Shadowfire Devil

Three options for a new race, each option seemed pretty good but from the description of each he knew that he could disregard the devil option immediately.

Arcane devil was just a clear upgrade over the regular devil and the shadowfire devil was also an obviously better version.

For the arcane devil he felt like it would save him a lot of time since the increases in tier for skills were quite predictable.

When a skill leveled up the bonus it provided obviously increased and after reaching lv10 the skill could be increased to the next tier which upgraded the minimum level of the skill.

If he were to choose the arcane devil then his base mana amount would be increased by 55% instead of the current 35% because of his mana core.

He would also have stronger mana control which would make his spells and skills use less mana.

He was very tempted to select the arcane devil but he could not ignore the shadowfire devil.

He had no idea what it meant to give your core an affinity and the system would not give a description when he asked for one but he could easily guess that it would somehow make his spells stronger.

After a few minutes of thinking Ezekiel finally made his decision and after telling the system his choice he was enveloped by a strange blue crystal.

He wasnt sure what was happening but as his vision was going dark he used his mana sense to see what was happening.

The surrounding mana was flooding into the shell as if incubating an egg and the crystal itself was blindingly bright with the glow of mana.

He gave in to the exhaustion he suddenly felt and relaxed into slumber unaware that he was being surrounded by other creatures that no matter how much effort was used could not scratch the crystal that was protecting him.


After waking up from his slumber Ezekiel ignored the system notifications at first and started to examine his surroundings.

He saw the ground dug up in an area around his body.

He got up to leave the area before he checked his system notifications.


Congratulations! You have successfully evolved your species to the Shadowfire Devil.

Please continue your path with your newfound strength.


With more questions than answers now he chose to examine his body instead, he needed to clean himself anyway so he went to find a source of water.

A running stream eventually lead him to a pond that had developed in the stream so after checking to ensure no one was around he quickly cleaned himself of the dirt, grime and blood that sprayed him during his battles.

His clothes always seemed to stay clean and he assumed that was part of the game making sure that players could stay presentable after cleaning up.

The game would probably develop many complaints and bad reviews if the players had to suffer their clothing being destroyed by disgusting players.

While cleaning himself he had plenty of time to examine what had happened.

In his reflection he saw that his small horns had grown to a pair of elegant horns that curved much like the addax but instead of continuing up into the air the initial curve followed the skull.

His eyes had become a deep black with red irises ans where his skin had previously been reddish with gray lines like tattoos it was now black with gray hues in the softer parts of his body while the tattoos had grown more detailed in the color red.

The most surprising change to his body was inside of his core.

His core now held a slight discoloration in the previously pure mana, it now held small stained swirls of orange and black.

After examining his new form in great depth he left the water to dry in the sun while trying to get used to the weight on his head and the longer tail.