meeting him again

I can't believe I didn't get to exchange contact with him.

should I steal his contact from my brother's phone?


Morning sweet mom!

morning my princess!

how was your sleep?

oh mom! I was one of my best night ever.

that's something! tell me about it

well I had a beautiful dream about my prince charming, it was love at first sight.


my mom almost choked on her coffee..

sorry mom I'm just kidding.

I wasn't kidding actually I thought about him the whole night, and it still pains me I couldn't exchange contact with him. wait! he mentioned he always visits the cafe every morning before going to work..

OMG! mom I need to go get something at store.

just call bashir to get it for you.

no mom!

why not?

it's personal I want to get it myself but well he can drive me there.

on getting to the cafe and I saw him sitting by the window and the morning sun was piercing through his face and I couldn't explain if he was the one reflecting the sun or the sun reflecting him. he exudes this calm aura, he's so gentle and steady. why is he looking more handsome and cool today.. I was still in my world of fantasy when I heard him call my name waving at me.

Hola nu'ayma! I didn't know you come here in the morning too.

not really I was just having a morning walk.

with a driver waiting up on you?

you caught me, actually was driving by when I saw you, I couldn't get your contact yesterday and sorry about my bro..

it's fine he ended our friendship last night don't know why this time though.

how do you mean this time?

he always does that and then come back to apologize later.

and you accept him back?

I like him that's why.. it's fine, here's my card I'm late for work already.

finally I got what I wanted, walked up to the car and Bash drove off!

on getting home was surprised to see the principal and my form teacher by the gate talking with our security man. what must've have been the reason for their visit, I thought he suspended me from his school ?

I alighted from the car and greeted them

thank goodness miss Nabeel, we're having a hard time explaining to him, are your parents in? we tried contacting but no one was picking up so we showed up instead.

only my mother. please come in, this way.

I went up to get my mom. they exchanged pleasantries and our school principal went straight to the point, as they came because of the state annual essay competition and the teachers nominated me to represent the school but my mom interrupted.

and how's that any business to my family and I?

like I said earlier Mrs Nabeel, your daughter has been nominated.

well she can't go

why not?

she's on suspension and it's not two weeks yet.

mom please! I begged

princess go to your room!

Mr principal since you suspended her from school yourself how about you go get another student to rep your school? how about that, huh?

well Madam, we've revoked the suspension.

I was still going up when I heard the statement I jumped up with joy, like I've always wanted to represent the school on a national competition especially this essay thing. my mom was still reluctant, they had to leave.

Mom! why?

princess I want this more than you do, I'm just playing hard to get, I want them to regret suspending my precious girl from school.

oh mom! you're the best.

we laughed about it and talked about random things.. I'm sure the principal and others would be hoping and praying my mom change her mind soon


later that day I decided to visit the mall to get some girly essentials, as usual Bash drove me there... was scrolling through items when I saw my prince charming walking in majestically with so much enthusiasm.. but I turned away pretend not to have seen him, I was still minding my business pretending I didn't just see him. pretending to be checking items out until I suddenly heard him call my name, I suddenly felt this chill and my heart stopped beating for a sec.

oh my! are you stalking me? why are you here?

what kind of question am I asking him? this is a mall anyone can come in.

no dear I'm not.. I'd call it a coincidence

and he smiled, oh my! I felt this chill going through my spine, this smile just melted my heart for umpteenth time. and that was how we got what we came for side by side, talking about random stuff. It felt like time should be freezed so I could enjoy every moment with him, it felt so good. where have you been? I suddenly asked unconsciously..

what? how do you mean?

I'm sorry I didn't know I was thinking out loud

it's fine.

and finally it was time to say goodbye, and suddenly acted like he remembered something and oh yes he just invited me to his cousin's wedding this Saturday.

I was excited, I felt Saturday is right now.

I got home feeling excited, my mom was puzzled as I am hardly that way, I told her nothing is new, just having this feeling like I'm on top of the world, she might think it's because I'm representing my school soon. but no! it's because of my prince charming, I hopped to my room and suddenly I remembered my precious DIARY.