505 swept away

Zang Murenqing stood at the top of the castle on Ghostwatch Mountain, overlooking the city and the surrounding territories, where his once passionate enthusiasm had now faded into dullness.

This was the place where he had grown up. Over a year ago, he had resolutely left to embark on a quest to find the dragon slayer, the savior. Now, he had found the powerful dragon slayer he sought, become his student, and even led an army back to Ghostwatch Mountain.

Here, he faced no resistance. Several Great Transport Beasts dropped combat Humanoid Beasts from the sky, parachutes blossomed like specks, yet not a single shot or shell was fired before the guards of Ghostwatch Mountain lost their will to fight. The main forces of Ghostwatch Mountain had already joined Gecimi Jiang in a campaign, leaving behind none who possessed significant military strength.