Mage Potential

As the gems began to fill the mage guiding him in the process explained what was happening.

"Each gem is a different one that can contain different amounts of mana while the crystal ball itself is just an enchanted crystal that operates under specific rules."

"First the cryatal takes the specified amount of mana which doesnt change, it ignores any skills that would increase mana for spells since the crystal takes the mana rather than your core sending it."

"The crystal then feeds the mana into the pillar which fills the gems to store the mana, each gem can store a progressively larger amount."

"The gems obviously cannot store a large amount but they had been used as little magic trinkets before a mage in the past thought to use them to test students."

"Since each gem in the line hold progressively more mana it becomes easy to understand and measure a student based on how much of a gemstone they can charge when it finally has to much capacity for the mana."

While he was explaining this the gems began to glow one after the other and when it was complete the 7th gem was glowing less than the rest indicating he had begun to fill it as well.

"Ah stepping into seventh grade mana quality, thats rare! Id say you are in about the top 20% of mana quality for mages."

Ezekiel was very happy to hear this so he followed to the next step.

"Now with the next crystal we will measure your current capacity for mana."

Placing his hand on the crystal ball he felt it begin to drain his mana at a monstrous level.

In a matter of seconds it had drained his mana which he could see swirling in the crystal ball as a liquid.

"Mastery level mana core very good, very good."

He got ready to leave but Ezekiel stopped him.

"What about that other one?"

He pointed at the third crystal ball in the room which they had completely ignored.

The mage laughed before patting him on the shoulder.

"Thats for measuring affinity and for normal mages it would be a requirement but you're a devil, the infernal race and the celestial race make that part of the test unnecessary since becoming a devil or the celestial race equivalent requires raising your affinity anyway."

He walked away expecting Ezekiel to follow.

"Plus you dont look like a regular devil, with those horns I'd wager you've already gotten to the greater devil species which requires an affinity to be cultivated to seventy five percent."

Ezekiel was very surprised to learn that the people of this world would know so much, then he wondered if it was just the scholarly types that would know such things.

As he thought about it the fact that this knowledge was already obvious to the mage did make sense.

For scholars learning more information is part of the passion for the role, many mages would be scholars in fictional media so for a mage to be well versed in the knowledge of other race's mages made sense.

It also made sense that some soldiers would probably recognize his race down the line.

He had only seen players who were infernal characters so far which made him wonder why he didnt see any npcs in this city who were devils or demons.

He had also not seen any celestials.

"Where are the devils normally from? In the otherworld they are said to come from a place called hell."

The mage seemed to ponder for a moment before shrugging.

"I suppose our world would call it the abyss, they say the first members of the infernal race came from the abyss as the servants of the gods of fire and darkness."

He moved deeper into the building while talking to Ezekiel, others would pass occasionally and some would look at the strange new mage but it seemed like their curiosity was fleeting.

"According to legend the goddess of fire and the god of darkness were betrothed and as a wedding gift the other gods and goddesses came together to form life from the abyss which held the essence of both of their elements."

"In fact this legend has a later version that practically treats the celestial races as the younger siblings of the infernal race."

He was more curious now as he didn't know that there were gods in this world but it did make sense.

"How are the celestials our siblings?"

"Well when the goddess of light reached adulthood and obtained her elemental focus the couple gave her a race of her own from the heavens, the celestials."

"According to the seers, Luminous was the one who had the idea to create the infernals as a wedding gift and she convinced the other gods to join in her plan."

"The celestials were made as a coming of age gift and a thank you from the couple."

He reacted to this news with a bit of a frown.

"So we're just tools? Objects given as gifts?"

The mage stopped and turned to Ezekiel with a disturbed look.

"No? The story is a beautiful one, to have beings made in your honor is an act of love. Gods cannot procreate and are only birthed from the essence of the world when a new god is required."

"Since gods cannot procreate they choose beings to care for and give their blessings to the way parents would bless their children."

After explaining this he moved on to continue down to wherever they were going.