Hardmode pt. 4

The speed of the boss combined with the danger of the giant made the last portion of her health a struggle to touch.

War God was practically incapacitated as she was forced to ward off the blows of the giant when she hurt the boss.

Her only reprieve was when the giant's aggro was taken by another player who hurt the boss.

They had to practically rotate aggro in this way while the boss would attack them randomly.

Slashes and bruises were taken by the team as they were not ready for the speed of this boss while avoiding the giant.

Their practice was showing it's effect each time one of them dodged the giant or her blade since they remained standing after.

The boss was charging them faster the lower her hp went and this made her even more dangerous.

When her hp finally hit 5% she took on a red aura of the enraged state and they could no longer dodge.

They had to try to sacrifice things that they could live without while still fighting.


Ezekiel had a large slash across his back that made movement difficult but the alternative was losing his head, he could see the others taking on more and more injuries so he had to try something reckless.

He would wait for the boss to come for him once again and when she was attacking him he would take the strike so he could land a killing blow on her.

His damage over time effects were slowly reducing her health while the rest were causing small chunks of hp to fall.

He waited for his opportunity while bombarding her and when he saw her take her move her acted.

He turned behind to face her with a shadowfire arrow pumped with as much mana as he could possibly give it.

When he made the projectile he heard a notification sound but he ignored it to take advantage of this opportunity.

When she appeared he gripped the needle of shadowfire to hold like a dagger, he did not care how much damage it was doing to his hand because he had to strike her down.

He jammed that needle into her skull through the eye socket as she stabbed him through the heart.


Hope watched as the mage who had taught her so much about her own skills sacrificed himself to land a solid hit on the boss.

His body collapsed on the ground with hardly a hint of life left on the hp bar and the damage over time burning what little remained.

She rushed forward to heal their friend while the mage did something strange.

It stumbled back with the needle in its eye socket and made a motion to attack someone else but that was when the spell detonated.

When the spell consumed her head the boss collapsed on the stone floor with the giant following not long after.

They were forced out of the dungeon like always and Ezekiel stood back up quickly when he was no longer dying.

She suddenly recieved a notification from the system at the same time as the others she assumed.


Congratulations on being the first team to defeat a hardmode dungeon!

As part of your accomplishment you will receive a unique grade chest and the title of "Breacher."

Effect: damage within dungeons is reduced by 10%

Your achievement will also be broadcast systemwide.


What followed was a surreal experience as every player suddenly recieved a notification about the players who had achieved the first hard mode dungeon clear.

Two of them were easily recognized as part of a medium level clan while the rest were unknown.

The players quickly left to avoid being swarmed while those who were at the dungeon itself began to record what they were seeing.

The team that left would be known by face as well as their achievements.


Hardmode- 01:29:53

Belial- 67%

Shade- 18%

War God- 14%

Hope- 1%
