Player Driven Economy

To sell her wares the goblin player kali found a street vendor willing to let her set up next to them.

She knew that without the security of a guard nearby she was at high risk for thieves and all the shopkeeper wanted was one silver after her wares sold.

What the competition wasnt aware of was how high quality her potions were.

She assumed that the average potions sold off the rack were made by apprentices as most trades would allow their apprentices to practice.

If a creation was of a quality that the shop deemed acceptable it would be sold and the masters would only take a portion of the profit as they knew that no matter what happened a good sum would reach them anyway.

For an apprentice to practice they had to either go source materials themselves or use what the masters provided which would have to be paid for.

The saving grace was that these masters would typically charge market price just to break even on the materials and the price they took from the profits of a sale was used to pay off their apprenticeship fee.

Since these apprentices typically worked with a very exact but simple recipe they would make potions that were inferior to that made by an alchemist who understood more advanced techniques.


Health Potion (Iron)

Recover 100 Hp over the course of 10 seconds.


Most market grade potions would be iron quality which was good but she knew that she could do well, when her potions were complete she had easily made bronze quality potions.


Health Potion (Bronze)

Recover 150 Hp over the course of 10 seconds.


This result was the same across the board with the potions she made.

When she set her potions down she made sure one of each was in front for easy identification by players.

With each one set a price of 3 silver as bronze quality potions were 50% better thsn iron.

As the players began to flood her area to buy the potions she was smiling a toothy goblin grin at the money she would make soon.


Inside of the alchemists shop Ezekiel was doing as instructed each time and although the amount of fire mana he could claim was smaller than a forge he was still happy to get free lodging tonight.

As the alchemist woman completed the potions she wanted to make she brought him to the extra room that she allowed her apprentices to use.

After he lay down he checked his results for the cultivation.


Elemental Affinity (Fire) Increased.

32% -> 37%


Now that he had increased his affinity again he knew that he had to use this night to start cultivating his shadow affinity as high as he possibly could.

With his increased mana control and mana sense he knew that it would go very well for him.

As he began to cultivate using the dark mana that the night had created he pushed his mana sense as far as possible to collect all of the particles he could.

His mana control like a thin vacuum draining it all into his body.

With his core finally developing thanks to the opportunity to cultivate it he went all in on his focus.

As he was cultivating he noticed that occasionally some of the shadow mana would remain in the paticles even while the rest had been absorbed by his body.

These particles of mana seemed to have a denser level of the element inside of it and it was traceable to places where the light had no easy way to reach.

With this interesting discovery he began to come up with a plan while cultivating.

'If i were to take a source of mana and make it start to release everything it had somehow in a cave that i seal off wouldn't it be possible to cultivate my shadow affinity even faster?'

These thoughts were still flooding his mind as he fell asleep just as he did the previous night.