Chapter 21

Freya POV

Freya's silver eyes locked onto David and Hestia as they swayed together on the dance floor, lost in the rhythm of the music. A small smile played on her lips as she observed them, her gaze unwavering.

Ottar, her ever-loyal captain, stood beside her, his face a mask of stoicism. "My lady, are you interested in the young adventurer?" he asked, his deep voice betraying no emotion.

Freya's smile widened ever so slightly. "Yes, Ottar. I find him... intriguing." Her eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief as she watched David twirl Hestia gracefully.

Ottar's expression remained unchanged, but Freya could sense the slightest shift in his demeanor. "I see," he said simply, his eyes following the pair on the dance floor.

Freya's gaze returned to David, studying him closely. Unlike so many others who had fallen under her spell, David's eyes held no trace of fanatical adoration when he had first laid eyes on her. Most men, even gods, were captivated by her beauty, but not him.

This only served to pique Freya's interest further. She was accustomed to having any mortal or deity she desired fall at her feet, their hearts and minds consumed by her allure. Yet, David seemed to possess a quiet strength, a resolve that set him apart from the others.

Freya's fingers tapped lightly against the ornate goblet she held, her mind already whirring with possibilities. She would have to observe him more closely, unravel the mystery that surrounded this young adventurer who had caught her attention.

As the music swelled, Hestia and David's dance came to an end, and they parted, their faces flushed with joy. Freya watched as they exchanged a few words, their expressions soft and affectionate.

Ottar cleared his throat, drawing Freya's attention. "Shall we mingle with the other guests, my lady?" he asked, ever the dutiful captain.

Freya nodded, her gaze lingering on David for a moment longer before she turned and made her way through the crowd, her every step radiating an aura of grace and power.

Loki POV

I, the mischievous Loki, couldn't resist the temptation to tease my dear Aiz Wallenstein. As the Banquet of the Gods continued around us, I sidled up to the Sword Princess, my fingers itching to grope her shapely figure.

"My dear Aiz, you look absolutely divine tonight," I purred, reaching out to caress her arm. But Aiz, ever the skilled warrior, easily evaded my advances, her eyes narrowing with disapproval.

"Loki," she said sternly, "control yourself." Before I could protest, she swiftly brought her hand up, delivering a light but firm smack to the side of my head. I yelped in surprise, rubbing the sore spot as I pouted at her.

As I nursed my wounded pride, Aiz fixed me with a questioning gaze. "Speaking of control, what was that about inviting David to our Familia? As far as I know, you've never done that before, especially when he's already joined another Familia."

I sighed, my mischievous demeanor momentarily replaced by a rare moment of sincerity. "Aiz, my dear, in all my long life as a goddess, no one has ever called me beautiful. Not until that young adventurer, David, graced me with such a compliment." I paused, my crimson eyes gleaming with a hint of vulnerability. "I... I simply couldn't resist the opportunity to have him join our Familia. The chance to be appreciated for my beauty, even if just for a moment, was too tempting to pass up."

Aiz regarded me with a mixture of understanding and concern. "Loki, you know that's not how it works. David has already pledged himself to Hestia's Familia. It wouldn't be right to try and poach him away, no matter how much you may desire his admiration."

I let out a dramatic sigh, my lips curling into a playful pout as I regarded Aiz with feigned exasperation.

"Oh, Aiz, you know I can't resist a challenge! And that young adventurer, David - there's just something about him that intrigues me." I paused, tapping my chin thoughtfully. "Maybe it's the way he carries himself, or perhaps it's the spark of potential I see in his eyes. Whatever it is, I can't help but feel drawn to him, like a moth to a flame."

I leaned in closer, lowering my voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "And you know me, Aiz - I simply must have the things that captivate me. Hestia may have found him first, but that doesn't mean I can't try to win him over. After all, what's the harm in a little friendly competition?"

Aiz frowned, her brow furrowing with concern. "Loki, you know that's not how it works. David has already pledged himself to Hestia's Familia. Trying to steal him away would be a breach of trust and an act of war between our Familias."

I waved a dismissive hand, my crimson eyes gleaming with mischief. "Oh, Aiz, you worry too much! I'm not planning anything nefarious, I promise. I just want to get to know David a little better, that's all. Who knows, maybe he'll decide he'd be better off with us after all."

Aiz opened her mouth to protest, but I quickly cut her off, placing a finger against her lips. "Shh, my dear Aiz. Trust me, I know what I'm doing. This is all in good fun, I assure you." With a wink, I sauntered away, my mind already whirling with ideas on how to capture David's attention.

David POV

I gaze at the status screen, my heart swelling with pride. All of my core attributes have reached the coveted S-rank, a testament to the arduous training and perilous adventures I've endured alongside Lunamon and Hestia.

[David Miller


Strength : s(972)

Endurance : S(914)

Dexterity : S(948)

Agility : S(966)

Magic : S(989)


World Traveler - Allows to travel to different worlds and dimensions. Can convert to any currency. Can speak, read, and understand any language.

Ghost Manifestation - Turns the user into a half-ghost.





"Incredible, David-kun!" Hestia exclaims, her eyes shining with unbridled delight. "I have never seen stats as high as yours before." She leans in, her fingers tracing the parchment of paper.

I nod, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "It's all thanks to your guidance and support, Hestia. I couldn't have done it without you and Lunamon by my side."

I nod, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "It's all thanks to your guidance and support, Hestia. I couldn't have done it without you and Lunamon by my side."

Hestia beams, her petite frame practically glowing with pride. "Well, David-kun, I believe it's time for you to take the next step. It's time for you to level up!"

I straighten, my heart racing with anticipation. "Level up? How do I do that?"

Hestia's expression turns serious, her brow furrowing slightly. "To level up, you'll need to accomplish something that will impress the gods. The easiest way would be to defeat a powerful monster, one that would truly showcase your abilities."

My mind instantly jumps to the fearsome Goliath, the Monster Rex that guards the 17th floor of the Dungeon. "Goliath," I breathe, my fingers tightening around the Digivice in my hand. "You think I can take on Goliath?"

[Monster Rexes are unique, powerful entities that differ from regular monsters in several ways. They are larger and more formidable, possessing extraordinary physical and magical abilities. Unlike ordinary monsters that continuously respawn, a Monster Rex appears only under specific conditions and does not regenerate immediately upon being defeated. Each Monster Rex has distinct abilities that reflect its nature and floor environment, and they often require coordinated efforts from multiple high-level adventurers or Familia to defeat. Defeating a Monster Rex is a prestigious achievement and is usually rewarded with rare items, materials, and a large amount of excelia.]

Hestia's eyes gleam with a mix of pride and concern as she contemplates my request. "Goliath is certainly a formidable foe, David-kun. Normally, a Level 1 adventurer would only need to defeat a monster on par with a Minotaur to level up. But given your exceptional strength, Goliath may be the only challenge worthy of your abilities."

I nod, my heart pounding with a familiar thrill. "Then that's the monster I need to defeat. I'm ready, Hestia."

Hestia chews her lower lip, her brow furrowed. "I admire your determination, David-kun, but Goliath is no ordinary beast. Even seasoned adventurers struggle against it. I worry for your safety."

I reach out, gently taking her hands in mine. "I know the risks, Hestia. But I also know that with you and Lunamon by my side, I can overcome any challenge. Trust me, please. I need to do this, not just for myself, but for our Familia."

Her blue eyes search mine, and after a moment, she sighs in resignation. "Very well, David-kun. I can see the fire in your eyes, and I know I cannot dissuade you. But promise me you'll be careful. Goliath is not to be taken lightly."

"I promise, Hestia," I say, squeezing her hands reassuringly. "We'll return victorious, I swear it."

Lunamon, who has been silent throughout our exchange, finally speaks up. "I'll be by your side, David. We'll face Goliath together."

"David-kun, I have one more thing to tell you about Goliath," Hestia says, her brow furrowed with concern. "The Monster Rex does not appear continuously. It respawns on a schedule, usually every two to three weeks."

I furrow my brow, processing this new information. "So Goliath isn't there right now?"

Hestia nods solemnly. "That's correct. We'll need to check when it's scheduled to appear next before you can attempt to defeat it."

I felt a bit embarrassed. I was so eager to defeat Goliath, but it hasn't spawned yet. I guess I got a little ahead of myself there.

Hestia was right to be concerned about the risks. Goliath is no ordinary monster, and even seasoned adventurers struggle against it. I shouldn't have been so reckless in my desire to level up. Lunamon and I will need to be extra careful when we do face that behemoth.

Sighing, I rub the back of my neck. "So when is Goliath scheduled to appear next? Do you have any idea, Hestia?"

My goddess bites her lip, brow furrowed in thought. "Unfortunately, the respawn schedule for Monster Rexes can be unpredictable. The best thing to do would be to check with the Guild. Eina should have more information on Goliath's movements."

I nod, feeling a surge of determination. "Then that's what I'll do. I'll head to the Guild and see if Eina can give us a better idea of when Goliath will show up next."

Hestia places a small hand on my arm, her eyes filled with concern. "Be careful, David-kun. Eina is very knowledgeable, but even she may not have a precise schedule. You'll need to be vigilant and prepared when the time comes to face Goliath."

"Don't worry, Hestia," I reassure her, flashing a confident grin. "Lunamon and I will be ready. We won't let you down."

Lunamon nods solemnly beside me, her delicate features set with determination. "That's right. We'll face Goliath together and come out victorious."

I nod at Lunamon, feeling a surge of determination coursing through me. "Alright, it's time. Let's go see Eina and find out when we can take on Goliath."

Lunamon returns my nod, her eyes shining with resolve. "I'm ready when you are, David."

Turning to Hestia, I offer her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Hestia. Lunamon and I will be careful. We'll come back safe and sound, I promise."

Hestia bites her lip, her brow furrowed with concern, but she nods slowly. "Very well, David-kun. I trust you. Just please, be cautious."

I reach out and give her hand a gentle squeeze. "I will, Hestia. I'll see you soon."

With that, I open a shimmering portal, the gateway to Orario. Lunamon and I exchange one last look before stepping through, leaving Hestia behind.

Scene 4

I step through the portal, emerging in the bustling streets of Orario. Lunamon remains safely tucked away in my Digivice, ready to assist me when needed.

With purpose in my stride, I make my way towards the towering structure of the Guild, determined to uncover the information I need about Goliath's next appearance. As I approach the entrance, I spot a familiar face - Eina, the half-elf receptionist who has guided me before.

"Eina!" I call out, raising a hand in greeting.

The young woman turns, her green eyes widening in surprise as she recognizes me. "David! It's good to see you again." A warm smile graces her features. "What brings you to the Guild today?"

I come to a stop before her, offering a friendly nod. "I'm hoping you can help me, Eina. I need to find out when the Monster Rex, Goliath, is scheduled to appear next."

Eina's brow furrows in confusion. "Goliath? Why would you need that information?" She pauses, her expression shifting to one of concern. "You're not planning on challenging Goliath, are you? That's far too dangerous, even for experienced adventurers."

I can't help but chuckle at her reaction. "Actually, Eina, that's exactly what I'm planning to do. You see, I've been making great progress in the Dungeon, and I'm ready to take on the challenge of Goliath to level up."

Her eyes widen in surprise. "You can already level up? But why do you need Goliath? Isn't a minotaur enough?"

I can't resist the urge to smirk. "Minotaurs? Those are just fodder to me now. I've been hunting them on a daily basis, and I'm ready to take on something more challenging." I pause, letting my words sink in. "You're looking at the strongest Level 1 adventurer, and the one who will be the fastest to reach Level 2, breaking even Aiz Wallenstein's record."

Eina is left speechless, her mouth agape as she processes my bold claims. I can't help but feel a sense of pride at the look on her face. She's clearly not expecting this level of confidence and power from a relatively new adventurer.

I watch in amusement as Eina's coworkers overhear my boasts, their eyes widening in disbelief. It's quite satisfying to see their reactions - I can practically see the gears turning in their heads as they try to process the idea of a Level 1 adventurer on the verge of surpassing even the legendary Aiz Wallenstein.

Eina quickly composes herself and gestures for me to follow her. "Come with me, David. We should discuss this further in private."

I obediently trail behind her, feeling a surge of anticipation. As we step into a secluded room, Eina turns to me, her expression a mix of bewilderment and concern.

"An adventurer who reached Level 2 in less than two months..." She shakes her head, seemingly unable to fathom the idea. "That's... unheard of. Are you sure you're ready to take on Goliath? That monster is incredibly powerful, and even veteran adventurers have fallen to it. Moreover, aren't you just Level 1?" She points at me, her face etched with worry. "What makes you think you can take on Goliath, which even a party of Level 3 adventurers struggle to defeat?"

I can't help but grin at Eina's concern. "Trust me, Eina. I know exactly what I'm doing." I lean in slightly, lowering my voice. "I've got a few tricks up my sleeve that even you don't know about."

Eina's brow furrows, her expression shifting to one of frustration. "How can I trust you, David? You're a Level 1 adventurer who wants to take on one of the most dangerous monsters in the Dungeon. That's not just reckless, it's suicidal!" She throws her hands up in exasperation. "I understand you've been making impressive progress, but Goliath is on a completely different level. Even the most seasoned veterans struggle to defeat it."

I can see the worry in her eyes, and it tugs at my heart. Eina is clearly just looking out for my well-being, and I can't help but feel a twinge of guilt for causing her such distress.

Rubbing the back of my neck, I offer her an awkward smile. "I know you're worried, Eina. But I promise, I've got this." I pause, trying to find the right words to reassure her. "Look, I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't think I could handle it. I've been working hard, and I've got a few surprises up my sleeve. Just trust me, okay?"

Eina's expression softens, and she lets out a long sigh. "I want to believe you, David, I really do. But this is just... it's too much. You're not even a proper adventurer yet, and you want to take on a Monster Rex?" She shakes her head, her lips pressed into a thin line. "I can't in good conscience let you do this. It's too dangerous, even for someone as talented as you."

I can see the concern etched on Eina's face, and I know I need to do something to reassure her. Taking a deep breath, I lean in closer and speak in a hushed tone.

"Eina, I need you to promise me that you won't reveal what I'm about to show you. Can you do that for me?"

She blinks in confusion, her brow furrowing. "What are you talking about, David? What is it that you want to show me?"

I glance around the room, making sure we're completely alone. "Just promise me, Eina. Please."

After a moment of hesitation, she nods. "Alright, David. I promise I won't tell anyone."

Satisfied, I take a step back and feel the familiar surge of power coursing through me. With a deep breath, I allow the transformation to take over, and in a flash, I'm enveloped in a ghostly aura. My body becomes intangible, and I can see the shock and wonder in Eina's eyes as she takes in the sight of my ghostly form.

"What... what happened to you?" she whispers, her voice laced with disbelief.

I take a deep breath and let the ghostly power flow through me, watching as my body becomes intangible and ethereal. Eina's eyes widen in shock as she takes in the sight before her.

"David, what is this? How are you doing this?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

"It's a long story, Eina, but the short version is that I have these incredible ghost powers. I can turn intangible, become invisible, and even fly." To demonstrate, I lift a few inches off the ground, my feet hovering above the floor.

Eina's mouth opens and closes, her expression one of pure bewilderment. "This... this is impossible. How can you have such abilities? Is this magic?"

I can't help but chuckle at her reaction. "Believe it, Eina. These powers are very real, and they're going to help me take down Goliath. With this kind of power, even a Monster Rex won't be a challenge."

I turn to the Digivice at my side, pressing the button that Lunamon had shown me. In a flash of light, the small Digimon materializes beside me, her large, expressive eyes blinking in curiosity.

"Lunamon, I need you to come out and meet someone," I say, gesturing towards Eina, who is staring at the scene with a mixture of awe and confusion.

Lunamon turns her gaze to Eina, offering a gentle smile. "Hello, I am Lunamon. It's a pleasure to meet you," she says, her voice soft and melodic.

Eina's eyes widen as she takes in Lunamon's appearance. "Is... is this a monster?" she asks, her hand instinctively reaching for a weapon.

I quickly raise my hand, shaking my head. "No, no, Eina. Lunamon is not a monster. She's a Digimon - a digital monster, if you will. And she's part of the Hestia Familia, just like me."

Eina blinks, her confusion evident. "A Digimon? I'm afraid I've never heard of such a thing. Could you please explain?"

I nod, realizing that this is going to take some time to unpack. "It's a long story, Eina, but in short, Lunamon is my partner. She's been helping me in the Dungeon, and she's a crucial part of the Hestia Familia. I know it might seem strange, but I promise she's not a threat. In fact, she's one of the bravest and most loyal companions I could ever hope for."

Lunamon nods in agreement, her eyes shining with pride. "That's right. I'm here to support David and the Hestia Familia in any way I can. We're a team, and I'll always be by his side."

Eina looks between us, her expression still uncertain, but I can see the beginnings of understanding starting to form. "I see. Well, this is certainly... unexpected. But if you say she's your partner, David, then I trust your judgment. Just be sure to keep me informed about any unusual developments, alright?"

I nod, relieved that Eina is willing to give Lunamon a chance. "Of course, Eina. I'll make sure to keep you in the loop. And thank you for understanding."

"Eina, I know this all must seem incredibly strange to you, but I can assure you that Lunamon and I are more than ready to take on Goliath," I say with unwavering confidence. "With my ghost powers and Lunamon's help, we'll make quick work of that Monster Rex."

Eina's brow furrows as she considers my words, her gaze flickering between Lunamon and me. I can practically see the gears turning in her head, weighing the pros and cons of this unorthodox plan.

After a moment of tense silence, Eina lets out a heavy sigh. "I have to admit, David, this is all... quite extraordinary. I've never seen anything like it." She pauses, her eyes narrowing slightly. "But if you truly believe you and Lunamon can handle Goliath, then I suppose I have no choice but to trust your judgment."

Lunamon and I exchange an excited glance, barely able to contain our enthusiasm. "Yes! Thank you, Eina!" I exclaim, clasping her hands in gratitude. "You won't be disappointed, I promise."

Eina offers a small, tentative smile. "I certainly hope not. Now, let me check the records for when Goliath is scheduled to appear next."

She turns to her desk, shuffling through a stack of papers before pulling out a worn ledger. Her eyes scan the pages intently, her lips moving silently as she reads. After a few moments, she looks up, a hint of surprise in her expression.

"Well, it seems Goliath was actually defeated just a few weeks ago. The next time it's scheduled to appear is in..." She pauses, her gaze flickering back down to the book. " a matter of days."

Lunamon and I exchange an excited glance, our hearts racing with anticipation. "Perfect!" I exclaim, unable to contain my enthusiasm. "Lunamon and I will be ready. This is our chance to prove ourselves and make the Hestia Familia proud."

Eina nods, though a trace of concern lingers in her eyes. "Just... please be careful, David. Goliath is no ordinary monster, and I'd hate to see you or Lunamon get hurt."

I offer her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Eina. With my ghost powers and Lunamon by my side, we'll come out of this stronger than ever. Just you wait and see!"

Lunamon chimes in, her voice filled with determination. "That's right! We'll defeat Goliath and make the Hestia Familia the best in all of Orario!"

Eina shakes her head, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Well, I suppose there's no stopping you two. Just... please be careful, alright?"

"You got it, Eina!" I reply, already mentally preparing for the upcoming battle. "Lunamon and I are ready to take on the world!"

I turn to Lunamon, my excitement palpable. "Well, my friend, it looks like our moment has arrived. Goliath is ours for the taking!"

Lunamon nods, her eyes shining with determination. "I'm ready, David. Together, we'll show Orario the true power of the Hestia Familia."

I place a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "That's right. With our combined strength, nothing can stop us."

Bidding farewell to Eina, Lunamon and I step through the portal, our sights set on the Dungeon and the mighty Goliath that awaits us. The familiar streets of Orario greet us, and I can practically feel the anticipation coursing through my veins.

"Alright, Lunamon," I say, my voice brimming with confidence. "Let's go show this Monster Rex who's boss."

Hand in hand, we make our way towards the Dungeon's entrance, our hearts pounding with excitement and a shared determination to emerge victorious.


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