Chapter 9: Creating Storage Space

"You're not thinking of eating me, are you?" Lu Yuan advanced with the ax in hand, his Adam's apple bobbing as he silently swallowed a gulp of saliva.

Such a large wolf, so much meat, could he really eat for half a month?

These three-dimensional attributes aren't anything special, a few chops and I'll kill you!

Realizing Lu Yuan wasn't afraid of him, Old Wolf took a few steps back, baring his teeth and growling fearfully from within.


Don't come any closer!

Perhaps because he was too weak, Old Wolf nearly stumbled and fell to the ground.

Only then did Lu Yuan notice that its blinded left eye was filled with yellow pus, and there were even insects squirming within. Such an infected wound was fatal for a wild animal.

Its fur was gray with a tinge of white, very dirty, matted with mud.

Such a big wolf was actually trembling slightly.

"It fears its own death."

For some reason, Lu Yuan felt a tinge of compassion.

At least for now, he was full, healthy, with several days' worth of provisions, and in good spirits.

This Old Wolf, well, it surely had no future...

So, Lu Yuan hesitated for a moment.

He truly hesitated, just like giving money to those who claim "I can't afford a ticket" near the station, that kind of hesitation...

But he still threw a part of the spider's internal organs over.

Originally, these organs were to be used as fish bait, but now that the wolf was eating them, the fish would have to make do with less.

"I've given these to you, no need to thank me."

"The flesh and blood of an Extraordinary Creature should be enough for you to have a feast... Don't blame me if you come back for more! I'd really like to eat you, you know?"

Old Wolf smelled the strong scent of blood, approached warily, sniffed it, looking like its appetite had been greatly stimulated, saliva dripping directly onto the ground.

However, with a stranger present, it didn't let down its guard, keeping its eyes fixed on Lu Yuan, unwilling to lower its head.

"I'm leaving, you enjoy yourself."

For some reason, after feeding the sick wolf, Lu Yuan's mood had significantly improved.

Pity, perhaps, is an emotion unique to intelligent life.

Even though his own situation wasn't so wonderful, he could still feel sorry for an Old Wolf that was in an even worse state than himself.

Next, he went back to his shelter and transformed a salvaged organizing case into a fish trap.

The method to create the trap was simple; make a hole that was neither too big nor too small in the luggage case, throw in some bait, and submerge the case in water.

The fish would smell the bait and swim into the case through the hole.

Once inside, it wasn't certain they would come out.

After all, fish are somewhat dim-witted creatures, how would they know this was a trap?

But to be on the safe side, Lu Yuan made a "┐" shaped plastic tube and inserted it into the hole.

Now, if the fish wanted to escape, they would have to go through the tube, making it much more difficult.

After all the preparations were done, it was already afternoon.

Lu Yuan, with a sore back, deeply lamented his low productivity, just doing some physical labor, and thus the day passed.

He proudly carried the fish trap, tied securely with vines, filled it with water, and sank it in the water.

"Hoping for a big catch tomorrow!"

On his way back, he found that the Old Wolf had already gone, and the discarded spider organs were nowhere to be seen.

"Buddy, I wish you luck. And I wish myself luck too!"


This was Lu Yuan's third day in this world.

Three days were short, yet they also stretched long, so long that he seemed to have gotten somewhat used to his current life.

His life was so full that he had no time to think about the mess of everything else.

He had to learn to accept reality.

God had remodeled his two eyes and given him the ability of "Storage Space"; perhaps there was a tiny chance that he could embark on the path of the extraordinary alone.

He wanted to live longer.

"Today was passable, so I won't scold you, God," he said.

As the sun set, Lu Yuan sat beside the fire, eating spider legs.

Feeling good about his mental state that day, he used a significant amount of spiritual power in an attempt to create a Storage Space he could carry around with him.

After closing his eyes, he activated "Storage Space."

In the gray-black void, it seemed as though purple lightning was vibrating.

With the infusion of spiritual power, the space ripped open like the surface of water being directly torn apart.

Such a crude method made Lu Yuan's heart pound, "Why do I feel like my Different Space ability is more refined than the Storage Space?"

Of course, Storage Space and Different Space were still different; once opened, this space would exist for a long time, consuming spiritual power only when storing and retrieving items.

Moreover, the passage of time inside was almost zero, so there was no need to worry about the contents deteriorating.

"One cubic meter. That'll be enough for now."

A large refrigerator has a capacity of about 500 liters, which is 0.5 cubic meters.

One cubic meter, that's really not small.

Lu Yuan stored the rest of his spider meat inside, and it didn't consume much spiritual power—it was quite convenient.

Creating a Storage Space took quite a bit of spiritual power, leaving him feeling tired, so he fell into a deep sleep.


A new day began again!

There was no lolling in bed but rather dark circles under his eyes.

Lu Yuan took his axe and hurried off toward the direction of the fish traps as soon as it was faintly light, since the matter was related to his sustainable development issue.

He was really anxious!

If the fish trap was a huge success, it meant he could solve his food problems once and for all!

Along the way, he also picked up some trash in true old-timer fashion.

It was impossible not to pick up trash; he loved this craft.

He came across another car!

Inside were 6 cans, 12 bottles, 3 broken semiconductor devices; they could be phones or radios.

He took everything and stuffed it into his Storage Space!

There was also a backpack, filled with rotting organics and various colorful insects.

"Ordinary Level supplies," Lu Yuan said as he dumped the contents from the backpack, slung it over his shoulders, and shrugged twice. It felt a bit small, but it would do.

Then his luck exploded; he noticed a faint glint of gold in the grass.

He quickly went over and dug a few times with his axe, unearthing a square iron box.

"What's this?"

The iron box contained a brown glass bottle.

It appeared to be made of some special material, very delicate, with the plastic film over the bottleneck intact, and containing dozens of small blue pills inside.

Lu Yuan's titanium alloy right eye provided information: [A drug containing trace amounts of Extraordinary Elements, which works by boosting the immune system to treat most bacterial infections.]

[Even though it's well past its expiration date, the meticulous packaging might still preserve some of its effectiveness.]

"Hahaha! Jackpot! At least it's an SSR Level treasure!" Lu Yuan rejoiced inwardly.

Could it be because he fed the wolves yesterday, did a good deed, and now his karma was through the roof?