Catching Up

With his spells able to abuse what he assumed was the soul of the demilich Ezekiel had farmed her a few times before he left.

Although she was a boss and worth a significant amiunt of experience his completions began to become less and less useful.

By the time he reached lv55 from farming this boss he was getting practically nothing from each kill since she was now weaker than him by level.

If not for his attempts at absorbing the mana in the area he would have been able to farm even faster but he was hungry for maximum power.

The silver quality gear he would get from this dungeon would sometimes be helpful and since he had chosen to fully dedicate his gear to his mage stats as well he was even struggling to find anything that exclusively helpful for mages.

One item he did obtain was a robe.


Mage Robes (silver)

Wisdom +20

Intelligence +40

While wearing the robes a mage benefits from an additional 10% magical damage.

Mana Burner:

A mage wearing these robes may activate this skill to consume 10% more mana for 10% more damage for one minute.

Cooldown: 5 minutes.


Intelligence- 80


These robes would be quite helpful for him but it did take a pretty long time to get anything remotely useful.

After putting the robes on when he was forced out of the dungeon at the end he decided he would try to see how quickly he could take the dungeon down.

Normally he took upwards of ten minutes just to deal with the mana he absorbed but since he only got a singular percent boost in the multiple runs he did he decided that it was no longer worth it.

Plus he had eventually learned that the screen above the dungeon was actually a leaderboard!

He wasn't even on it since the lowest score visible was five minutes and 34 seconds.

So he returned to the dungeon once again with a fire in heart.


"Hey that crazy solo mage is going back again, must be dead set on trying to beat the dungeon huh?"

"Yeah that weirdo cant be normal if he keeps going back to back, plus he takes so long that even my teams can finish the run in the time he takes to get through it."

Since the dungeons show no outward signs of completing it outside of the leaderboard the players who are frequently looking for teams to run the dungeon had no way to know about the truth.

"Did you hear that War God was going to try to improve his time in the dungeon today?"

"Oh yeah, i bet he'll be going after the hard mode next when he gets his time under three minutes."

Not long after they were speaking the players were interrupted by cheers.

The War God was leaving the dungeon with a victorious look as the scoreboard updated to show that their team had in fact gotten under three minutes.

Not only was their time much faster but War God's own score in that run was forty percent!

This made the fans of War God practically feral with their celebration as it meant that not only had their idol gone beyond their capacities to get through the dungeon faster but he had done almost half of the work!

With the praise washing over them and the cheers drowing out everyone attempts to speak, no one heard the sudden shocked player.

They could not hear this player until, one by one, people began to stop when they noticed eachother listening.

"The scoreboard! Look at the scoreboard!"

And they did.

Oh they definitely did.

At the top of the board was a new time.

Two minutes and twenty seconds.

When checking which team dared to dethrone the war god all they saw was one line.

Belial lv55 100%

While the crowd was stunned at this revelation one of the few who seemed unbothered was actually the War God.

'Hm i wonder who that player might be? I should try to get him on my team for the hard mode clear.'

Seconds later the figure people.had previously mocked appeared.

They all saw this gray skinned devil with blood red runes and lines across his body covered by his robes.

Deep black horns like onyx gemstones and eyes so red they seemed to burn the soul when they gazed to long.

Few of them had even seen a devil yet so they immediately compared him to the demon player War God.

When so close to one another the differences were very clear.

Demons tended to have larger and more savage looking horns almost as if made to be a natural weapon.

The demon player had red skin with green eyes as well as horns that were a red shade with a green tint almost like moss starting to grow.

The figure difference was large but it could also be due to the demon player wearing heavy armor that aided in their body size.

The devil also had two very clear differences that made them easy to tell apart even if the player Belial had a naturally husky build.

The first was the refined shape of his horns that had no implications of being brutal weapons, the clawed fingers were more refined like they would not easily cut skin.

And Belial had a tail.

Since many players wouls not know about the difference between species yet they simply assumed that the player was more refined due to being a mage.

While everyone was studying him Belial simply ignored them all to check his result.

He smiled in satisfaction over the result before turning to leave but stopping when he saw War God.

'Huh i guess infernal women do look pretty cute with horns.'

While walking past he gave the demon a smile and a polite nod.

War God's face got a bit darker in shade which many people had to interpret, much of these interpretations were negative.

Everything was fine until a number appeared above Belial's head.


"How dare you take away the great War God's accomplishment!"

A human rogue player had stabbed the devil.