Chapter 215 Ant King Barrier Array


Twin Towers.

Ivan had only been back at the academy for several days when Wolban came knocking.

"Ivan, how does it happen that every time you always manage to surprise others? You've caused quite a stir this time, overshadowing all of us." Wolban said in a joking tone.

The incident at the Floating Clouds Square had spread to the Mongna Ant Land Cottage, leaving many sorcerers astonished and taken aback, with quite a few of them making inquiries to personally verify the validity of the news.

"The news has spread?"

"As of now, I'd reckon there isn't a single sorcerer in our academy who doesn't know about it."

Ivan nodded. No wonder even the attitude of the Eight-legged Black Spider guarding the gate had undergone such a change, becoming filled with goodwill.

"What's there to envy? I'm still wanted by someone, always suspecting that I'm being tracked wherever I go."

"Haven't you found the mastermind behind the curtain?"