling the cozy room. "You're so comfortable, David-kun. I may just have to claim you as my personal bed from now on."

"Heh, I'm all yours, Hestia," I teased, gently running my fingers through her silky hair.

Hestia sighed contentedly, her eyes drifting shut once more. "Mmm, I like the sound of that."

I smiled, relishing this peaceful moment with the goddess I had grown so fond of.

I savored the peaceful moment with Hestia, relishing her comforting presence. But suddenly, a delicious fragrance wafted through the air, making my stomach rumble.

"Hey, Hestia, do you smell that?" I asked, my eyes lighting up.

Hestia perked up, her nose twitching as she took in the scent. "Why, yes, I do! It smells absolutely heavenly."

We both disentangled ourselves from the bed and followed the tantalizing aroma. As we entered the main room, we were greeted by the sight of a small, lavender-furred creature setting up what looked like an array of colorful, mouth-watering fruits on the table.

"Lunamon!" I exclaimed, recognizing the Digimon. "Good morning! What's all this?"

Lunamon turned towards us, her large blue eyes sparkling with delight. "Good morning, David-san, Hestia-sama," she said in her soft, melodic voice. "I thought you both might be hungry, so I prepared a little breakfast for us."

Hestia clapped her hands together, her face lighting up with excitement. "Oh, Lunamon, you're too kind! It all looks absolutely scrumptious."

I chuckled, my stomach rumbling in anticipation. "I don't know about you, Hestia, but I'm starving. Let's dig in!"

Lunamon giggled, her ears perking up. "Please, help yourselves. I hope you enjoy it."

I didn't need to be told twice. I practically lunged for the table, my mouth watering as I eyed the assortment of colorful, juicy-looking fruits. Hestia followed suit, her small hands eagerly grabbing a piece of what looked like a star-shaped fruit.

"Mmm, this is delicious!" Hestia exclaimed, taking a big bite. Juice dribbled down her chin, and I couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

"You've got a little something there, Hestia," I teased, reaching over to wipe the corner of her mouth with my thumb.

Hestia's cheeks flushed a light pink, and she stuck her tongue out at me playfully. "Hush, you. This is too good to worry about manners."

I grinned, popping a bright red fruit into my mouth. The burst of sweet-tart flavor exploded on my tongue, and I let out a satisfied hum. "Lunamon, you've really outdone yourself. This is amazing!"

Lunamon beamed, her ears perking up even higher. "I'm so glad you both enjoy it. Please, eat as much as you'd like."

As we continued to indulge in the delectable spread, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over me. With Hestia by my side and Lunamon's thoughtful gesture, it was shaping up to be a wonderful day.

After finishing our delectable breakfast, Lunamon announced that she needed to tend to her garden. Without hesitation, I eagerly offered to help, eager to repay her generous hospitality.

"Oh, David-san, you don't have to do that," Lunamon said, her cheeks flushing a bashful lavender.

"Nonsense!" I declared, puffing out my chest. "It's the least I can do. Plus, I've always wanted to try my hand at gardening." I winked at her, flashing my most charming smile.

Hestia, who had been contentedly licking the last of the fruit juice from her fingers, perked up at my offer. "Ooh, can I help too, David-kun?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

I chuckled and ruffled her hair affectionately. "Of course, Hestia. The more the merrier!"

Lunamon smiled warmly, her ears twitching with delight. "Well, in that case, let me show you both around the garden."

As we followed Lunamon outside, I couldn't help but marvel at the lush, vibrant foliage surrounding her cozy home. Exotic-looking flowers in every color imaginable dotted the landscape, their petals glistening in the soft light.

"Wow, Lunamon, your garden is absolutely beautiful!" Hestia exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder.

Lunamon beamed with pride. "Thank you, Hestia-sama. I take great joy in tending to it." She gestured to a row of leafy plants. "These are my Digifruit trees. They provide the most delicious fruits for us to enjoy."

I nodded, my gaze scanning the various plants. "I can see why. Everything looks so healthy and well-cared for."

Lunamon clasped her paws together, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Well, then, shall we get started? I have a few tasks that could use an extra set of hands."

Hestia giggled, already rolling up the sleeves of the borrowed dress she wore. "Lead the way, Lunamon! I'm ready to get my hands dirty."

Lunamon guided us around her lush garden, pointing out the various plants and flowers that dotted the landscape. Hestia listened with rapt attention, her eyes sparkling with curiosity, while I tried my best to keep up, nodding along enthusiastically.

"Alright, let's get started!" Lunamon said, her ears perking up. "I have some weeding that needs to be done, and the Digifruit trees could use a bit of pruning."

Hestia immediately rolled up her sleeves, a determined expression on her face. "Ooh, I call the weeding!" she exclaimed, already diving into the flowerbed.

I chuckled and shook my head. "Guess that leaves the pruning to me, huh?" I said, grabbing a pair of pruning shears.

For the next hour, we worked tirelessly in Lunamon's garden, with Hestia enthusiastically yanking out weeds and me carefully snipping away at the Digifruit trees. Lunamon flitted about, offering guidance and encouragement, her small paws working alongside ours.

But as the time passed, I could feel my back starting to ache. Straightening up, I let out a groan, my hands instinctively reaching for the sore muscles.

"Oof, I think I overdid it a bit," I muttered, wincing as I stretched.

Hestia, who had been kneeling in the dirt, suddenly let out a yelp. "Oww, my back!" she cried, her small hands clutching at her lower spine.

Lunamon's eyes widened with concern. "Oh dear, are you both alright?" she asked, her melodic voice laced with worry.

I chuckled sheepishly, trying to play it off. "Heh, yeah, we're fine. Just a little sore from all the hard work, that's all."

Hestia pouted, her cheeks puffed out in a comical display of discomfort. "Speak for yourself, David-kun. I feel like I've been bending over for an eternity!"

I couldn't help but laugh at her exaggerated expression. "Aw, come on, Hestia. Don't be such a drama queen. It's not that bad."

Lunamon watched our exchange with a mixture of concern and amusement. "Oh dear, perhaps we should take a break," she suggested, her ears drooping slightly.

I waved a hand dismissively, trying to reassure the worried Digimon. "Nah, don't worry about it, Lunamon. A little back pain never stopped me before."

Hestia, however, was having none of it. "That's it, I'm done!" she declared, carefully rising to her feet and wincing with every movement. "David-kun, you're carrying me back inside."

I blinked in surprise, my mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. "Wha- Hestia, you can't be serious!"

But one look at her determined expression told me that she was, indeed, very serious. Sighing in defeat, I turned around and crouched down. "Alright, alright, hop on," I grumbled, bracing myself for the additional weight.

Hestia beamed triumphantly, carefully climbing onto my back. "Onward, my trusty steed!" she commanded, giggling mischievously.

I shot Lunamon an apologetic look as I slowly made my way back to the house, Hestia's arms wrapped securely around my neck. "Sorry about this, Lunamon. Guess we still have a lot to learn when it comes to gardening."

Lunamon smiled warmly, her eyes filled with understanding. "No need to apologize, David-san. I'm just glad you both were willing to help. We can always try again another day."

As I trudged back to the house, Hestia's weight on my back and my aching muscles protesting with every step, I couldn't help but chuckle.

I gently lowered Hestia back onto the couch, chuckling as she let out a relieved sigh.

"There you go, your majesty," I teased, earning a playful glare from the petite goddess.

"Very funny, David-kun," she huffed, but the corners of her lips were tugged upwards in a smile.

"Alright, you rest up. I'm going to go back and see if Lunamon needs any more help in the garden," I said, ruffling her hair affectionately.

Hestia nodded, already snuggling into the couch cushions. "Okay, but don't overdo it this time, you hear?"

I saluted her jokingly. "Aye aye, captain."

Stepping back outside, I made my way towards Lunamon's lush garden. The Digimon was diligently tending to the Digifruit trees, her small paws carefully pruning the branches.

"Need any help, Lunamon?" I called out, walking up to her.

Lunamon looked up, her large blue eyes lighting up. "David-san! I'm so glad you're back. Please, come join me."

I grinned and rolled up my sleeves, eager to lend a hand. As we worked side by side, the gentle rhythm of our pruning filled the air.

After a while, Lunamon paused, her ears drooping slightly. "Say, David-san, would you mind if I took a short break?" she asked, her voice soft.

"Of course, Lunamon. You've been working hard. Take all the time you need," I reassured her, flashing her an encouraging smile.

Lunamon returned the smile gratefully and led me to a small bench beneath a shady tree. As we sat down, she let out a contented sigh.

I turned to Lunamon, my brow furrowing with concern as I noticed the somber tone in her voice. "Lunamon, you mentioned your sister earlier. What was she like?"

Lunamon's large, expressive eyes clouded with sadness. "Calumon..." she began, her voice barely above a whisper. "She was the most joyful and carefree Digimon I've ever known."

I listened intently, my heart aching at the melancholy in her words.

"We were so close, David-san. Inseparable, really." Lunamon's paws fidgeted in her lap. "Calumon was always full of wonder, constantly exploring and making new friends. Her laughter was like music, brightening even the darkest of days."

A wistful smile tugged at the corners of Lunamon's mouth. "She had this special power, you see. Calumon could make other Digimon digivolve, just by being near them. It was an incredible gift."

Lunamon's gaze fell to the ground, her ears drooping with sorrow. "But one day, a terrible Kuwagamon attacked our village. In the chaos, Calumon and I were separated. I've been searching for her ever since, but..." Her voice trailed off, a single tear rolling down her cheek.

My heart ached for the pain Lunamon was clearly carrying. Gently, I reached out and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Lunamon, I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine how difficult that must have been."

Lunamon looked up at me, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I miss her so much, David-san. Calumon was my everything. I just want to find her and bring her home, safe and sound."

I squeezed Lunamon's shoulder gently, my heart aching for the pain she must be feeling. "Lunamon, I promise we'll do everything we can to find your sister, Calumon. You have my word."

Lunamon's eyes widened, her ears perking up slightly. "Oh, David-san, you don't have to-" she began, but I cut her off with a warm smile.

"Nonsense! A friend in need is a friend indeed, and I'm not about to leave you hanging. We'll scour every inch of this world if we have to." I puffed out my chest, channeling my best heroic pose.

Lunamon let out a watery chuckle, wiping at the tears in her eyes. "You really are too kind, David-san. I don't know how I can ever repay you."

I waved a hand dismissively. "Ah, don't worry about it. Just focus on getting your sister back, and that'll be more than enough for me." I winked at her, hoping to lift her spirits.

Lunamon's smile widened, and she nodded gratefully. "Thank you, David-san. I feel much better knowing I have your support."

I turned to Lunamon, my brow furrowing in concern as the ground beneath us began to tremble.

"Did you feel that?" I asked, my voice tinged with apprehension.

Lunamon's ears perked up, her eyes widening. "Yes, I did. It sounded like a loud rumble." She rose from the bench, her paws clenched in worry.

Suddenly, Hestia came bursting out of the house, her hair disheveled and her eyes wide with alarm.

"David-kun! Lunamon! What's happening?" she cried, rushing towards us.

I quickly moved to her side, placing a steadying hand on her shoulder. "Whoa, Hestia, calm down. We're not sure yet, but it seems like there's some kind of disturbance."

Lunamon's gaze darted around the garden, her body tense. "We should investigate, but carefully. I don't want to risk any harm coming to you both."

Before I could respond, a thunderous roar echoed through the air, making my heart leap into my throat. Hestia let out a startled yelp and clung to my arm, her nails digging into my skin.

"David-kun, what was that?" she squeaked, her eyes wide with terror.

I swallowed hard, trying to keep my own fear in check. "I-I don't know, Hestia, but we're about to find out." I exchanged a worried glance with Lunamon. I didn't know why, but I had a feeling something bad was going to happen.

I gripped Hestia's hand tightly as we followed Lunamon towards the source of the disturbance. My heart pounded in my chest, and I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. Whatever was out there, I knew it couldn't be good.

As we rounded the corner, I felt my breath catch in my throat. Towering before us was a massive, crimson-colored insectoid creature with a fearsome, chitinous exoskeleton. Its powerful mandibles snapped open and closed with a bone-chilling crunch, and its glowing eyes glared down at us with unbridled aggression.

"That's...that's a Kuwagamon," Lunamon breathed, her voice trembling with fear. "The very same one that attacked our village."

I could see the terror in Lunamon's eyes, and it made my heart ache. Hestia gripped my arm even tighter, her small body quivering.

"Lunamon, are you okay?" I asked, my voice laced with concern.

Lunamon swallowed hard, her ears drooping. "I...I'm scared, David-san. That Kuwagamon is incredibly powerful. I don't know if I can defeat it on my own."

I gripped Hestia's hand tightly as the monstrous Kuwagamon turned its glowing eyes towards us. The air crackled with tension, and my heart pounded in my chest.

"Everyone, get down!" I yelled, pulling Hestia and Lunamon to the ground as the Kuwagamon let out a deafening roar and charged towards us, its massive pincers snapping viciously.

We barely managed to avoid the attack, scrambling out of the way just in time as the Kuwagamon's pincers slammed into the ground where we had been standing moments before.

"Whew, that was a close one!" I exclaimed, my voice cracking with nervous laughter. "Hestia, Lunamon, are you two okay?"

Hestia, her eyes wide with terror, nodded shakily. "Y-yes, David-kun, I think so. But what are we going to do about that...that thing?" she squeaked, pointing at the Kuwagamon as it turned its menacing gaze back towards us.

Lunamon's ears were pressed flat against her head, and she trembled visibly. "I-I don't know if I can fight it, David-san," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's so strong..."

I swallowed hard, my mind racing to come up with a plan. The Kuwagamon let out another deafening roar, and I had to resist the urge to cover my ears.

"Alright, listen up, you two," I said, trying to sound more confident than I felt. "We're going to need to work together if we're going to get out of this. Hestia, I need you to stay back and keep safe, okay?"

Hestia opened her mouth to protest, but I quickly cut her off. "No arguments! I need you to trust me on this." I turned to Lunamon, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Lunamon, I know you're scared, but I believe in you. We can do this, together."

The Kuwagamon let out a thunderous bellow, its pincers snapping menacingly as it prepared to attack again. I braced myself, ready to face the creature head-on.

"Alright, you overgrown bug," I muttered, mustering up my best cocky grin. "Let's see what you've got!"


I braced myself as the massive Kuwagamon charged towards us, its jaws snapping viciously. "Lunamon, now!" I shouted, hoping my new Digimon companion was ready.

Without hesitation, Lunamon leapt forward, her small paws glowing with a shimmering energy. "Tear Shot!" she cried, flinging a concentrated sphere of water directly at the Kuwagamon's face.

The attack struck the monster's eyes, causing it to let out a surprised and comical-sounding screech. It thrashed its head back and forth, trying in vain to clear its vision.

"Ha! Take that, you oversized bug!" I taunted, unable to resist the urge to mock the creature. "Looks like Lunamon's got your number!"

Lunamon glanced back at me, her expression a mix of determination and bewilderment. "David-san, now is not the time for jokes!" she chided, her voice surprisingly stern for such a delicate-looking Digimon.

The Kuwagamon, its sight slowly returning, let out another roar and charged towards us once more. I gulped nervously, realizing that our brief moment of triumph was short-lived.

"Uh, Lunamon? I think we'd better get ready for round two!" I called out, bracing myself for the creature's next attack.

I watched in horror as Kuwagamon charged towards us once more, its massive jaws gaping wide. "Lunamon, do something!" I shouted, my heart pounding in my chest.

Lunamon sprang into action, her small paws glowing with a silvery light. "Luna Claw!" she cried, swiping her claws at the approaching monster.

The attack struck Kuwagamon's thick exoskeleton, but it barely seemed to faze the giant insect. It continued its relentless charge, swatting Lunamon aside with a powerful swipe of its claw.

"Lunamon!" I cried, rushing to her side as she tumbled to the ground. Her delicate body was bruised and battered, and I could see a trickle of data leaking from a gash on her arm.

My stomach twisted with fear and guilt. I should have done more to protect her. "Lunamon, are you okay?" I asked, my voice trembling as I gently cradled her in my arms.

She looked up at me, her large blue eyes clouded with pain. "Da-David-san..." she murmured weakly. "I'm... sorry. I couldn't stop it."

I cradled Lunamon's injured form in my arms, my heart racing with fear and concern. "Lunamon, you need to rest. I'll handle this,"

The Kuwagamon let out a deafening roar, its attention now fully focused on me and Lunamon. It charged towards us, its massive jaws gaping wide, ready to crush us in a single bite.

Without hesitation, I scooped up Lunamon and scrambled out of the way, narrowly avoiding the Kuwagamon's devastating attack. My legs pumped furiously as I ran, clutching Lunamon tightly to my chest.

"David! Lunamon!" Hestia's anguished cries rang out from the sidelines, her usually cheerful demeanor replaced by sheer terror.

I could feel Lunamon's shallow breaths against my skin, and I knew I had to find a way to keep her safe. The Kuwagamon was relentless, its thunderous footsteps closing in behind me. I had to think fast, but my mind raced with panic.

"Hestia, stay back!" I shouted, my voice laced with a seriousness I didn't know I possessed. "I won't let anything happen to Lunamon or you!"

The Kuwagamon let out another bone-chilling roar, and I knew I had to find a way to stop it before it was too late.

The massive Kuwagamon surged upwards, its monstrous wings propelling it into the air. My heart raced as I watched the creature dive straight towards us, its jaws gaping wide.

"Lunamon, hold on!" I shouted, tightening my grip on the injured Digimon as I desperately tried to get out of the way. But I wasn't fast enough.

The Kuwagamon crashed into the ground with a deafening impact, the shockwave slamming into me and sending me hurtling through the air. I curled my body around Lunamon, shielding her as best I could as we careened towards a nearby tree.

The world spun as I collided with the thick trunk, the breath knocked from my lungs. Pain seared through my back, but I refused to let go of Lunamon. As we crumpled to the ground, I could feel her trembling in my arms.

"Lunamon..." I gasped, my voice strained. "Are you... okay?"

She looked up at me, her large eyes filled with fear and concern. "David-san, you're hurt," she whispered, her delicate paws reaching up to touch my face.

I forced a pained smile, trying to reassure her. "I'm fine," I lied, wincing as the movement sent another jolt of agony through my battered body.

The Kuwagamon let out a triumphant roar, its attention now fully focused on us. I clutched Lunamon tighter, steeling myself for its next attack. I had to protect her, no matter what.

I held Lunamon close as the massive Kuwagamon loomed over us, its glowing eyes filled with malice. The creature let out a deafening roar, shaking the very ground beneath us.

"Lunamon, you have to get out of here!" I pleaded, my voice strained with panic. "I can't let you get hurt anymore because of me."

But Lunamon shook her head, her delicate features set with unwavering determination. "No, David-san. I won't leave you to face this monster alone."

She stepped in front of me, her small body shielding me from the Kuwagamon's gaze. The giant insect let out another thunderous roar, its jaws snapping menacingly.

Lunamon stood her ground, her voice firm and resolute. "Kuwagamon, I won't let you hurt anyone else!" She raised her paws, a shimmering energy building between them. "Tear Shot!"

The concentrated sphere of water struck the Kuwagamon's face, eliciting a surprised and pained screech from the creature. It recoiled, its attention now solely focused on Lunamon.

I watched in awe as my small companion faced down the towering Digimon, her courage and determination inspiring me. "Lunamon..." I whispered, my heart swelling with a mix of pride and fear.

The Kuwagamon let out another deafening roar, its massive claws poised to strike. Lunamon braced herself, her eyes narrowed in determination. "I won't let you hurt anyone else, Kuwagamon. Not while I'm here!"

As I watched Lunamon bravely stand her ground against the towering Kuwagamon, a sudden brightness from my pocket caught my attention. I pulled out my phone, only to gasp in shock as it began to transform before my eyes.

The device shifted and morphed, the familiar shape giving way to a sleek, futuristic device - a Digivice. The screen flickered to life, displaying an image of Lunamon and a glowing evolution button.

"Lunamon, look!" I called out, my voice filled with a mix of wonder and trepidation. "My phone, it's... it's a Digivice!"

Lunamon's large eyes widened as she glanced at the device, her expression shifting from determination to hope. We both knew what this meant - the opportunity for her to grow stronger, to digivolve and stand a chance against the fearsome Kuwagamon.

I gripped the Digivice tightly, my heart pounding with adrenaline. "Lunamon," I said, my voice steady and resolute. "Let's do this. Together, we can defeat this monster!"

Lunamon nodded, her small features set with unwavering determination. "Yes, David-san. I'm ready!"

Without hesitation, I pressed the evolution button on the Digivice's screen, the device erupting in a blinding light.

"Lunamon, Digivolve!" I shouted, my voice carrying across the battlefield.

The blinding light engulfed Lunamon, and I shielded my eyes, feeling the energy swirling around her. Her small form began to shift and grow, her features becoming more defined and powerful.

"Lunamon, Digivolve to!" she cried, her voice deepening and taking on a determined edge.

I watched in awe as Lunamon's body transformed, her delicate features giving way to a sleeker, more agile form. Her fur darkened to a rich, midnight blue, and her ears grew longer and more pointed. Crescent-shaped markings appeared on her hands, glowing with a faint, lunar light.

"Lekismon!" she shouted, her voice resonating with strength and purpose.

The newly evolved Lekismon stood tall, her posture radiating confidence and grace. She turned to face the towering Kuwagamon, her eyes narrowed with focus.

"Kuwagamon, your rampage ends here!" Lekismon declared, her voice clear and unwavering. She raised her hands, the crescent markings glowing brighter. "Moon Night Kick!"

With a powerful leap, Lekismon launched herself at the Kuwagamon, her leg lashing out in a devastating strike infused with lunar energy. The attack landed squarely on the monster's exoskeleton, causing it to stagger back with a pained screech.

I watched in awe as Lekismon's graceful movements and precise strikes continued to batter the Kuwagamon, driving it back step by step. The giant insect Digimon thrashed and swiped, but Lekismon's agility and skill allowed her to evade its attacks with ease.

"That's it, Lekismon!" I cheered, my voice filled with pride and excitement. "You can do this!"

Lekismon glanced back at me, her eyes shining with determination. "David-san, stay back," she warned. "I'll handle this."

Turning her attention back to the Kuwagamon, Lekismon raised her hands once more, gathering a concentrated sphere of water between her palms. "Tear Arrow!" she cried, launching the projectile with pinpoint accuracy.

The Tear Arrow struck the Kuwagamon's vulnerable underbelly, eliciting a deafening roar of pain from the massive Digimon. It thrashed and stumbled, its movements growing erratic and desperate.

I watched, my heart pounding, as Lekismon readied herself for the final blow. This was our chance to end this battle and protect Lunamon's home.

I gripped the Digivice tightly, my heart pounding with excitement. "Lekismon, finish it off!" I shouted.

Lekismon nodded, her eyes narrowed in fierce determination. She gathered herself, her lithe body coiling like a spring. Then, with a powerful leap, she launched herself at the Kuwagamon, her leg glowing with lunar energy.

"Moon Night Kick!" Lekismon cried, her attack slamming into the Kuwagamon's massive frame with devastating force.

The giant insect Digimon let out a final, agonized screech as Lekismon's strike connected. Its body convulsed and then began to disintegrate, dissolving into a swirling vortex of data.

I watched in awe as the Kuwagamon's data coalesced, forming a large, oval-shaped object - a Digitama. The Digitama hovered in the air for a moment before slowly drifting to the ground, pulsing with a faint glow.

Lekismon landed gracefully, her chest heaving slightly from the exertion. She turned to me, a small smile on her face. "It is done, David-san," she said, her voice soft and serene.

Suddenly, Lekismon's form began to shimmer and shift, her body shrinking and transforming. Within moments, the powerful Champion-level Digimon had reverted back to her Rookie form - Lunamon.

Lunamon looked up at me, her large eyes filled with relief and pride. "Thank you, David-san," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "You believed in me, and that gave me the strength to protect our home."

I knelt down, gently scooping Lunamon into my arms. "No, Lunamon," I said, my voice thick with emotion. "Thank you. You were incredible out there. You saved us all."

Lunamon snuggled against my chest, her small body radiating warmth and comfort. As I held her, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of awe and gratitude.


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To read advance chapters see my p@|tr|$0n Najicablitz