Chapter 20

I watched in stunned silence as Hestia and Loki descended into a chaotic scuffle, the other gods cheering and laughing around us. My heart raced, unsure of how to diffuse the situation I had unwittingly escalated.

Suddenly, a tall, elegant woman with golden hair approached me. It was Aiz Wallenstein, the famed Sword Princess. She fixed me with a curious gaze, her pale gold eyes studying me intently.

"Excuse me," she said, her voice soft yet commanding. "I don't believe we've been introduced. I'm Aiz Wallenstein, of the Loki Familia."

I swallowed hard, suddenly feeling very small in her presence. "Uh, hi. I'm David Miller. It's, uh, nice to meet you."

Aiz nodded, her expression unreadable. "David Miller," she repeated, as if committing the name to memory. "You're with the Hestia Familia, correct?"

"Y-yes, that's right," I stammered, glancing nervously at the still-brawling goddesses. "I'm, um, Hestia's first member."

Aiz's gaze followed mine, a faint hint of amusement tugging at the corners of her lips. "I see. And how are you finding your time in Orario so far?"

I hesitated, unsure of how to respond. "It's, uh, been an adventure, that's for sure. A lot has happened in a short amount of time."

Aiz nodded thoughtfully. "I can imagine. Orario can be a challenging place, even for seasoned adventurers." She paused, her eyes meeting mine. "But you seem to be holding your own, from what I've heard."

I felt a surge of pride at her words, but also a twinge of uncertainty. "Well, I've had some help along the way," I admitted, glancing back at Hestia and Loki. "My goddess and my partner have been pretty amazing."

I felt a bead of sweat trickle down my neck as Aiz Wallenstein studied me with her piercing gaze. There was an intensity to her that was both captivating and unnerving.

"Have we met before?" she asked, her voice low and measured. "Your presence feels...familiar to me."

I blinked, caught off guard by her question. "No, I don't believe we have," I replied, trying to keep my tone casual. "I'm sure I would remember meeting the famous Sword Princess."

Aiz tilted her head slightly, her eyes narrowing. "Hmm, that's strange. I could have sworn..." She trailed off, her gaze becoming distant for a moment before refocusing on me.

I swallowed hard, suddenly self-conscious. "Why do you think you've met me before?" I asked, hoping to steer the conversation in a less uncomfortable direction.

Aiz considered my question, her brow furrowing in thought. "I'm not entirely sure," she admitted. "There's just something about you that seems...familiar. But I can't quite place it."

I felt a pang of unease, wondering if she had somehow noticed me during our previous encounter in the Dungeon. I had been so careful to remain invisible, but perhaps my powers weren't as foolproof as I had thought.

Deciding to play it safe, I offered Aiz a sheepish smile. "Well, I can assure you that we've never met before. I'm still relatively new to Orario, so I doubt our paths have crossed."

Aiz studied me for a moment longer, her expression unreadable. "I see," she said simply, before turning her attention back to the ongoing scuffle between Hestia and Loki.

I let out a silent breath of relief, grateful that she had seemingly dropped the subject. As I watched the two goddesses continue their playful tussle, I couldn't help but wonder what had sparked Aiz's sense of familiarity. Had I somehow managed to leave an impression on her, even while invisible?

I watched in stunned silence as Hestia and Loki's scuffle suddenly came to a halt, all eyes turning towards the grand entrance of the Banquet hall. A hush fell over the crowd as a breathtakingly beautiful woman glided down the aisle, her every step exuding an alluring grace.

It was Freya, the Goddess of Beauty, accompanied by her loyal captain, Ottar. I felt my breath catch in my throat as Freya glided into the room, her captivating presence immediately commanding the attention of everyone present. Her white dress clung to her figure in a way that was both alluring and regal, accentuating her divine beauty. Ottar, the hulking captain of her Familia, strode by her side, a silent testament to her immense power and influence.

As she passed, the male guests seemed to swoon, captivated by her ethereal presence. I couldn't help but admire her beauty as well, though unlike the others, I did not feel the overwhelming desire to worship her. To me, she was like a masterful work of art – to be appreciated, but not to be possessed.

Hestia and Loki, who had moments ago been embroiled in a playful scuffle, now stood silently, their attention fixed on the approaching goddess. Freya's seductive smile seemed to enrapture all who laid eyes upon her, including myself, though I maintained a sense of detachment.

As Freya drew closer, I felt a strange sensation – a shift in the very atmosphere around us. It was as if her mere presence had altered the energy of the room, commanding the attention and adoration of all. Yet, despite the power she wielded, I found myself unaffected by the pull of her charm.

Freya's gaze swept the room, her eyes lingering on Hestia and Loki for a moment before settling on me. I felt a jolt of unease as our eyes met, but to my relief, she simply offered me a polite nod.

As Freya approached Hestia and Loki, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. There was an undeniable power and allure to the Goddess of Beauty, and I found myself instinctively drawn to her presence, despite my best efforts to remain detached.

Hestia and Loki, who had just moments ago been embroiled in a playful scuffle, now stood in silence, their attention solely focused on Freya. The air seemed to crackle with tension as the three goddesses faced one another.

"Well, well," Freya purred, her voice like honey. "It looks like you two have been getting along quite well." Her lips curved into a knowing smile as she surveyed the scene.

Hestia and Loki glanced at each other, then spoke up in unison, their voices overlapping.

"Getting along?" Hestia scoffed, her cheeks flushed with indignation. "We were doing no such thing! This flat-chested goddess was simply trying to rile me up as usual."

"Rile you up?" Loki retorted, her eyes narrowing. "Please, Shorty, you were the one who started it. I was merely engaging in a bit of harmless fun."

Freya's smile widened as she listened to their vehement denials, her gaze flitting between the two goddesses. "My, my, it certainly seems like there's no love lost between you two," she mused, her tone dripping with amusement.

Hestia and Loki continued to bicker, their voices rising in volume as they tried to outdo one another. But then, to my surprise, Hestia suddenly turned to Freya, her expression shifting from one of annoyance to something more akin to familiarity.

"Freya," Hestia said, her voice surprisingly calm. "It's been too long. How have you been?"

I watched, stunned, as Hestia spoke to Freya as if they were old friends. The bickering with Loki seemed to be forgotten, at least for the moment, as Hestia focused her attention on the Goddess of Beauty.

Freya's lips curved into a serene smile as she regarded Hestia. "Hestia, my dear," she purred. "It's been far too long. I must say, I'm surprised to see you here, of all places."

Hestia returned the smile, and for a moment, I couldn't help but feel like I was intruding on a private moment between the two goddesses. "Well, you know how it is," Hestia said, a hint of playfulness in her tone. "Always trying to make my way in this world, just like the rest of us."

Freya nodded, her gaze sweeping the room before settling back on Hestia. "And how are things with your Familia?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of curiosity.

As Hestia and Freya conversed, I found myself observing the exchange with a mix of curiosity and caution. The air seemed to crackle with an undercurrent of tension, despite the polite facade.

Sensing an opportunity, Hestia turned to me, a proud smile gracing her features. "Freya, I'd like you to meet David Miller, the newest member of my Familia," she announced, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.

I stepped forward, meeting Freya's captivating gaze. "It's an honor to meet you, Goddess Freya," I said, keeping my tone even and respectful.

Freya's lips curved into a dazzling smile, and I felt a subtle shift in the air, as if her very presence demanded attention. "The pleasure is all mine, David," she purred, her voice like velvet. "Hestia has spoken quite highly of you, and I must say, I'm intrigued to make your acquaintance."

Her gaze swept over me, and I couldn't help but feel a slight unease at the intensity of her scrutiny. Yet, despite the allure that seemed to radiate from her, I found myself unfazed, my expression remaining calm and composed.

Freya's brow arched slightly, and I caught a flicker of surprise in her eyes. "My, you're quite the interesting one, aren't you?" she murmured, her tone laced with a hint of amusement.

I simply nodded, offering her a polite smile. "I'm honored that you've taken an interest, Goddess Freya. I hope that I can live up to Hestia's praise."

Freya's gaze lingered on me for a moment longer, and I could almost feel the weight of her scrutiny. But there was something else in her expression, a spark of intrigue that seemed to pique her curiosity.

Loki suddenly intruded on the conversation. "Yoh! Freya!" Loki greeted, her voice dripping with feigned enthusiasm.

Hestia's brow furrowed, and she shot Loki a pointed look. "Tch! You're still here?" she retorted, her annoyance evident.

Freya, however, remained composed, her serene smile unwavering. "Loki, how lovely to see you," she purred, her voice smooth and alluring. "I must say, your dress is simply divine."

Loki preened under the compliment, her chest puffing out slightly. "Why, thank you, Freya," she replied, her tone dripping with false modesty. "You know I always strive to look my best."

I watched with a mix of amusement and bewilderment as Hestia and Loki began bickering once again. Their exchange was lively, punctuated by Hestia's retorts and Loki's teasing jabs. I couldn't help but chuckle at their antics - it was clear these two goddesses had a long-standing rivalry.

"Hah! With that small chest of yours, how could you look good," Hestia shot back, her voice dripping with feigned superiority.

Loki's eyes narrowed, a mischievous glint sparkling in their crimson depths. "You Loli Goddess!" she exclaimed, sticking her tongue out at Hestia.

The two deities continued their playful squabble, trading barbs and insults with a familiarity that suggested this was a common occurrence. I found myself thoroughly entertained by their display, unable to tear my gaze away.

Freya, observing the scene with an amused smile, interjected, "You two are such great friends."

Hestia and Loki immediately ceased their bickering, turning to Freya with matching expressions of indignation.

"We are not!" they shouted in unison, their voices rising in a comical display of protest.

I chuckled softly, earning a sidelong glance from Hestia. She pouted, but I could see the affection in her eyes as she looked at me. Loki, on the other hand, shot me a sly grin, her gaze holding a hint of mischief.

"Say, David," Loki purred, her voice dripping with false innocence. "How would you like to join my Familia instead? I could show you a whole new world of adventure and excitement."

I felt a chill run down my spine as Loki spoke, and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Freya's gaze intensify, her piercing eyes locked onto Loki. The shift in her demeanor was subtle, but it was enough to send a shiver of apprehension through me.

Gathering my composure, I offered Loki a polite smile. "I'm honored by the invitation, Goddess Loki, but I'm afraid I must decline. I'm already a proud member of the Hestia Familia, and my loyalty lies with Hestia."

Loki's expression shifted, a hint of disappointment flashing across her features before she quickly masked it with a playful grin. "Ah, what a shame. But I suppose I can't fault you for your loyalty. Hestia is a lucky goddess to have you, after all."

I nodded, glancing briefly at Hestia, who was watching the exchange with a mix of pride and trepidation. "I'm grateful to be a part of Hestia's Familia. She's been an incredible mentor and friend to me."

Loki's eyes narrowed slightly, and I couldn't help but feel a prickle of unease at the intensity of her gaze. "Well, the offer will always be open, should you ever change your mind," she said, her tone light but her words laced with a subtle challenge.

I opened my mouth to respond, but before I could, Freya's captivating voice cut through the air.

"My, Loki, how generous of you to extend such an invitation," Freya purred, her eyes fixed on Loki with a razor-sharp focus. "But I must say, I'm rather curious about your motivations."

Loki's crimson eyes gleamed with mischief as she turned to Freya. "Why, I was simply paying young David here a compliment on his exquisite taste. After all, he did say I looked quite beautiful in this dress."

I felt my face flush as Loki's words drew the attention of the other gods. Freya's smile seemed to tighten, a subtle shift in her expression that sent a shiver down my spine.

"I see," Freya replied, her gaze fixing on me. Her voice was soft, almost melodic, but there was an undercurrent of something else that I couldn't quite place. "That was very kind of you, David."

I swallowed hard, suddenly feeling very small under Freya's intense scrutiny. "I-I was just being honest, Goddess Freya. Loki does look lovely tonight."

Freya's smile deepened, but there was a hardness to it that unsettled me. "How thoughtful of you. I'm sure Loki appreciates the sentiment."

Loki grinned, seemingly unfazed by the subtle tension in the air. "Indeed, I do. David here has quite the eye for beauty."

I shifted uncomfortably, wishing I could disappear into the crowd.

I felt my heart skip a beat as Freya's piercing gaze fixed on me. "And what about me, David?" she asked, her voice soft and alluring. "Do you find me beautiful as well?"

The words caught in my throat as I met her intense stare. I couldn't deny the goddess's captivating presence, even as a sense of unease crept up my spine. "Y-Yes, Goddess Freya," I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper. "You''re beautiful as well."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Freya's lips, and I couldn't help but feel like I had just stepped into a trap of my own making. Loki watched the exchange with a gleam of amusement in her eyes, while Hestia's brow furrowed with concern.

Before I could say anything else, Freya's hand reached out, her slender fingers gently tracing the line of my jaw. The touch sent a shiver through me, and I found myself transfixed by her captivating gaze.

"How kind of you to say, David," Freya purred, her voice low and seductive. "I'm flattered that you find me so appealing."

Hestia suddenly stepped forward, placing herself between Freya and me. Her brow was furrowed, and her blue eyes burned with a fierceness I hadn't seen before.

"Nobody is getting David," she declared, her voice firm and unwavering. "He belongs to my Familia."

Loki let out a low chuckle, crossing her arms over her chest. "My, my, Hestia. So possessive of your little adventurer."

Freya's hand fell away from my face, and she regarded Hestia with a cool, calculating gaze. "Now, now, Hestia. I'm simply admiring the young man. There's no need for such hostility."

Hestia refused to back down, her small frame radiating a surprising amount of authority. "David is mine. I won't let you or anyone else try to take him away."

I stood there, feeling caught in the middle of this clash of goddesses. Part of me was flattered by the attention, but the tension in the air made me deeply uncomfortable.

Loki's crimson eyes glinted with amusement. "It seems we've struck a nerve, Hestia. I must say, I'm impressed by your devotion to your Familia member."

Freya's lips curled into a subtle smile. "Indeed. It's quite admirable, really." Her gaze shifted back to me, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. "But surely you can understand my interest, Hestia. David is a fascinating young man."

Hestia refused to budge, her petite frame standing firm. "He's not for you or anyone else to be interested in. David is mine."

Loki let out a low whistle. "Well, this is certainly turning into an interesting evening."

I watched in stunned silence as the exchange between the goddesses unfolded before me. Hestia's fierce protectiveness over me was both surprising and touching, while Freya's alluring advances left me feeling flustered and unsettled.

Freya's gaze lingered on me for a moment longer before she turned to the other two goddesses. "Well, it seems I have other guests to attend to. Enjoy the rest of the evening, you two." She flashed us a dazzling smile and then gracefully departed, her movements fluid and captivating.

Loki chuckled, her crimson eyes gleaming with mischief. "My, my, Shorty. You really are quite possessive of your little adventurer." She turned to me, a playful grin on her lips. "But you know, David, if you ever get tired of Hestia's overbearing affection, you're always welcome in my Familia."

Hestia bristled, her small frame practically vibrating with indignation. "He's not changing Familias, Loki! David is staying right here with me, where he belongs."

Loki raised her hands in a gesture of surrender, her laughter ringing out. "Alright, alright, I was only teasing." She winked at me before following in Freya's footsteps, disappearing into the crowd.

I let out a shaky breath, my heart still pounding from the intense encounter. Hestia turned to me, her expression softening as she gently placed a hand on my arm.

"Don't worry, David-kun," she said, her voice laced with warmth and reassurance. "I won't let them take you away from me."

I stood there, feeling a bit like a deer caught in the headlights as Hephaestus and Tsubaki approached us. Hephaestus had a knowing smile on her face, while Tsubaki tried to suppress an amused grin.

"Well, well, it seems our dear Hestia has quite the admirer," Hephaestus remarked, her crimson eyes twinkling with mirth.

Tsubaki nodded in agreement. "Yes, you've certainly managed to stir up quite the commotion, David."

I felt my face flush with embarrassment as the two goddesses and their captain teased me. Hestia bristled protectively at my side, her grip on my arm tightening.

"David is a valued member of my Familia," she declared, her chin held high. "I won't have you two poking fun at him."

Hephaestus chuckled. "Now, now, Hestia. We mean no harm. We're simply impressed by your young adventurer's ability to capture the attention of not one, but two of the most powerful goddesses in Orario."

Tsubaki nodded in agreement. "Yes, it's quite an accomplishment. Though I can't say I envy the position you've found yourself in, David."

I could only laugh weakly as Hephaestus and Tsubaki left Hestia and me alone. The attention from Freya and Loki had left me feeling flustered and a bit overwhelmed. I turned to Hestia, offering her a sheepish smile.

"Well, that was...certainly an interesting encounter," I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

Hestia's expression softened, and she gave my arm a gentle squeeze. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, David-kun. Freya and Loki can be a bit...intense at times."

I nodded, glancing around the room. "I can see that. Though I have to admit, I'm flattered that they seem to find me so interesting."

Hestia huffed, her brow furrowing. "Well, you don't need to be flattered. You're my adventurer, and I won't have those two trying to steal you away."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her possessive tone. "Don't worry, Hestia. I have no intention of leaving the Hestia Familia. You're stuck with me, whether you like it or not."

Hestia's expression softened, and a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Good. Because I wouldn't have it any other way."

We stood there for a moment, the tension from the previous encounter slowly dissipating. I took a deep breath, feeling a renewed sense of determination.

"So, shall we enjoy the rest of the banquet?" I asked, offering Hestia my arm.

Hestia beamed up at me, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement. "Absolutely! There's still so much for us to explore and experience."

With that, we set off, weaving through the throngs of gods and goddesses, taking in the grandeur of Ganesha's manor. The air was filled with the sounds of laughter, conversation, and the clinking of glasses.

As we made our way through the crowd, I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer opulence of the event. The tables were laden with an array of exotic dishes, and the walls were adorned with intricate tapestries and paintings.

Hestia tugged on my sleeve, her eyes wide with wonder. "David-kun, look at all of this! It's so different from our little home."

I chuckled, nodding in agreement. "It certainly is. But I have to say, I'm quite enjoying the change of pace."

Hestia's expression brightened, and she dragged me towards a table laden with an assortment of desserts. "Then let's indulge! I want to try everything!"

As Hestia eagerly sampled the various confections, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. Despite the earlier encounter with Freya and Loki, I was grateful to be here, sharing this experience with Hestia.

I watched as Hestia's face lit up with delight with each new flavor, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for my goddess. In that moment, all the worries and tensions of the day seemed to melt away, and I knew that as long as I had Hestia by my side, I could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The hall started to play music, a lively melody that filled the air. I turned to Hestia, my heart racing with a mix of nerves and excitement.

"Would you do me the honor of dancing with me, Hestia?" I asked, offering her my hand.

Hestia's eyes sparkled with delight as she placed her small hand in mine. "I would be delighted, David-kun."

Together, we made our way to the dance floor, which had now opened up. I gently pulled Hestia close, my hand resting on the small of her back as we began to sway in time with the music.

At first, I felt a bit clumsy, my movements unsure, but Hestia guided me with a gentle smile, her eyes locked onto mine. As the music swelled, I found myself relaxing, letting the rhythm take over as I twirled Hestia gracefully across the floor.

Her laughter filled my ears, light and melodic, and I couldn't help but grin in response. In that moment, it felt as if the rest of the world had faded away, leaving only the two of us, lost in the magic of the dance.

I pulled Hestia a little closer, my heart swelling with a warmth I had never known. The way she looked at me, with such adoration and trust, made my breath catch in my throat.

As the music reached its crescendo, I dipped Hestia low, holding her securely in my arms. Her hair cascaded down, framing her face, and I was struck by just how breathtakingly beautiful she was.

When the music finally faded, we remained there, frozen in time, our eyes locked in a silent exchange.


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