leaving home

Nu'ayma Nabeel! what are you doing here this early? in your school uniform?

Miss Yetunde I'd explain everything, just let me in first.

I explained everything to her in detail. she insisted I go back home to my family, but I had to threaten her I'd go somewhere else if she won't accommodate me.

But Nu'ayma I have less than a year in your school, what will happen to you after then?

I don't plan to spend an extra year in school I'd just register for senior school certificate examination so I can get into the university.

but the registration is closed!

they've started again although late payment for those who couldn't make it, So I plan to register in the school not far from ours.

what happened to yours?

if I do, words would reach my parents.

yeah you're right

but you would have to help me with the registration process I have the money with me.


Mom's pov

I woke up and found myself in my bedroom along my husband and son, standing beside the bed, I prayed and hoped it's just a dream and not real.. I couldn't stop my tears from flowing.

are you two happy now? where do I start from, how do I start looking for my only daughter.?

I'm sure she must have eloped with him.

I doubt it son, she told me herself last night he ended things with her, and her eyes was swollen from crying.

I got up from the bed and went to her room, maybe just maybe it's a dream, but I still didn't find my daughter. would I ever heal from this trauma of loosing my child to the world?

they don't even regret their actions.

If anything happens to my girl, I'll never forgive you two!


Nu'ayma's pov

it's indeed a great experience living with Miss Yetunde, no one from school knows, well I guess my dad didn't go to the police as he doesn't want his business associates to know his daughter went missing, I don't care anyway, he's doing me a favor, I miss mom, I hope she's fine though.

living here have added value to my life, I'm beginning to learn how to cook, how to sweep and I even wash my clothes with my bare hands.

who would have thought Nu'ayma Nabeel would know how to do this herself, when we have house help every corner in the house.

Six months had passed, and I'm still happy staying here, and about writing my last exam.

only Miss Yetunde knows, in fact I still have to attend school so that the school won't get suspicious and call my parents. my classmates kept asking, why my driver doesn't drop and pick me up anymore. even Annie wants to come visit me but I had to convince them all that I've been grounded, I'm only allowed to come to school, no visitor allowed and till further notice.

But Ayma what did you do to that extent?

Annie it's personal!

I'm not so good at lying so I ended the conversation there with her.

Ayma now that you're done with your exams, and I'm done with your school I'd be leaving for my home town, what's your plan?

I don't like been called Ayma! I think I'd be coming with you, I have this urge to travel around the country and explore.

you don't miss your family? especially your mom.

I do but I'm not ready to go back home yet, I'm beginning to love the life I live now.

I hope you don't get me into trouble.

don't worry no one would even know you existed or me staying with you.

you're so strange Ayma oh sorry Nu'ayma.

now I feel so bored, I didn't like the idea of me attending classes since I was done with exams and I'm almost out of money, not like i would be able to steal another, or should i sneak into the house and steal more? no bad idea!


Dad's pov

the money she stole must have finished by now, why is she not home yet? and now my two boys are coming home, what do I tell them about their sister. my wife is still depressed.

anyways I'd just tell them she's in her borden school and no phone allowed.


Annie's pov

I was in class trying to figure out what is going on with my friend Nu'ayma, there's something fishy about her that I don't seem to get my hands on. and the these trio came to me looking for answers I don't have.

Annie, what's up with your friend? she's been acting weird

Lara I don't understand

you are the one closest to her in this class in recent.

Chioma, what are you driving at?

stop acting clueless Annie, you know what we mean.

Fatima, you see, I Annie is also confused and think she's acting weird too, I have asked her couple of times and she said there's nothing only that she's grounded because she offended her parents.

no wonder her driver doesn't drop or pick her up anymore.


Nu'ayma's pov

What's wrong with this ones, why are they acting strange upon seeing me, wait they must have been talking about me, I have to act I have no idea.

Hi pretty ladies!


you guys look disturbed ,what's up?

nothing mate!

and just like that the trio left I and Annie alone

and again I left quickly, before she start asking questions. I just don't want to be in school anymore.


and suddenly Miss Yetunde is having a high fever and I am really terrified, what do I do? I ran to Miss Nusaiba and Jessica and explained, she was rushed to a nearby hospital.

and it turned out she had been battling with cancer, I felt so bad, how come I didn't know all this time i was with her.

next morning we received a message from her family that they'll be coming to take her to India for surgery.

nu'ayma you must be sad about your friend

yeah I am miss Nusaiba, we had plans, I was supposed to follow her home but now I can't, you know my story, I'm still not ready to go home yet.

you can follow me to Kano!

you mean to the north? I've heard lots of stories about the north. thanks you just made my day. Even if I am still sad about her.