Chapter 25

Freya POV

As I watched the captivating display unfolding in my Divine Mirror, a surge of ecstasy coursed through me, setting my senses ablaze. The young adventurer, David, and his Digimon companion, Lunamon, moved with a grace and power that belied their apparent inexperience. Their coordination was flawless, their teamwork seamless, as they deftly maneuvered around the towering Goliath's devastating attacks.

My heart raced with each thunderous blow, each display of unyielding determination. David's ghostly powers, a unique and captivating sight, left me utterly enthralled. The way he moved, the way he commanded the battle, stirred a deep and primal desire within me. I could not tear my gaze away, mesmerized by his every action.

As the battle reached its climax, David and Lunamon emerged victorious, the Goliath's magic stone glowing in their possession. A triumphant smile spread across my lips, my eyes shining with unbridled admiration. This young man, this fledgling adventurer, had managed to impress me, a feat few had ever accomplished.

I could feel my affection for him growing with each passing moment, a yearning that threatened to consume me. David was special, of that I had no doubt. His potential, his unique abilities, his sheer determination - all of it called to me, awakening a hunger I had not felt in a very long time.

Leaning back in my chair, I allowed a contented sigh to escape my lips. Yes, David would be mine. I would ensure it, no matter the cost. For I, Freya, Goddess of Beauty, had set my sights on him, and I would not be denied.

As I watched the battle unfold, my breath caught in my throat. David's ghostly powers were a sight to behold, and the way he moved in tandem with his Digimon companion, Lunamon, was nothing short of mesmerizing. The raw power and skill they displayed left me utterly captivated.

Ottar, my ever-loyal captain, stood beside me, his gaze fixed upon the scene. "Are you interested in the young adventurer?" he asked, his voice betraying a hint of curiosity.

I turned to face him, a sly smile playing upon my lips. "Yes, Ottar, I am very much interested in him," I admitted, my heart racing with anticipation. "There is something about David that calls to me, a spark of potential that I cannot ignore."

Ottar's expression remained stoic, but I could see the wheels turning in his mind. "If you command it, I will bring him to you," he stated, his tone brooking no argument.

I considered his words for a moment, my fingers drumming lightly against the arm of my chair. "Not yet, Ottar," I finally replied. "I want to see what else David has to show me. There is a fire within him, a strength that I wish to witness firsthand."

Ottar nodded, understanding my decision. "As you wish, my goddess," he said, his gaze returning to the battle below.

I, too, turned my attention back to the spectacle, my heart racing with anticipation. David had captured my interest, and I had no intention of letting him go. I would bide my time, observing him, learning his strengths and weaknesses, until the moment was right. Then, and only then, would I make my move.

I turned to Ottar, my eyes narrowing slightly as I considered his words. "If you were in David's place, Ottar, could you have defeated the Goliath at only Level 1?"

Ottar's expression remained impassive, but I could see the slightest hint of hesitation in his eyes. "No, my goddess," he replied, his voice measured and steady. "Even with my full strength and abilities, I do not believe I could have overcome the Goliath at such a low level."

I felt a surge of pride at David's accomplishment, but also a twinge of disappointment that Ottar, my most trusted and powerful follower, could not have matched it. "Interesting," I murmured, my fingers drumming against the arm of my chair once more.

"David's victory was remarkable," Ottar continued, his gaze returning to the retreating figures of the young adventurer and his Digimon companion. "The combination of his unique powers and the strength of his bond with Lunamon is not something I could have easily replicated."

I nodded, my mind already racing with the implications of David's triumph. "So it would seem," I said, a thoughtful expression settling upon my features. "Perhaps there is more to this young man than meets the eye."

Turning to Ottar, I fixed him with a penetrating stare. "Keep a close watch on him, Ottar," I commanded. "I want to know everything about David Miller and his Familia. Uncover his secrets, his strengths, his weaknesses - leave no stone unturned."

Ottar bowed his head in acknowledgment. "It will be done, my goddess," he said, his voice unwavering.

As Ottar departed, I allowed myself a small, satisfied smile. David had managed to capture my attention in a way that few had ever done. And now, with Ottar's watchful eye upon him, I would have the opportunity to unravel the mystery that was David Miller.


David POV

I lay facedown on the bed, my bare back exposed as Hestia straddles me. Her delicate fingers trace the hieroglyphic inscriptions of my Falna, her touch sending shivers down my spine.

"David-kun, I'm so proud of you," Hestia coos, her voice soft and full of affection. "Your status has grown tremendously. Look at all these new development skills you can choose from!"

I feel a surge of excitement at her words, eager to see the fruits of my labor. Hestia's warmth radiates through me as she leans in closer, her raven hair cascading around us.

I asked Hestia, my heart racing with anticipation. "What skills can I choose, Hestia?"

Hestia's eyes sparkle with excitement as she runs her fingers over my Falna. "Well, David-kun, you have some impressive options to consider." She pauses, a playful smile on her lips. "Let's see, there's Mage, which would allow you to enhance your magic abilities. Then there's Hunter, which would make you even more formidable against monsters you've faced before."

I nod, intrigued by the possibilities. "And what about the others?"

"Ah, yes!" Hestia continues, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Tamer would let you command monsters and boost their abilities. And then there's Omni-Conduit, which would let you seamlessly integrate different powers without any drawbacks."

[Mage - Creates a magic circle under the user that Improves their magic's power, widens its effect range, and makes mind usage efficient.

Hunter - Improves abilities against monsters that the user had fought before and gained Excelia from.

Tamer - Improves the abilities of all monsters under the user's command.

Omni-Conduit - Allows the user to seamlessly integrate different powers without negatively affecting the user.]


Mage and Hunter were tempting, but I knew I needed to think bigger. Those skills, while useful, felt like minor gains in the grand scheme of things.

I pondered the Tamer skill, intrigued by the idea of boosting Lunamon's abilities. If I could command other Digimon or even Pokémon, it would be a powerful asset. But deep down, I knew I needed to focus on improving my own strength first and foremost.

As tempting as the Tamer skill was, I couldn't afford to rely solely on the power of others.

The Omni-Conduit skill was precisely what I needed. With my ability to travel to different worlds, I could acquire a wide range of powers without the risk of them clashing and potentially killing me. The ghost powers I had already obtained had altered my DNA, so I had to be cautious about introducing any new abilities that could have unpredictable consequences.

The Omni-Conduit skill would allow me to seamlessly integrate these powers, ensuring they worked in harmony rather than against each other. It was the key to unlocking my full potential and becoming the strongest adventurer in Orario, if not the entire multiverse.

I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect. The possibilities were endless – spider powers, magical abilities, even the abilities of legendary heroes. With Omni-Conduit, I could harness the best of what each world had to offer, without the limitations or drawbacks.

I looked at Hestia with determination in my eyes. "I've made my decision, Hestia. I choose Omni-Conduit."

Hestia's eyes widened, and a proud smile spread across her face. "Omni-Conduit, huh? That's an ambitious choice, David-kun. I knew you had it in you!"

She gently traced the hieroglyphics of my Falna, her touch sending tingles down my spine.

"There, it's done," Hestia announced, her voice soft yet brimming with excitement.

Hestia placed a sheet of paper on my back, and I felt the familiar tingling sensation as she updated my Status. I held my breath, eager to see the changes.

Hestia handed me the paper, and I examined it closely. My eyes widened as I read the information displayed:

[David Miller


Strength : I(0)

Endurance : I(0)

Dexterity : I(0)

Agility : I(0)

Magic : I(0)


World Traveler - Allows to travel to different worlds and dimensions. Can convert to any currency. Can speak, read, and understand any language.

Omni-Conduit - Allows the user to seamlessly integrate different powers without negatively affecting the user.

Ghost Manifestation - Turns the user into a half-ghost.



I stared at the updated status sheet in awe, my heart swelling with pride. The Omni-Conduit skill was now etched into my Falna, representing the boundless potential that lay before me. I couldn't wait to explore the multiverse and harness the incredible powers that each world had to offer.

Turning to Lunamon, I watched as Hestia gently placed her hand on the Digimon's back, updating her status as well. Lunamon's eyes widened as she examined the sheet, a look of wonder and excitement spreading across her face.

"Wow, Lunamon, you've got some amazing new abilities!" I exclaimed, leaning in to get a better look.

Lunamon's Falna now read:



Strength : I(0)

Endurance : I(0)

Dexterity : I(0)

Agility : I(0)

Magic : I(0)


Tear Shot: Lunamon gathers water droplets in her hands, forming them into a concentrated sphere of water. She then hurls the sphere at her opponent, dealing damage with a splash of energy.

Lunar Claw: Lunamon's claws glow with a soft, silvery light as she slashes at her enemy, delivering a swift and precise attack.

Lunar Charm: Lunamon emits a calming, moon-like glow that soothes and heals her allies. This ability can also be used to pacify enemies or dispel illusions.

Lunar Heal: Using the power of the moon, Lunamon can heal small wounds and restore a bit of energy to herself or her allies.

Bond of the Moon: When Lunamon is within close proximity to her tamer, David Miller, her base stats receive a 50% boost. Her healing and support abilities become more potent, and her attacks gain additional elemental effects based on the moon's phases.]

I couldn't believe the sheer power and versatility of Lunamon's new skill, "Bond of the Moon." As long as she is fighting with me. All of her stats receive a 50% boost.

I grinned, filled with pride as I looked over Lunamon's updated status. "Lunamon, this is amazing! Your new abilities are going to make us an unstoppable team."

Lunamon beamed, her large eyes shining with joy. "I'm so excited, David! With the Bond of the Moon skill, I'll be able to support you even better in the Dungeon. We'll reach new heights together."

I reached out and gently patted her head, marveling at how far we'd come. "That's right, Lunamon. We're in this as partners, and I know with you by my side, I can achieve anything."

Hestia watched our exchange, a warm smile on her face. "I'm so proud of both of you. Your bond is truly special, and I know you'll continue to grow stronger together."

Lunamon nodded emphatically. "Absolutely! I promise I'll keep fighting alongside you, David. No matter what challenges we face, we'll overcome them together."

Hearing Lunamon's unwavering determination filled me with a renewed sense of purpose. With my newfound powers and Lunamon's support, I knew we were unstoppable.

The news of David's accomplishment soon spreads. The rumor of him defeating the Goliath as a level 1 and breaking the record of reaching level 2 in 7 weeks spread. Many were skeptical of this, but the Loki Familia witnessed the event. This made the story credible since the adventurer was not even part of Loki Familia.

In the bustling Hostess of Fertility tavern, a group of adventurers huddled around a table, their voices hushed yet animated.

"Did you hear about that newcomer who took down the Goliath?" one of them, a burly dwarf, asked. "Apparently, he did it as a measly Level 1!"

A young elf scoffed, "Impossible! The Goliath is one of the toughest monsters in the Dungeon. There's no way a rookie could have beaten it."

A female Pallum, her eyes shining with curiosity, interjected, "But the Loki Familia was there. They saw it happen with their own eyes."

The dwarf nodded emphatically. "Aye, that's what I heard too. Apparently, this David fella has some kind of special powers that let him take it down."

The elf crossed his arms, still skeptical. "Special powers, huh? Sounds like a load of hogwash to me. There's no way a Level 1 could do something like that, no matter what kind of powers they have."

"Well, the Loki Familia doesn't lie," the Pallum argued. "If they say he did it, then he must have done it. And not only that, but he also reached Level 2 in just seven weeks! That's unheard of!"

The dwarf whistled, impressed. "Seven weeks, eh? That's faster than even the Sword Princess, Ais Wallenstein. This David fella must be some kind of prodigy."

The elf rolled his eyes. "Prodigy or not, I still have a hard time believing it. There's got to be more to this story than we're hearing."

The Pallum leaned in, her voice lowered conspiratorially. "Well, I heard that he has a strange companion, some kind of magical creature that helped him in the fight."

The dwarf's eyes widened. "A magical creature, eh? Now that's interesting. Maybe this David fella isn't just some ordinary adventurer after all."

The elf scoffed again, "Magical creature or not, I'll believe it when I see it. Until then, I'm not buying into this tall tale."

The group continued to debate the merits of the rumor, their voices rising and falling as the discussion grew more heated.

Mama Mia, the formidable owner of the Hostess of Fertility, had been listening intently to the conversation unfolding at one of the tables in her bustling tavern. Her sharp eyes narrowed as she processed the details being discussed – a young adventurer named David, with some sort of mysterious companion, had somehow managed to defeat the fearsome Goliath, a feat that even seasoned veterans struggled to accomplish.

Mia's expression softened slightly as she recognized the name. Just a few weeks ago, this very same David had wandered into her establishment, a novice adventurer seeking guidance and a warm meal. She had been impressed by his polite demeanor and the way he had interacted with Syr, one of her trusted waitresses.

Anya, the energetic cat-like waitress, approached Mia, her fluffy orange hair bouncing with each step. "Mama Mia, nyaa!" she exclaimed, her yellow eyes sparkling with excitement. "Is the adventurer they're talking about the same David that Syr was talking to?"

Mia nodded, a rare smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Yes, Anya, it seems our young friend has been causing quite a stir in Orario."

Anya's tail swished back and forth, her expression brimming with curiosity. "Nyaa, I want to meet him! How did he beat the Goliath as a Level 1, Mama Mia?"

Mia chuckled, the deep rumble of her voice carrying across the tavern. "That's a good question, Anya. I suspect our David has a few secrets up his sleeve." She paused, her gaze drifting back to the group of adventurers. "If he's as remarkable as they say, then I imagine we'll be seeing a lot more of him in the days to come."

Anya's eyes widened with excitement, and she bounced on the balls of her feet. "Nyaa, I can't wait to meet him then! I want to hear all about how he did it!"

Mama Mia fixed Anya with a stern look, snapping the cat-like waitress out of her reverie. "Anya, enough daydreaming. Back to work," she commanded, her gruff voice brooking no argument.

Anya's ears flattened against her head, and she nodded quickly, scurrying back to the kitchen like a scared kitten. "Y-yes, Mama Mia!" she squeaked, her fluffy tail swishing nervously behind her.

Mia watched Anya's retreating form, a hint of amusement in her eyes. The girl's enthusiasm was endearing, but Mia knew better than to let her staff get distracted, especially when there were customers to attend to. With a shake of her head, the dwarven tavern owner returned her attention to the bustling establishment, ready to ensure the Hostess of Fertility ran as smoothly as ever.

As Anya hurried into the kitchen, she nearly collided with Syr, the silver-haired waitress. "Whoa, Anya! What's the hurry?" Syr asked, steadying the flustered cat-person.

"Mama Mia told me to get back to work, nyaa," Anya replied, her ears still flattened against her head. "I was daydreaming about that new adventurer, David, and she snapped me out of it."

Syr's eyes widened with interest. "David, huh? I've heard the rumors about him. Quite an impressive feat, taking down the Goliath." She paused, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "I'd love to learn more about him."

Anya perked up, her tail swishing excitedly. "Me too! Mama Mia said he has secrets, nyaa. I wonder what they are?"

Syr smiled, patting Anya's shoulder. "Well, I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. In the meantime, let's get back to work. Mia will have our tails if we slack off."

Anya nodded eagerly, her previous nervousness forgotten as she followed Syr back into the bustling kitchen, both women eager to uncover the mystery surrounding the young adventurer named David.


I, Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth, stand before the grand entrance of the Tower of Babel, my heart fluttering with anticipation. My delicate blue dress, a gift from David, flows gently around me as I ascend the steps, my mind racing with thoughts of the upcoming Denatus.

"Alright, Hestia, time to put on your best charm," I mutter to myself, smoothing my hands over the soft fabric. "David has been working so hard, and he deserves the perfect alias to commemorate his achievements."

I can already imagine the other gods and goddesses vying for the most creative or amusing titles. But not this time - this time, I will ensure that David's alias is one that truly captures his spirit and dedication.

"Let's see, what would suit him best?" I ponder, tapping my chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, maybe 'Dimensional Traveler'? No, too generic. Ooh, how about 'Ghostly Knight'? No, that's a bit too on the nose."

I sigh, my brow furrowing in concentration. "Come on, Hestia, think! This is for David - he deserves something truly special."

As I reach the top of the stairs, the grand doors of the Tower of Babel swing open, and I step inside, my eyes scanning the bustling crowd of deities.


I could see some familiar faces among the gods. Loki, with her mischievous grin, was already chatting animatedly with Freya, the Goddess of Beauty. Freya's eyes sparkled with amusement as she listened to Loki's tales.

Miach, my dear friend, stood off to the side, his serene expression a calming presence in the bustling room. Takemikazuchi, the stern God of War, observed the proceedings with a stoic gaze.

Hephaestus, the skilled crafter, conversed with Ganesha, the boisterous God of Revelry. Their lively discussion had the air of an old friendship.

I took a deep breath, steeling my nerves. This was my chance to ensure David's accomplishments were recognized. As I scanned the room, I caught Loki's eye, and she waved me over with a mischievous grin.

"Well, if it isn't Shorty!" Loki exclaimed, draping an arm around my shoulders. "I hear your Familia has been making quite a name for itself. Do tell, what have you and your little adventurer been up to?"

I scowled at Loki's teasing, my hands balling into fists at my sides. "Hmph, as if you have any right to mock my Familia, you overgrown fox! We may be small, but we've accomplished more than your gaggle of troublemakers ever could."

Loki's grin widened, and I knew she was just itching for a fight. But before the situation could escalate, a familiar voice called out.

"Hestia, my dear! There you are." Demeter, the Goddess of Harvest, swept over to us, her flowing robes rustling. She enveloped me in a warm embrace, her gentle smile putting me at ease.

"Demeter! It's so good to see you." I returned the hug, grateful for the interruption. Demeter had always been a calming presence, and her arrival was a welcome respite from Loki's antics.

"I heard about the exploits of your new adventurer," Demeter said, her eyes sparkling with genuine interest. "You must be so proud of him. I'd love to hear all about it."

I beamed, all thoughts of Loki forgotten. "Oh, Demeter, you have no idea! David has been absolutely incredible. Let me tell you all about it..."

I heard a scowl aimed in my direction and turned to see Ishtar, the Goddess of Love and War, glaring at me with disdain.

She was a vision of exotic beauty, with long, flowing black hair that cascaded down her back in thick, lustrous waves. Her violet eyes were sharp and intense, filled with a fiery passion that seemed to smolder beneath the surface.

Ishtar's revealing attire, a richly embroidered robe that clung to her curves, only served to accentuate her alluring presence. She carried herself with an air of regal authority, her every movement oozing confidence and sensuality.

"So your little adventurer managed to defeat the Goliath, did he?" Ishtar sneered, her violet eyes narrowed. "How quaint. I suppose that's all a small Familia like yours can aspire to."

I felt my hackles rise at her mocking tone. "At least our Familia knows how to focus on more than just debauchery and pleasure," I retorted, my voice dripping with contempt. "Why don't you and your gaggle of... entertainers just stay in your little red-light district and leave the real adventuring to those of us with true skill and determination?"

Ishtar's eyes flashed with fury, her full lips curling into a sneer. "How dare you, you insignificant little—"

Before Ishtar could continue her tirade, a commanding presence filled the room. All heads turned as Ouranos, the God of the Sky, strode into the Denatus chamber, his regal bearing commanding immediate attention.

"That is quite enough," Ouranos declared, his deep voice resonating through the hall. "We are here to discuss matters of importance, not engage in petty squabbles."

The other gods fell silent, their previous arguments and posturing quickly forgotten in the face of Ouranos' stern gaze. I couldn't resist the urge to stick my tongue out at Ishtar, feeling a surge of childish triumph as her face flushed with anger.

"Blee~" I taunted, relishing the opportunity to get the last word in.

Ishtar trembled with barely contained fury, her violet eyes flashing dangerously. But with Ouranos' unwavering presence, she was forced to hold her tongue, lest she incur the wrath of the mighty god.

I couldn't help but feel a small sense of satisfaction. Ishtar may have her beauty and her legion of followers, but she was no match for the sheer authority that Ouranos commanded. As the Denatus began, I settled in, eager to see what the other gods had in store and determined to make my own mark on the proceedings.


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