Sweet Aroma

"Hello sir, my name's William, right this way please" said William


William directing Luke to a spare office that was in the merchant's association for further details.


"William, you are subjected to be given a salary, what would your salary look like" Luke said

As soon as Luke had changed location, his tone and the confidence changed from a immature young lad to a mature man.

" My salary is usually 1 gold Zila a month." answered William

William had thought little of the child before him as he was dressed poorly however, the child did acquire sufficient funds and that is no small tasks.

'Even if he had luck, even then, luck is also a skill.' thought William

"William, I'm thinking of raising your salary to 2 gold per month for now" said Luke while placing the other 4 Salt jars on the table between them.

"Sell these 4 which in turn would be most likely sold for 28 gold" said Luke

"Take your share of 2 Zila then order these items" Luke said

As Luke did not want to reveal that he could read and write, he asked William to jot down the Ingredients.

"Ground Clover, Cheri wood bark, alcohol and Cedar Oil" Luke said

'Even though, there are many other ways to make it, this currently is the cheapest way.'

Luke thought

William having looked at the Ingredients realised that other than cedar oil, the other ingredients were cheap, having the fact that if it were the cheapest alcohol bought.

"What are you trying to make?" William question Luke

"I would only tell you if you sign a personal contract with me, stating that you are my own person." Luke said to William

William having heard this, thought ' Following you could bring me to the bottom of the ladder that I've already brought myself up.'

After thinking it over, William had thought that Luke may be something special, after all, Other kids would be near the mercenary association and if not, none would be here at the merchant association.

' Maybe, he could be reaching for greatness, The confidence he had with the Ingredients and the fact that he knew to hide further details after peaking my interest, after all, ingredients without a recipe is a just a collection.' William thought

'This is talent', William observed and thought

"I agree", William said

" Great choice ", Luke said

After signing the personal exclusive contract, William was now bound to Luke, stating that privacy should be kept. If William broke the contract, the Merchant Association will see to that.


After a short moment

Luke disclosed that his idea was to create 'Perfume'

William was shocked, Luke's idea was to Create Perfume and advertise it to noble ladies.

How?, Luke had already already thought by getting the most suitable assistant that was able with all my money, they would surely have some connections to a noble, even if it was just a baron lady.

William however was shocked by the term perfume. For this era is all about knights and magic but because of this, it has a lower development than what earth would have at this time.

After disclosing to William what Perfume is used for, Luke had just remembered that he was supposed to be home shortly.

" I trust you know what to do" Luke said while exiting through the office door.