Dear Diary

October 10th


Dear Diary

I am so excited today, seeing my prince charming this blessed morning. Guess what! he invited me to a his sister's wedding party. I love the way he looks at me, with that mesmerizing eyes of his. Oh! how I wish I could be with him always, the peace and serenity I feel whenever I'm with him is out of this world. but, is he my soulmate?.


I closed my diary not knowing what I was writing, what is wrong with me? what if he doesn't even see me or like me? perhaps he's just nice to me because my brother is his friend!

Why am I feeling this way towards him all of a sudden?

I heard my mom calling, so I went downstairs and she reminded me I haven't taken my breakfast.

Why would I feel hunger, when my stomach is filled with butterflies.

To make my mom happy, I ate my breakfast quietly like the good child that I am...

Few hours later, my mom is out. and it's just me again, I was so bored, it's just me myself and I as usual. suddenly my phone rang.. who is it? OMG! it's prince charming! I cleared my throat and picked up and his thick yet angelic voice came from the other end. his voice gave me goosebumps all over.

Hey, I'm at your gate, do you mind lending sometime?

oh okay, will be right there soon.

I acted as if I didn't care, as soon as the call ended. I screamed on top of my voice, ran straight to the gate, wait! is my makeup okay? do I look stunning? but too late he sighted me already and waved at me.

I walked to him with my best smile, I welcomed him and gesture for him to come in but he declined saying he doesn't want to upset my brother and this statement upset me but I had to be cool in front of him.

So, uhm! Nu'ayma are you free? I'd like us to hangout if it's okay with you.

I was so excited inside but again I had to keep my cool... of course, but I can't stay long out there, mom isn't aware as she's not home.

anyways I'd just go in and get changed.. and I turned around to leave but he called my name almost like a whisper, another goosebumps.

I turned and he smiled and said.

please don't stay long.

you don't have to worry about that.

I ran straight to my room fixed my everything and for the first time I applied some makeup as I fast as I could and ran out but kept my cool when I got to the gate.

okay! Nu'ayma I must say, you look stunning!

oh c'mon you don't have to flatter me!

I'm not, I'm saying what my eyes is seeing right now in front of me, a rare beauty.

Oooh! he's good with words too.

I don't see your car anywhere.

oh we're going on a bike, sorry...

Wow, this is more like it, the prince always come riding on a horse, mine came with a bike, not much of a difference I must say...


We had so much fun.. I lost track of time, and I wasn't picking my calls. Mom must be furious, oh my God how will I escape her wrath tonight.

Nu'ayma Nabeel! when did you start staying out late? where did you go to? wait! are you seeing a boy?

no mommy.. I .. I ..

I stuttered not knowing what to say, for the first time in my life I had to lie to my best friend my mom

start talking!

my classmate, one of them that came here the other day, had her birthday today, I was invited and I lost track of time and my..

all dressed like this ? like you went on a date.

mom it's a birthday party everyone wants to show up in their best.

anyways, next time put a call through, so we'd know you're fine and safe.

I'm so sorry mommy, goodnight

goodnight I love you

I love you more!

*Thursday October 10th*


Dear Diary

I still can't believe I lied to my mom for the first time. it's too early to tell her about him yet.

he just told me how he felt about me today, I wished the moment would last forever, I thought I was dwelling in my own fantasy but he loves me too, he felt so from the first time he saw me alone in the cafe. oh! love is a beautiful thing. I think I've found my soulmate.


it's almost 6am, and I heard mom calling, what might it be now? it was sad to find out she's calling so I could prepare for school.

but mom it's Friday!

wait a minute, I thought you was excited the other day?

maybe I should just resume by Monday, what do you think?

but princess you was eager the other day, what changed? anyways if you don't feel like going, it's fine.

oh my! did mom just agreed without an argument.

yippeeee I'm going to see Musa today possibly.

the landline rang and my Mom picked had a short conversation and then she told me it was the school principal and subconsciously rolled my eyes, my mom was surprised by my act but let it go yet again.

so princess, since you ain't going to school maybe you could help out at the store.

No mom I have some assignments to work on.

what's up with you lately? I thought you love school and also love to go to the store. are you are up to something, aren't you?

no mommy, what would I possibly do.

invite some friends over or go see a boy.


and I found myself running upstairs blushing wild.

After mom left. I called her to know the time she'd return, but unfortunately she didn't specify. I waited hours for him to call but he never did, finally I went out to Bash and the security outside, having some chit chat with them.

and I never knew they've seen Musa and also the way I acted when he came the previous day..

you guys are so nosy aren't you, now I'd leave you guys...

I ran off

Read some books until I slept off.. by the time I opened my eyes it was 3pm

wow time really is fast today, how did I sleep this long? suddenly my phone rang, it's him.

princess I've been calling you, wait why's your voice so low? are you okay? is everything fine ?

yeah yeah.. sorry I just woke up, I've been sleeping.

oh that explains it, would you mind going to the beach with me like in an hour time..

oh sure, I'd be ready before then.

alright would pick you up in an hour then.