
I arrived home, feeling very tired but I suddenly felt lonely. in a few days a family member would be visiting the house with his family for the weekend, nothing exciting about it.

I was heading towards the stairs when I noticed my dad .

Hi dad! had no idea you're home.

how was school today?

we came to the end of the term today

that was fast, so where's your results booklet for the term.?

we weren't given, till resumption day of next term.

my problem with public school, they accept too many students they can handle and the teachers



nothing, I'd just go to my room and change.

alright princess.


Dec 17th


Dear Diary

it's so unfortunate, the only man I love, left for more than a month now and I haven't heard anything from him neither I've seen him, I miss him so much that it hurts each day that passed by, does he feel the same way I do? oh my! I wish I could just hear his voice even if I don't see his face I will feel better, But what if he's not alright? No I don't want to imagine it! or think about it.


it's Monday morning, it's bright and beautiful but I'm sad, still thinking if I should go to London for my holiday, but the thing is, it's even more boring for me there, at least I've got my mom here and all. what do I do?

was still thinking when I heard the doorbell

who might it be?

on getting the door, I was surprised to see Annie, oh gracious, my mom is not home besides I forgot to tell her about Anne's visit

What a beautiful house you've got Nu'ayma.

thanks, let's go to my room.

OMG! it's even more beautiful in here everything is pink and colorful!

I've always dream of having a room like this all to myself.

you don't have your personal room?

no, I share a room with my two sisters.

oh, how I wish I have sisters to share my room with.

be careful of what you wish for, they aren't always fun, and you don't get to have hundred percent privacy.

she kept talking and talking, she doesn't know how it feels being an only daughter with big brothers who are hardly seen around.

and suddenly she reached for my diary but I snapped it from her before she opened it.

she teased I was hiding something but who cares it's my privacy anyway.

Nu'ayma let's go have some real fun, I'm not really an indoor person like you.

she suggested we go to some club, but I refused immediately because of lots of bad boys .

then I suggested we go to the mall, she complained about not having money but then I got us covered I haven't spend any money in awhile. Annie was super excited, we spent about an hour and finally we both went home.


Dec 21st


Dear diary

I am here alone, feeling lonely

I close my eyes and think of every moment that passes by. tears in my eyes, tears for you, tears that make me realize how much I love you. I miss you, I need you more and more each day, I love you more than words can describe.

my prince charming when will I see and hear from you again?


it's 1 am and I heard the vibration of my phone who is it at this time? it's a strange number and also a foreign number, it could be a scam call.

I kept having the feeling it might be someone I know and for the second time it rang, so I picked up and the voice I heard send chills to my bones.


is that you? at this very moment I was in tears, what took him so long?

yea it's me! I'm sorry

what took you so long? do you know what I went through, so many thoughts went through my mind.

I'm sorry, I won't hurt you on purpose, I was being framed at the airport for trafficking drugs and I was locked up all my accessories and stuff was seized, no phone calls and all, but my uncle came through, got a good lawyer and I'm out, I was just granted bail actually.

at this hour?

oh, I'm not in Nigeria, I'm currently in Colombia

you didn't tell me you was flying there!

I'm sorry it escaped my mind

are you okay? everything is fine with you right?

yea I am super fine especially hearing my princess voice... how bout you?

I am too.

I was afraid and worried sick something happened to him, I'm glad he's fine now even though he went through all that.

princess I miss you so much, I can't wait to see that beautiful smile of yours, your beautiful eyes, sexy li....

omg! it's my dad.

why are you up at this hour?

I told my dad I was having a nightmare so I woke up and I'm still frightened and dad offered to put me back to sleep, did my dad just checked on me? and for the very first time as long as I can remember my dad gave me a kiss on my forehead and told me to call him if I still can't sleep.. this feeling I wish it last forever.

is your dad gone?

yeah, I actually forgot to lock my door, I'm going to do so now.

so when will you be back?

I can't say, it might take long.

oh, where are you in Columbia?

Bogota! why?

nothing, so, I have to go back to sleep alright, we'll talk some other time.

and I ended the call, now I know just where to spend my holiday. I slept off with this excitement in my heart, finally my spark is back.

I woke up with lots of energy and even my mom couldn't keep shut about it, and she began to wonder if her daughter is having some personality issues. but I'm so fine.. love is indeed a beautiful thing.