Chapter 8: Encountering a One-Eyed Wild Wolf

After having his fill, Lu Yuan hid inside the house, sitting cross-legged, watching the scene outside the window.

"God, do you have thought processes similar to humans?"

"Or are you just a set of rules?"

There were some things he dared not even think about, like friends and family, mom's homemade dinners, pink apps, and leather-clad ladies...

Once those thoughts started, he might fall into an abyss of despair, so he simply chose to sulk here and let it be.

The cold-hearted God would obviously not care about the inner drama of an ant.

Lightning streaked across the sky one bolt after another, with the rain getting heavier, drumming on the windows incessantly.

The brilliant rainwater, like the vibrant life in the Primitive Forest, drop after drop, stream after stream, would eventually merge into rivers, and then... surge into the ocean!

"Does the Pangu Continent have an ocean? Yesterday, from space, I thought I saw a very large lake..."

Surprised by his own thoughts, Lu Yuan quickly grabbed a few containers to collect rainwater.

After boiling a can of water, he took a satisfying sip.

"If only I had some goji berries."

He felt somewhat relieved that he had found a shelter to shield him from the elements.

Otherwise, he would be hiding in that decrepit car today, cold and wet, maybe even having the hard-earned flames extinguished by the rain.


In the dim firelight, Lu Yuan seriously planned his next course of action.

"Poisonous glands can be used to make poison, I must preserve them well."

"The hooks on the spider's legs, about as thick as a toothpick, can be used to make... needles? Hmm, my clothes will wear out sooner or later. With needles, I can sew them myself."

"As for those spider innards... for fishing?"

Lu Yuan's eyes lit up, "Right, there's so much trash in the city, I can make a few simple fish traps! I'll go fishing tomorrow, have something nice to eat!"

Suddenly, the cold voice from the edge of the universe sounded again: [After initiating the attribute system of all creatures and after owning the Observation ability, higher creatures can observe the attributes of lower creatures.]

Lu Yuan snapped back to attention and observed himself.

Pioneer's Eye: [An uninteresting human has eaten his fill and is now using the Pioneer's Eye.]


Lu Yuan always felt that this eye was somewhat narcissistic.

However, he really did see some information that wasn't there before!

[Shape: 5.4]

[Qi: 4.5]

[God: 5.2]

[Extraordinary Level: Level 1]

[Innate Abilities: Different Space, Pioneer's Eye, Explorer's Eye, Storage Space.]

[Evaluation: This person is so ordinary that he hasn't even set foot on the path of the Extraordinary, yet he possesses 4 innate abilities, a rarity and wonder of the world! Could he be the God's own son?]

Unsure whether it was praise or sarcasm.

After much thought, Lu Yuan found no system to add points...

Clearly, every creature had its own attribute panel, and it wasn't unique to him.

What exactly "Shape, Qi, and God" meant was ambiguous, with no clear explanation.

He massaged his temples, thinking to himself, "These three attributes obviously have something to do with the Extraordinary Level."

"My Extraordinary Level is Level 1, which should be the level innate to a superpower user."

"But how do I raise my Extraordinary Level?"

He scratched his head raw but couldn't think of a solution.

This task could perhaps be achieved only by a civilized force.

Only a great civilization, pooling all its talent, proposing various theories, might obtain relevant knowledge from existing Extraordinary Lives.

The power of one individual was too minuscule, likely unable to scale the ranks of the Extraordinary alone.

"Human Civilization Branch 18, current population: 1 person."

Well, that's some real dark humor.

But Lu Yuan didn't despair.

"Right beneath my feet lies a ruin of civilization!"

"My Pioneer's Eye can read a lot of information, it's deciphering the language of this civilization. Once it's deciphered, I can learn the extraordinary powers of this civilization!"

He suddenly felt that his situation wasn't so bad after all, looking at the glass doors with fiery eyes.

"Forget it, sleep today, start tomorrow!"


The next morning, Lu Yuan enjoyed a spider leg and then peeled off the eye-shaped pattern on the back of the spider, sticking it on his own clothes.

He began a life of scavenging.

Unearthing the ruins of civilization was important, but the translation work of the language hadn't been completed yet, and there was no use in rushing.

Securing a stable food source was even more critical.

Wandering through the weeds of the wilderness, Lu Yuan patiently searched for everything here.

The so-called ruins are the traces of time, the wilderness walked by history, the marks of yesterday barely visible today.

Sediments brought by the changes in the Earth's crust had buried most of the city, and even the bones found were scattered.

Under normal circumstances, bones in the soil will decompose in 20 years, only in dry environments can bodies become mummies.

To this day, Lu Yuan did not know what the members of this civilization looked like before they died.

Soon, following a streak of golden light, he found a complete sorting box!

The volume was about one cubic meter with a lid on top, containing a stinky mess, likely remnants of clothes.

"Not damaged, a good container."

He found a ten-meter-long vine, very sturdy, suitable for use as a rope.

"Not bad at all."

Lu Yuan swung the rope a few times and wrapped it around his arm.

He found... an axe?!

It probably weighed seven or eight kilograms, quite heavy.

This thing, even rusty, had a lethality that far surpassed the Snake Scale Axe Lu Yuan had made himself.

"At least it's an SR-level weapon!" Lu Yuan excitedly took the axe and swung it fiercely through the air a few times.

Now, the Snake Scale Axe could be retired.

In a collapsed house, he found another toolbox, two intact glass vessels, and three plastic buckets.

All the tools in the toolbox had rusted, but there was a whetstone inside, and after a bit of sharpening, tools like scissors could still be used!

Lu Yuan was quite satisfied with today's great haul.

He discovered two skeletons, one large and one small.

The small one might have been a baby? It was protected under the larger skeleton, but the disaster struck too quickly for them to have any chance of survival.

"Love and emotion are not unique to humans."

Lu Yuan, neither joyful nor sorrowful, exerted some effort to bury these two skeletons and performed a brief ritual of respect.

Why do this?

He didn't know himself; maybe it was to make himself feel a bit better?

In the end, he encountered a one-eyed wild wolf, baring its teeth and roaring at Lu Yuan, pretending to be very intimidating.

But Lu Yuan quickly saw through it: [Pangu Grey Wolf, a type of wild animal with a very wide distribution.]

[This is an old wolf driven out by its pack because of old age, weakened by disease and hunger, likely not to live for many more days.]

[Shape: 4.2-5.6]

[Qi: 6.8-9.2]

[Spirit: 1.2-1.9]

[Extraordinary Level: Level 0]

[Ability: None]