Chapter 24

As we emerged from the Dungeon, the familiar sight of the Tower of Babel came into view. I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride swelling within me, knowing that Lunamon and I had accomplished what many seasoned adventurers had struggled with - defeating the mighty Goliath.

The weight of the massive magic stone in my hands was a tangible reminder of our victory, and I couldn't wait to show it to Eina, the half-elf receptionist at the Guild. I knew she would be impressed, and maybe even a little surprised, by my accomplishment.

"Come on, you guys," I called out to Aiz, Tiona, Tione, and Lefiya, who were trailing behind me. "Let's get this stone back to the Guild and get it registered."

Aiz nodded, her expression calm and composed as usual. "Lead the way, David," she said, her voice soft and even.

As we approached the Guild, I could feel the curious stares of the other adventurers. No doubt they were wondering about the giant magic stone I was carrying, and the fact that I was accompanied by the renowned Loki Familia.

I spotted Eina at the reception desk, her eyes widening as she caught sight of me. "David!" she exclaimed, hurrying over to us. "What on earth—"

"Eina!" I interrupted, unable to contain my excitement. "I did it! Lunamon and I, we defeated the Goliath!"

Eina's mouth fell open, her eyes darting from the massive magic stone in my hands to the members of the Loki Familia standing behind me. "You... you what?" she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

I couldn't help but grin, my chest swelling with pride. "We took down the Goliath, Eina," I repeated, holding the stone out for her to see. "Just like we said we would."

Eina was in disbelief but also proud. "David, this is... this is incredible!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with a mix of astonishment and genuine delight. "I can hardly believe it. To take down the Goliath at your level, that's... that's just unheard of!"

I felt my cheeks grow warm under her praise, and I shuffled my feet awkwardly. "Well, I couldn't have done it without Lunamon," I admitted, glancing over at my Digimon partner. "She was the real hero out there."

Lunamon responded from the Digivice. "We made a great team," she said, her melodic voice filling the air. "David's bravery and determination were just as crucial as my own abilities."

Eina nodded, her gaze shifting between the two of us. "I'm just relieved to see you both safe," she said, her tone sincere. "The Goliath is no easy foe, even for seasoned adventurers. You should be very proud of what you've accomplished."

I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at her words. Eina had always been so kind and supportive, and to have her recognize our achievement meant the world to me.

"Thank you, Eina," I said, my voice soft.

Eina smiled warmly, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Well, I'm glad to see your hard work has paid off, David. And I'm sure Hestia will be thrilled to hear about your victory."

I felt my cheeks grow warm again at the thought of Hestia's reaction. The goddess had been so worried about me taking on the Goliath, and I couldn't wait to tell her that I had succeeded.

I watched as Eina turned to the members of the Loki Familia, her expression shifting to one of reverence.

"Ais-sama, Tiona-sama, Tione-sama, Lefiya-sama," she greeted them, her voice laced with respect. "Thank you for accompanying David and ensuring his safe return."

Ais-sama nodded, her pale gold eyes meeting Eina's. "It was our pleasure," she said, her tone calm and measured.

Eina turned to the Loki Familia, her eyes shining with curiosity. "If I may ask, what led you all to accompany David on his quest to defeat the Goliath?"

Aiz, her expression serene, replied, "We encountered David on the 17th floor of the Dungeon. My companions and I witnessed him fight and defeat the Goliath."

I felt a surge of pride at Aiz's words, knowing that the legendary Sword Princess had seen my triumph.

Tiona, her eyes sparkling with excitement, chimed in, "It was incredible! The way David and his Digimon partner worked together to take down that monster - I've never seen anything like it!" She grinned at me, her infectious enthusiasm making me grin in return.

Beside her, Tione shook her head, her brow furrowed in disbelief. "I still can't believe it," she muttered, her gaze fixed on the massive magic stone in my hands. "A Level 1 adventurer, defeating the Goliath? It's just... unheard of."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. I knew my accomplishment was extraordinary, and I was still processing it myself.

Lefiya, her voice tinged with a hint of jealousy, spoke up. "We were... impressed by your skills, David," she admitted, her green eyes meeting mine. "To take on such a formidable foe at your level is truly remarkable."

I felt a surge of gratitude towards the Loki Familia, knowing that they had taken the time to witness my victory. Their acknowledgment meant a great deal to me, and I couldn't wait to share the news with Hestia.

"Thank you all," I said, my voice sincere. "I couldn't have done it without Lunamon by my side."

Lunamon's gentle voice echoed from the Digivice. "We make a great team, David."

Eina smiled warmly, her gaze filled with pride. "Well, it's clear that you and Lunamon have formed an incredible bond. I'm sure Hestia will be overjoyed to hear about your triumph."

I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the thought of sharing my victory with Hestia. I knew she would be both relieved and proud, and I couldn't wait to see the look on her face.

I gestured at the massive magic stone in my hands, the weight of our victory palpable. "I'd like to trade this in, if I may," I said to Eina, my voice brimming with pride.

Eina nodded, her eyes widening slightly as she took in the size and power of the stone. "Of course, David," she replied, her tone professional yet tinged with awe. "Several of our staff members will be happy to assist you with that."

At Eina's words, a group of guild employees approached, their expressions a mix of curiosity and reverence. They handled the stone with great care, examining it closely before escorting me to a secure area to complete the transaction.

I watched intently as they weighed and evaluated the magic stone, their murmurs and occasional glances in my direction only serving to fuel my excitement. This was it - the moment when my hard-earned victory would be recognized and rewarded.

As the guild staff completed their assessment, I couldn't help but wonder how Hestia would react to the news of my triumph. I knew she had been worried about my decision to take on the Goliath, and I couldn't wait to see the look of relief and pride on her face.

The guild staff came back, and Eina happily said, "David, you've earned a whopping 1,000,000 Valis from that Goliath magic stone!"

I couldn't believe my ears. One million Valis? That was far more than I had expected. My heart raced with excitement as I realized the magnitude of my accomplishment. This was a game-changing amount of money that would allow me to take care of Hestia and Lunamon in ways I had only dreamed of.

"1,000,000 Valis?" I repeated, my voice tinged with disbelief. "That's... incredible!" I felt a wide grin spreading across my face as I accepted the pouch of coins from the guild staff.

Eina smiled warmly, her eyes shining with pride. "You've truly earned this, David. I'm so impressed by your victory over the Goliath. This will go a long way in supporting your Familia."

I nodded, my mind racing with all the possibilities this newfound wealth presented. I couldn't wait to share this news with Hestia and Lunamon, to see the look of joy and relief on their faces. With this kind of financial backing, we could finally afford a proper home, better equipment, and whatever else we needed to grow stronger and explore the Dungeon further.

I clutched the hefty pouch of Valis in my hand, the weight of my victory a tangible reminder of all I had accomplished. With a nod to the Loki Familia, I turned and made my way towards a secluded corner, eager to have a moment to myself.

Aiz gave me a slight nod, her expression unreadable, but I caught a glimmer of what might have been respect in her eyes. Tiona waved enthusiastically, a bright smile on her face, while Tione regarded me with a hint of indifference. Lefiya, ever the cautious one, offered me a hesitant smile, her gaze filled with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

As I walked away, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. Defeating the Goliath was no small feat, and the fact that the Loki Familia had witnessed it only added to the weight of my triumph. I knew Hestia would be overjoyed to hear the news, and I couldn't wait to share this moment with her and Lunamon.


I arrived at the secluded corner, the pouch of Valis heavy in my hand. Glancing around to ensure I was alone, I opened a shimmering portal, stepping through into the familiar surroundings of our apartment.

"I'm back!" I called out, and in an instant, Hestia came rushing towards me, her eyes alight with worry.

"David-kun! Are you alright?" she exclaimed, her small hands gently examining my body for any signs of injury.

I smiled reassuringly, placing my hand over hers. "I'm fine, Hestia. The injuries I had were minor, and they've already healed."

At that moment, Lunamon emerged from my Digivice, her eyes shining with pride. "We did it, David! We defeated the Goliath!"

Hestia's face lit up with joy, and she pulled me into a tight embrace. "Oh, David-kun! I'm so proud of you both! You've accomplished something truly remarkable."

I beamed with pride as I showed Hestia the hefty pouch of Valis in my hands. "Can you believe it, Hestia? A whole million Valis! All thanks to our victory over the Goliath."

Hestia's eyes widened in awe as she gently took the pouch from my hands, her fingers tracing the outline of the coins. "David-kun, this is incredible! You've both worked so hard, and it's all paid off."

A radiant smile spread across her face, and she pulled me into a warm embrace. "We should celebrate this momentous occasion!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement.

Lunamon chimed in, "Ooh, a celebration! What did you have in mind, Hestia?"

Hestia released me from the hug, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, I was thinking we could go out for a nice dinner, maybe try that new restaurant that just opened up. And afterwards, we could come back here and have a movie night!"

I chuckled, already picturing the three of us curled up on the couch, munching on snacks and watching some of my favorite films. "That sounds perfect, Hestia. I can't think of a better way to celebrate our victory."

Hestia clapped her hands together, her enthusiasm infectious. "Wonderful! Let's get ready and head out."

With a nod, I ushered Lunamon and Hestia towards the bedroom, eager to change into something more suitable for our celebratory dinner.

Hestia and I stepped into the warm, inviting atmosphere of the Yakiniku restaurant. The staff greeted us with polite bows, their expressions friendly and welcoming.

"Welcome to Yakiniku Fuji! How may I assist you today?" the hostess inquired, her voice melodic.

"Good evening," I replied. "We'd like a private room, if possible."

The hostess smiled and gestured for us to follow. "Right this way, please."

Hestia walked beside me, her eyes wide with wonder as she took in the sights and sounds of the establishment. I could tell she was excited to try this new dining experience.

The hostess led us to a cozy, secluded room, the walls adorned with traditional Japanese artwork. A low table sat in the center, surrounded by plush cushions.

"Please make yourselves comfortable," the hostess said. "A server will be with you shortly to take your order."

With that, she bowed and left us alone in the private room. I turned to Hestia, a smile spreading across my face.

"Well, what do you think?" I asked, eager to hear her thoughts.

"Wow, David-kun, this place is incredible!" Hestia exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she took in the cozy atmosphere of the private room. "What is this... Yakiniku, you called it?"

I chuckled, delighted to see her enthusiasm. "Yakiniku is a type of Japanese cuisine where we grill meat right at our table," I explained, gesturing to the small grill set up in the center.

At that moment, Lunamon emerged from my Digivice, her nose twitching as she caught the enticing aroma in the air. "Ooh, what's that wonderful smell?" she asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

I smiled and patted Lunamon's head affectionately. "That would be the grilled meat, Lunamon. This is a Yakiniku restaurant, where we can cook and enjoy various types of delicious meats together."

Hestia clapped her hands together, her face lighting up with delight. "Oh, how exciting! I can't wait to try this 'Yakiniku' for myself. And Lunamon can join us, too!"

Lunamon's eyes sparkled with excitement as she hopped up onto the cushion next to Hestia. "I've never had grilled meat before. This is going to be so much fun!"

I couldn't help but smile at their enthusiasm. "Well, then, let's not keep you two waiting any longer. The server should be here soon to take our order."

As if on cue, a friendly-looking server entered the room, carrying a tray of sauces and condiments. "Good evening, welcome to Yakiniku Fuji. Are you ready to order your selection of meats?"

I watched with amusement as Lunamon remained motionless, playing the part of a plush toy as the server approached. Hestia, with her usual enthusiasm, studied the menu intently, her brow furrowed in concentration.

"Hmm, let's see here," she murmured, her finger tracing the various offerings. "I think I'll try the bulgogi and the kalbi. Oh, and some kimchi as well!"

The server nodded, jotting down Hestia's order. "Excellent choices, and for your companion?" he asked, glancing at David.

I smiled at the server. I wanted to keep my expression casual. "I'll have the assorted beef platter," I said. "And some miso soup on the side, please."

Lunamon was next to me. She stayed still, her eyes fixed on the server. In a soft whisper, she spoke up. "And may I please have the vegetable plate? With some rice, if possible."

I repeated Lunamon's order. "Oh, and some vegetable plate with some rice, as well."

"Excellent choices," the server said. He jotted down our order. "I'll have that right out for you."

With a bow, the server left the room, and I let out a quiet sigh of relief. Hestia leaned in, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Hestia could not wait for the food to arrive and could not sit still. She fidgeted excitedly on the cushion, her eyes darting around the cozy room. Lunamon, on the other hand, remained composed, watching the proceedings with a serene expression.

The server arrived with our orders, his arms laden with platters of meat and vegetables. He quickly fired up the grill in the center of the table, the flames licking at the metal surface.

The server said, "Please enjoy," and left us to our own devices. I watched as Hestia leaned in, eyeing the grill with intense curiosity.

"Alright, David-kun, how do we cook this meat?" she asked, her eyes shining with excitement.

I chuckled and grabbed a few slices of the beef, placing them on the hot grill. "It's all about timing," I explained. "You want to let it cook until it turns a nice golden brown on the bottom, like this." I demonstrated, carefully lifting the sizzling meat and transferring it to Hestia's plate.

Hestia's eyes went wide as she watched the juices sizzle. "Ooh, it smells heavenly!" She picked up her chopsticks and took an experimental bite, her face lighting up with delight. "Mmm, it's so tender and flavorful!"

Lunamon, who had been observing intently, eagerly placed her own pieces of vegetables on the grill, her ears perked up in anticipation. "My turn!" she exclaimed, carefully monitoring the cooking process.

I smiled, pleased to see them both so engaged in the experience. "That's it, Lunamon. Just let it cook until it's to your liking. Don't be afraid to experiment a little."

Hestia beamed at me, her blue eyes sparkling. "This is wonderful, David-kun. It's so much fun!"

Lunamon nodded in agreement, her face etched with concentration as she tended to the vegetables. "Yes, it's quite fascinating. The aromas are so inviting."

As I watched Hestia and Lunamon take their first bites, their expressions lit up with delight. Hestia's eyes widened, and a smile spread across her face.

"Mmm, this is amazing!" she exclaimed, taking another eager bite. "The flavors are so complex and savory."

Lunamon nodded in agreement, her ears perking up. "It's absolutely delicious. The vegetables are cooked to perfection, and the seasoning is so well-balanced." She took another bite, savoring the flavors.

I couldn't help but smile at their reactions. Seeing the joy and wonder on their faces as they explored the culinary delights of Earth filled me with a sense of satisfaction. These were experiences they had never encountered before, and I was honored to be the one introducing them to it.

"I'm glad you both are enjoying it," I said, taking a bite of my own food. The tender beef melted in my mouth, the savory flavors dancing on my tongue.

As we continued our meal, the room was filled with the sounds of satisfied hums and the occasional laughter as Hestia and Lunamon discovered new favorites. The warmth and camaraderie that filled the air made me feel truly at home, surrounded by the people I cared about.


As we returned to the Twilight Manor, the familiar sight of our home brought a sense of comfort. I could see Riveria waiting for us at the entrance, her piercing gaze scanning our group.

"Welcome back," Riveria greeted us, her eyes lingering on the young adventurer, David, and his strange companion. "I trust your expedition into the Dungeon was successful."

As we returned to the Twilight Manor, the familiar sight of our home brought a sense of comfort. I could see Riveria waiting for us at the entrance, her piercing gaze scanning our group.

"Welcome back," Riveria greeted us, her eyes lingering on the young adventurer, David, and his strange companion. "I trust your expedition into the Dungeon was successful."

Riveria's appearance was as regal and composed as always. She is our Familia's vice-captain. Her long, jade-green hair flowed elegantly down her back, framing her sharp, intelligent features. Her jade-colored eyes held a wisdom and authority that commanded respect, even as she addressed us warmly. The intricate silver embroidery on her light-blue robes accentuated her noble bearing, a testament to her status as both a powerful mage and the vice-captain of our Familia.

Tiona stepped forward, a grin spreading across her face. "You bet it was! We met this really interesting guy named David. He was already waiting on the 17th floor to take on the Goliath!"

Riveria's brows raised slightly, her interest piqued. "Is that so? And who is this David?"

"He's a Level 1 adventurer, but get this - he had this weird monster with him, called Lunamon. We saw them fight Goliath and actually defeat it!" Tiona exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

I watched as Riveria's gaze shifted, her expression unreadable. "A Level 1 adventurer defeating Goliath? That is most impressive. What can you tell me about this David and his companion?"

Tione spoke up, her arms crossed over her chest. "Well, the guy's got some strange powers. He didn't use any magic that we recognized. And that Lunamon creature of his seems to be some kind of partner, not a contracted monster."

Lefiya nodded in agreement. "Yes, it was quite perplexing. David insisted that Lunamon was not a monster, but a 'Digimon'.

I could see Riveria's expression shift as Tiona mentioned the young adventurer, David, and his unusual companion. Her brow furrowed slightly, a clear sign that she was growing more interested in this newcomer.

Tiona's next words caught my attention. "And get this, Riveria - he's the same guy who flirted with Loki at the Banquet! She's been wanting to recruit him to our Familia."

Riveria's eyes widened in surprise at Tiona's revelation. "He flirted with Loki?" she asked, her voice laced with disbelief. "And Loki wishes to recruit him?"

I remained silent, observing Riveria's reaction. It was not often that something could visibly catch her off guard like this. The news of this David's encounter with Loki and her interest in him was clearly piquing Riveria's curiosity.

"This is most intriguing," Riveria murmured, her gaze thoughtful. "A Level 1 adventurer who has not only defeated the Goliath, but also caught the eye of our goddess."

I heard the familiar sound of rapid footsteps approaching, and I turned to see Loki running towards me with a lecherous look on her face.

"Aiz-tan~!" she cried out, her arms outstretched.

Reacting quickly, I stepped to the side, avoiding Loki's embrace. As she lunged forward, she missed me entirely and tumbled face-first into the dirt.

I watched as Loki lay sprawled on the ground, letting out a groan. A small cloud of dust rose around her, obscuring her from view for a moment.

Loki's antics were nothing new to me, but I couldn't help but feel a twinge of exasperation. Her persistent attempts to be overly affectionate were often more irritating than endearing.

I stood there, waiting for Loki to pick herself up. As the dust settled, I could see her disheveled form slowly rising from the ground, her clothes and hair now covered in dirt.

I watched as Loki picked herself up off the ground, her usual mischievous demeanor slightly dampened by the dirt clinging to her clothes. She brushed herself off, her eyes narrowing as she turned her attention towards me.

"Aiz-tan, how could you be so cruel?" Loki lamented, her voice dripping with feigned hurt. "Avoiding my loving embrace like that. Don't you know how much I adore you?"

I simply stared at her, my expression unchanging. Loki's antics were a familiar sight, and I had long since grown accustomed to her persistent attempts at physical affection. While I respected Loki as the leader of our Familia, her overly demonstrative behavior was something I found difficult to reciprocate.

Before Loki could continue her theatrics, Tiona spoke up, drawing our attention.

"Oh, that's right, Loki! We met this really interesting guy named David on the 17th floor. You remember him, don't you? The one who flirted with you at the Banquet?"

Loki's eyes widened, and her expression shifted from one of playful annoyance to rapt attention. "David, you say?" she murmured, her voice taking on a more serious tone. "Yes, I remember him. What about him?"

"Well, get this," Tiona continued, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "We saw him defeat the Goliath on the 17th floor! Can you believe it? He's just a Level 1 adventurer, but he had this crazy monster partner with him called Lunamon."

I watched as Loki's brows rose in surprise. "Defeat the Goliath? As a Level 1 adventurer?" she repeated, her voice laced with disbelief. "Now this is most intriguing."

Loki's reaction was not unexpected. The Goliath was a formidable Monster Rex, known to be a significant challenge even for seasoned adventurers. The fact that this David had managed to overcome it at such a low level was indeed remarkable.

As Loki pondered this new information, I found myself growing curious about this young adventurer as well. His apparent power and the unique nature of his Digimon companion were certainly worthy of further investigation.

I looked down at my hands, flexing my fingers as I contemplated my recent progress. Despite my dedication to training and adventuring in the Dungeon, I couldn't help but feel that my growth had stagnated lately. The frustration of not being able to push past this plateau weighed heavily on my mind.

As I considered the challenges I faced, my thoughts drifted to the young adventurer, David, and his remarkable feat of defeating the Goliath. The way he had seemingly overcome the obstacles before him with such ease piqued my curiosity. Perhaps the key to unlocking my own potential lay in studying his methods, his unique abilities, and the nature of his Digimon companion.

With a renewed sense of determination, I clenched my fists, resolved to seek out David and learn whatever I could from him. If he had found a way to surpass his limitations, then surely I could do the same. The answer, I believed, lay within his story, and I was determined to uncover it.


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