Chapter 499 Let's Start a Company

But backstage, as their segment wrapped, things became heated.

Ning Qiuling began introducing Wu Bin.

He thanked Wu Bin for assisting him in resolving a significant problem!

He regarded Wu Bin as his life-saver, and a future benefactor, promising to stand up for him whatever may come.

At that moment,

there erupted a fervent applause from the audience.

Of course,

Ning Qiuling had seen what happened earlier.

Looking at the crowd, he stated frankly, "In this setting, I must remind someone that if you want to plot against me, feel free to do so. However, if you plan to involve my life-saving benefactor in your schemes, you'll have to step over my dead body first!"

"Even though I might not have the strength to resist, I will find every way to protect Wu Bin!"

Ning Qiuling spoke bluntly before everyone.

He was primarily focused on defending Wu Bin, unwilling to allow him to suffer any injustice.