missing prince charming

Oct 27th


Dear Diary

Prince charming is leaving for a while, I don't know how long but my heart keep aching and missing him already, would I be able to hold back for awhile? what do I do? this is so painful!


I closed my diary and cried yet again, why is it so painful it's not like he's breaking up with me he's just traveling for awhile, why am I taking it so serious, I think I'm just acting like a little girl right now.

I went to the bathroom wash my face and went back to sleep.


it's time for literature and Miss Yetunde is no where to be found

Where is the literature Mistress? Lara

I don't understand Jo! do I look like the class representative?

No one should ask me, just because I'm the rep, I've gone to the staffroom I didn't find her there

Then where is she? Annie abruptly asked

are you asking me?

Angela I wasn't talking to you!

As they were all bickering I decided to go look for her myself.

but before I got to the door her friend came in.

Hello class, I'm miss Jessica and a friend to your literature teacher. sorry guys! she won't be coming anytime soon, as she has been sick throughout the weekend and she's still recuperating.

This piece of information made us all sad and worried, so we made a decision to visit her at the corper's lodge in school, we divide ourselves into three groups and I was among the last group which was to go when school is over, I purposely joined the last group as i wanted enough time with her, as for Bash he can wait for all i care.

I felt so awful seeing her condition, looking so pale, got thinner than she was and oh her lips were all chapped.

Nu'ayma how are you? And congratulations for winning the gold medal!

I should be the one asking that question not the other way round. how are you feeling? honestly you look so pale and thin. Thank you.

she didn't say much other than nod her head and smile at me, on the other hand miss Jessica tried to assure me she's better than how she was during the weekend.. something about her makes me care so much for her like an elder sis, even though I never had one. and surprisingly Annie coughed to mock me perhaps she feels I'm just pretending to care, but before she could say a word Miss Nusaiba cut her short and gave her a warning stare. I really didn't take it as a big deal as I'm here to see a teacher who's sick, i don't have time to pick unnecessary fight with anyone especially Annie.

we were there for awhile, prayed for her and left.

Bash got tired of waiting, with a face that could melt rocks but I pretend not to see it or even apologize, I couldn't just say goodbye, since luckily he came with my mom's minivan, I offered them a ride, Annie declined but I didn't mind.. it was a noisy but happy ride, Bash was so upset but I pretend not to noticed.

we got home late, mom was pretty upset, fortunately for me dad wasn't home yet. I explained what happened to her and quickly rushed to my room to get changed and rushed down to the kitchen to assist mom and the help and in preparing dinner.


Nov 26th


Dear Diary

it's been a month now since my prince charming traveled, not a single word from him. not even a call or a message to indicate his journey was successful, I've tried so many means, so many times, I still can't reach him. I pray he's alright and nothing has happened to him. or could it be he has abandoned me?

no! it can't be, I guess I'll keep praying nothing bad has happened to him..,


i closed my diary, called Musa yet unreachable. this is becoming unbearable and there's no one I can reach to ask about him, I can't even ask my bro.

I decided to go to my dad's study maybe I might find a book I can rely on.

I didn't know the whole sadness in my heart was written all over my face and my mom had to say it out loud.

what's that look on your. face?

what look mom?

I don't seem to understand your recent pale face, tell me princess is a boy involved?

Mom! c'mon did you have to?

what? I'm your mom, aren't I your best friend, when did we start keeping things from each other?

don't worry mom, I'm just bored in fact I'm about to go to Dad's study to get a nice book.

And with that I walked away from mom, I'm not ready to tell her about Musa yet not now at least.

I got to the study, and I did find a nice book but how long would it keep my mind off what's bothering me?


And so fast, it's Monday and exams start by eight.

Oh Lord! I know you always make it easy for me and grant me more than I asked for, it's another exams please make this better than the previous one. I prayed silently in my mind.

someone tapped me from behind while I was still praying silently.


Chill Nu'ayma, I'm just here to make things right honestly, I know I've been a bitch, but I'm here for a truce.

So Annie wants to make peace huh?!

yeah let's be friends please!

I was amazed but then I'm a peaceful person I accept to be friends with her and we let bygone be bygone.

and then our form teacher told me Annie is going to be sitting close to me throughout the whole exams exercise.

now I know why Annie made peace with me interesting!


It was a good thing I accepted to be friends with Annie it really has an advantage, well we're both sure of having A's in all of our subject.


the days went so fast and school was closing and holiday is coming.

so Nuayma how do you plan to spend your holiday?

to be honest Annie I planned going to London but I ch.....

OMG! you will be going to London, when?

you didn't let me finish, I was trying to tell you I changed my mind.

why would you?

for some reasons Annie!

wait! is it because of someone who's here you want to miss out an amazing holiday in London?

it's not, actually it's so lonely and boring over there.

hey enough of London talk, let's go so my driver can drop you off.

I don't mind but you know he doesn't like me.

he don't have a choice.

some of our mates were behind us, and the way they are staring and whispering I know they all are shocked how we suddenly became friends, had no choice but to offer them a ride too since they're in the same neighborhood as Annie.

Annie told me her plans of visiting me soon. it's not a good idea but I couldn't say no, I just hope she doesn't come when mom is around or maybe i should inform mom that we're friends now.