
Getting back up from the ground and opening his character panel he looked for any sign of what happened in that dungeon at the end.


Congratulations! You have completed the dungeon Tomb Of Diana (Normal) and shall receive rewards.

You have completed Tomb Of Diana (Normal) for the first time and shall receive rewards.

You have completed Tomb Of Diana (Normal) for the first time solo and shall receive rewards.

Dungeon rewards:

Dagger of Keen Strikes (Silver)

Boots of Swift Stride (Bronze)

Gloves of Mana Craft (Bronze)

Chain Shirt of Sturdiness (Bronze)


He was interested by the gear he saw and after checking each one he figured that at least two of them could be sold to other players.


Dagger of Keen Strikes (Silver)

Strength +20

Agility +40

When striking critical points increase damage dealt by 20%.

10% chance for bonus critical damage to be +50% instead of 20%


Strength- 30

Agility- 50


This item was the only one with a bonus effect and the rest simply increased stats.

The gloves increased the users wisdom, the armor increased vitality and the boots increased agility.

With the gloves he had something good and the boots he would be able to make use of them but the dagger and armor he felt were not as helpful.

He did not use weapons and even though he had a huge weakness against the boss he would be in even more danger when fightin4f her up close.

Though after debating with himself he did save the dagger so he could at least try using it on her next time.

The next thing he checked was level he had achieved after beating her as he hoped it would have been worth it.



Mage lv44. (Novice)

Shadowfire Devil

Affinity: 32% fire, 72% shadow

Mana Core: 0% fire, 45% shadow

Strength: 5 -> 20

Vitality: 97 -> 100

Agility: 91 -> 100

Wisdom: 238 -> 270

Intelligence: 298 -> 360

Free stats: 9

Bloodline: child of the void.

Titles: Dungeon Conqueror

Skills: Mana Control lv9 (E), Mana Sense lv9 (E), Mana Core lv9 (E), Spell Mastery (E)

Defenses: Fire Resistance lv1 (N)


Mana Bolt lv1 (E)

Mana Burst lv1 (A)

Fire Nova lv7 (M)

Fire Bolt lv9 (E)

Shadow Spear lv8 (M)

Shadow Cluster lv5 (E)


Five levels from just the boss as well as a few items.

For the lowest difficulty of the dungeon it was pretty worth it so he actually debating going back in immediately after he redistributed his free stat points.

He even added points into his strength to use the dagger.

His thoughts about the dungeon were split between the amazing rewards and the horror of being harmed so severely by the shadow magic.

He knew that had she had more time he would have been killed... so why was he not killed there?

Maybe his notifications would have a clue.


Congratulations! You have defeated the demilich diana solo and have achieved the title- Dungeon Conqueror.

Increased dungeon rewards


Well that was useful but not really anything that explained what happened.

He chose to gp through the list in order and eventually he found something.


Enemy has been Consumed.

+ 20 strength.


'... huh?'


He thought back to what was happening in that fight and what he remembered through the pain was inflicting the shadow elemental effect on the demilich.

That was when inspiration struck.

Everytime he used fire spells he would occasionally do so to take advantage of the fact that fire elemental damage can reduce target healing when the cauterized effect happens.

He had never seen anything that indicated shadow magic having a similar effect but if the elemental effect was consumption maybe the active effect was consumed?

All he knew was he had gained a bonus to his stats now because of it.




Mage lv44. (Novice)

Shadowfire Devil

Affinity: 32% fire, 72% shadow

Mana Core: 0% fire, 45% shadow

Strength: 5 -> 20 (60)

Vitality: 97 -> 100

Agility: 91 -> 100 (150)

Wisdom: 238 -> 270 (280)

Intelligence: 298 -> 360

Free stats: 9

Bloodline: child of the void.

Titles: Dungeon Conqueror

Skills: Mana Control lv9 (E), Mana Sense lv9 (E), Mana Core lv9 (E), Spell Mastery (E)

Defenses: Fire Resistance lv1 (N)


Mana Bolt lv1 (E)

Mana Burst lv1 (A)

Fire Nova lv7 (M)

Fire Bolt lv9 (E)

Shadow Spear lv8 (M)

Shadow Cluster lv5 (E)


With these changes he decides that he would enter the dungeon once again.

The rewards were to good to ignore as he chose the normal difficulty once again.

Upon entering he chose to be more efficient with his dungeon crawl as he used his mana sense to track down the skeleton again.

He would normally make his move with a spell but this time he chose to try the dagger.

Getting ready to strike he watched the skeleton approach before finally...



He stabbed it directly in the eye socket with the blade.

With the 20% bonus crit damage it was nice yes but he really did not like the result.

The boss had a 70% defense against his shadow spells but even with that he could deal more damage to her with his shadow spears.

He decided to keep it on his belt for now as he moved to the next skeleton.


After taking out the skeletons in the dungeon plus cultivating his shadow affinity further he only had the mausoleum door left.

The final boss again.


Shadow Affinity: 72% -> 82%

Core Affinity (Shadow): 45% -> 55%


He had also reaches the stage where his shadow spear was able to achieve the next tier but.. for some reason it would not allow him to?

His master rank spells seemed to need something different to achieve the next tier.

Other than the increased power of his shadow spells he had increased his level once again.

Unlike the large level gains he had before he had only leveled up three times this run.



Mage lv47. (Novice)

Shadowfire Devil

Affinity: 32% fire, 82% shadow

Mana Core: 0% fire, 55% shadow

Strength: 20 (60)

Vitality: 100 -> 110

Agility: 100 -> 115 (165)

Wisdom: 270 -> 280 (290)

Intelligence: 360 -> 370

Free stats: 0

Bloodline: child of the void.

Titles: Dungeon Conqueror

Skills: Mana Control lv1 (M), Mana Sense lv1 (M), Mana Core lv1 (M), Spell Mastery (E)

Defenses: Fire Resistance lv1 (N)


Mana Bolt lv1 (E)

Mana Burst lv1 (A)

Fire Nova lv9 (M)

Fire Arrow lv1 (M)

Shadow Spear lv10 (M)

Shadow Cluster lv6 (E)


Master rank in so many skills and spells but so far no way to level them beyond the master tier, it was annoying him.

What was nice was that the bonuses of master tier skills had reached 75% at the base level meaning if he could reach the next tier then they may get even better.

He wondered how the system would balance a mana cost reduction of 100% though...

Either way he had a boss to kill and this tkme he would be aiming to do it as quickly as he could.