a new chapter

I got to school two days later after she fell ill, the previous event was still so fresh in my mind, I hope she gets better though, I was still lost in my thoughts when our form teacher called .

Welcome Miss Nabeel!

morning sir.

why weren't you in school yesterday?

someone got ill, I had to be with that person in the hospital.

I hope that person gets healed soon, the school management announced you as the new head prefect yesterday.

Oh! that's great, I appreciate you guys seeing me fit for the position but then I..

but what?

I don't think it's a good idea, as I won't be available to that position anytime soon, maybe you should appoint someone else.

unfortunately there isn't anyone Miss Nabeel!

it is still early sir, Annie,

Annie is now the librarian prefect.

how about Zee from science?

she's in charge of the Laboratory now.

And Rukky from commerce class

office girl!

sir they're others befitting of the position or maybe you appoint one of them and give someone else their position. And then I walked away

what's wrong with her? anyways who understands women?!

Hey Ayma! come close let me give you the gist of those appointed and their appointments!

Jo, forget it I'm not interested.

come on, by the time I start you'll be interested.

go away, shoo shoo! and oh yes stop calling me Ayma! I don't like you and I also don't like the name. now get lost!

it was time for literature, I want to tell them so bad that Miss Yetunde is sick again. but this dummies would want to know how I got to know. I would just play along and allow them know through the normal channel.

Mike is she coming? time is not by our side.

Mary she's not in school

what's wrong with this lady!

Annie be nice, she's sick again and this time it's worse, so I heard.

everyone began to feel sorry for her and there was silence in class.

by the time it was break time, I got so bored and tired, I began to wonder how Miss Yetunde is doing as she's all by herself right now. I was about leaving when I heard them gossiping about her.

" Annie I think she's HIV positive."Stella's voice was nearly above a whisper

I agree with you.

Tunde remember when we visited her, her lips was dry and the face looked blue. Lara came in with her lousy mouth

Lara you might be right, but then how did she get to contact it? Jo turned around and joined in

Jo you're a dummy, she must have go....

will y'all shut up! I interrupted their discussion it was really annoying and disgusting, yes disrespectful too

who are you guys to judge her?! are you the doctor that diagnosed her?

what's wrong with Nu'ayma?

will you be happy being gossiped at a critical time in your life? when you don't know if you'll live or die?

at this moment I couldn't control my tear.

what's wrong Nu'ayma?

cut it Annie! you guys don't know anything at all.

then tell us what we don't know!

she has cancer and she's battling for her life as we speak!

OMG! Lord have mercy upon me, for I have sin against an innocent soul. Lara left immediately

I could see guilt in their eyes, I felt disgusted and walked away, even when Annie was calling I only turned my back on her, I was thinking of not coming back to school again when Annie catch up with me. I turned around.

So, your birthday is coming up, will you be throwing a party?


where ?

on top of the mountain!

is that supposed to be a joke or what?

see Annie I don't think you've got any business whether I celebrate my birthday or not, alright!

are you still angry about the gossip? anyways sorry for asking I was just curious.

I turned around and looked at them all one last time and then I said "goodbye"

this is it, I'm not coming back again, never!


I got to the lodge as soon as I could, she had been discharged but still not feeling great.

Nu'ayma, I found this in the bin, this morning after you left for school. Her voice sounding hoarse

I've seen you wearing it the day you came here.

Yes, miss Yetunde, Musa gave it to me, the day I was leaving Bogota.

Why did you throw it away? He must have given you with so much love then, and it's quite expensive, please keep it.....

But I don't want it anymore, I hate him so much right now and I don't want anything reminding me of me, that's why I threw it away and now you found it.

Keep it, trust me, you won't regret it and you don't have to wear it, just keep it..

Fine! I'll keep it.

I guess fate is playing games with me.