The next morning, before the sun fully rose.

I'm he view was shown as Luke was jogging, then he came to a stop


Luke was jogging on a trail, for his home was not far from the village and there was path that connected the two.

Luke gasping for breath

" Take a short breather then after, begin with 10 more laps!! ", Azara shouted towards Luke from afar

'While using the 2 Minute attribute boost, I realized that I improvement greatly' Luke thought

[ Physique + 1 ]

[ Physique + 1 ]

[ Physique + 1 ]

After all the harsh sessions, The Harah exercise with Azara and the Improved Sword training with Simon.

Luke was only allowed a small amount of free time, in which he went to the village.


While Luke was walking through the village

"I feel the improvement from the harsh exercise and the attribute boost, System open Status window", Luke commanded





MANA : 2

'CLICKS' : 0



A Moment Later


Luke stood before the merchant association, it was almost center of the village along with the Mercenary Associations.

Luke had lived in his past life and knew that whichever World someone is in, currency is still essential.

'My plan is to create a merchant company, enough to help me through with the cost over the years at Knight Academy.' Luke thought to himself

Having entered the Merchant Association, Luke, there was little to no one within.

This was a small town and it wasn't unusual for there to be next to no one within.

'Is it always this empty?' Luke questioned himself

Having walked to the front counter, Luke said "hello"

The receptionist, a stunning reception in fact with her blond hair tied up showing a ponytail.

The receptionist having not understood where the voice came from looked around.

"Down here" Luke spoke

The receptionist having look down below the desk, saw a boy with black hair and blue eyes.

It was Luke….

"My goodness, sorry for the Confusion", the receptionist said

Then the receptionist followed by saying "My names Barbara and how may I address you?"

"My names Luke" answered Luke

"Luke, a fine name, and what can I do for you today?" Questioned Barbara the receptionist

"I'm interested in creating a merchant company" answered Luke

"Anything is possible, however I must warn you that there are requirements" Said Barbara the receptionist

"Requirements?" echoed Luke

"Yes, the requirements aren't fairly strict, only a payment fee of 2 Gold Zila, there are no age restrictions." answered Barbara the receptionist

" Is there a way to barter or trade for gold Zila, and if I were to ask for an assistant, how much would that cost."Luke question Barbara

"Yes, there is room for barter or trade and it would cost an extra 1 Gold Zila for me to introduce you to an assistant." answered Barbara the receptionist

Luke opening a small pocket of the infinite Miniworld, while his hand was underneath his shirt.

Suddenly 2 Jars of salt were placed on the reception counter.

"How many would these fetch for in Zila's." questioned Luke while placing the salt jars on the reception counter

The receptionist having check each jar carefully, said to Luke. "14 Zila's for both of these"

'So 7 Gold Zila's for each', Luke thought to himself

Luke had not sold all his salt jars, for it would garner too much attention and would draw out the greed of those that watch him.

Luke knew that there were eyes on him, because of his age and that if he were to pull even more attention to him, that would be dangerous.

"I'll like to create a merchant company", Luke said to Barbara receptionist

"You'll need your name and a company name, if you can't write, I'll write for you" answered the receptionist Barbara

"My name's 'Luke'", answered Luke

"A company name…. How about 'SPAMMER'

"Also, I want the most expensive assistant"

Said Luke

Luke knew that if he exited the merchant association with this much money, he would face consequences. Instead he would seem to others that he spent all his gold carelessly for now.

Others would interpret it as a immature childish way

While Luke had another reason for bringing out a good assistant.

" 'Spammer', what a weird name" Barbara the receptionist said

"As for the assistant, I can recommend you one." said Barbara the receptionist


A short moment after

A dark brown hair middle aged man, with dark brown eyes approached Luke, his attire was simple, it was indistinguishable from ordinary villager.

"Hello, Sir, My name's William, right this way please." said William