
With all of the help that she had given him during this time Ezekiel wanted to do something to thank her but she would not accept any favors beyond their normal agreement.

He had even gotten to learn about an auction house so he could sell the loot from the dungeon.

He promised to return to help her make more potions later on but for now he wanted to get there early so the sales would be done while he was cultivating his fire affinity.


On arrival at the auction house he was stunned.

The outside had a simple beauty to it as if it were given an artists touch during it's construction but the focus remained on its practicality.

The inside of the building was swarming with workers that he assumed would be getting the items of the day ready.

When he reached the front desk he politely greeted the worker and asked for an appraisal of his wares.

He had been told that the auction house would need to appraise the items he sold and when the auction house agreed he asked if he could leave the items there for appraisal.

Before leaving he had to sign his name as well as give a blood sample to some odd magical device that he just assumed worked like a dna tester.

With the items in his inventory freed up he was ready to go cultivate his fire affinity, maybe he would try to cultivate his mana veins as well.

Since he did not have any money yet he wasnt even sure what his items would sell for so he would try to ask around the smithy when he got his affinity to the point he wanted it.

With his new goal of evenly distributed affinity closer than before he was practically skipping.


With his increased fire resistance skill he could stay in the refinery longer than he could before but he still felt his body ache from the heat.

He decided he would cultivate his power for just a few hours today as he wished to grow his level further.

While controlling the mana to aid the growth of his mana veins rather than his core he was able to cultivate both his fire affinity and grow his new skill further.

Since the mana veins already increased mana usage he was curious about what the next tier would do since increasing the level of the skill did nothing in the system window.

When he checked his status window he was happy to see that he had finally achieved his goal.


Fire Affinity: 68% -> 76%

Core Affinity: 38% -> 43%

Fire Resistance: lv4 (A) -> lv8 (A)

Mana Veins: lv1 (A) -> lv3 (A)


By not absorbing the mana solely to his core he had not gotten his core affinity as high as it would normally have gone.

With his goal achieved and knowing that any further cultivating would stagnate because of some odd requirement for denser elemental mana.

He decided that he would hunt down more creatures instead... or maybe a dungeon run.

He could significantly speed up his farming by using fire spells now that they were as powerful as his shadow spells... it was time to try it out.


While slaughtering the undead in the dungeon he took advantage of the dense shadow mana even if it could not cultivate his power as effectively as before.

The entirety of the dungeon before the boss room could barely give him 1% at this point but progress was still progress since it was beyond the density of the mana outside.

By the time he killed that final skeleton before the boss room he achieved lv50



Mage lv50. (Novice)

Shadowfire Devil

Affinity: 76% fire, 76% shadow

Mana Core: 43% fire, 48% shadow

Strength: 20 (60)

Vitality: 110

Agility: 120 (170)

Wisdom: 290 -> 300 (340)

Intelligence: 380 -> 390 (410)

Free stats: 3

Bloodline: child of the void.

Titles: Dungeon Conqueror

Skills: Mana Control lv1 (M), Mana Sense lv1 (M), Mana Core lv1 (M), Spell Mastery (E), Mana Veins lv3 (A)

Defenses: Fire Resistance lv 8 (A)


Mana Bolt lv1 (E)

Mana Burst lv1 (A)

Fire Nova lv10 (M)

Fire Arrow lv6 (M)

Shadow Spear lv10 (M)

Shadow Cluster lv7 (E)

Infernal Player (Belial) has reached lv50.

Initiating race evolution.

Examining status for most suitable race.

Suitable race found.

Evolution to "Greater Shadowfire Devil" initiated.


When he saw this he was very shocked but he did not have much time to think about it before the world went black.
