Day One Success

In a towering building an average looking man was walking through the halls with a sense of puprose.

He entered a room where a large chamber filled with glass could be found.

This glass was set in layers almost like rows of books and between each piece of glass a small charge of electric current would visibly connect them in pulses like a heartbeat.

A number of people were working in this room and monitoring the chamber but they stood up when this man entered.

"Sir the results are still being analyzed we don't know what the player potential looks like yet."

The man sat down at a desk to look at the screen on it which was displaying charts in rapid succession.

"Well then tell me the most important information?"

Another worker approached with a tablet which showed information about a player.

"The current top player is lv 159 and he was given a bloodline that is actually derived from a mythical bloodline, the fenrir."