Spell Crafter

"So the way the dungeon works is that it's the tomb of a necromancer so we have to fight our way through the actual undead hordes."

While tearing through the undead Ezekiel was explaining how to complete it.

"The area is filled with shadow mana and life mana in certain places which i think caused the moss to start forming there, now the larger pockets of moss make great hiding places for undead too."

He pointed out one large pocket of moss that he quickly incinerated with shadowfire whoch made the hiding skeleton rise up with firy tk try to strike.

"These skeletons are only ambush attackers and they aren't pretty strong, probably all of their power went into agility or something but be careful because a good critical hit can kill you depending on your vitality."

He used his wing shrouded in mana to slap away the strike, when Alexander saw this he was astonished by how fluid the motion was and not even a single scratch was left on the wing.