Among Those




"My names Persin, I grew up as a commoner in an orphanage and was soon adopted by a noble viscount"

"I've lived in this world, understanding that strength isn't everything there is in this world, there is information as well, 'know your strengths and weaknesses and you shall never be defeated'" Persin said

"I've grown into Viscount Hyburns house, however I was not recognized by my younger siblings."

"For the viscount only adopted me because his wife and concubines had failed to conceive for a long time."

"After I was adopted, there was hopes on me, I had dreams to be the heir, until, the viscounts wife soon gave birth to a boy."

"He was exceptional and more talented than me in every way."

"I was soon cast aside as nothing more than a backup or last option."

"All the servants and guards that treated me with utmost respect before suddenly started to shun and treat me worse than before."

"After that, I left home and abondoned the Hyburn name….."

"The pressure was too much and I feared I wouldn't grow to my fullest if had just taken everything in."

"I became a Mercenary and soon wanted to go to the Knight Academy to improve, to prove that knowing yourself is better than any talent out there."


Switch back to Academy first course exam


"Start!!" A voice shouted

All the examiners on Luke's team were fairly agile, including the unnoticeable 'Cell'.

Luke had stayed running at the back to observe everyone's movements.

The first part of the course appeared after a short running, it was a bridge, where only the middle had support

Luke recognized it as a something similar to a giant Seesaw from his old world.

He knew that not everyone on each team were made to complete the course.

Each team needed to balance each side, the person left behind may not be able to show their capabilities.

Luke recognized this as not a war against other groups but a war between each teammates.

Who would get to stay behind and who would continue, there was not much time to think of a plan, for they didn't know if they were timed or not.

They didn't know everyones capabilities and each person wasn't sure that even if their own team won, what would happen to the teammates that didn't make it towards the end.

Did they also pass while not doing anything

Most unlikely, everyone in the group thought, as this was knight academy and the exam wouldn't be that simple, they thought.

Before Luke's team could come to a standstill

Though Persin was called shrewd by many, and wouldn't risk not having the best outcome

He had a plan

"As long everyone had gone one at a time, pushing the weight to almost equal while only one could be left" Persin said to everyone else

Then Persin also said that everyone can cross at the end

"We only need for when the last person was left behind, two would be on the other side of the bridge while the last person of the bridge would have a chance while the bridge is pulled down to run to the other side as the other two would jump off" Persin said

This plan needed precise timing and faith in other teammates

The question of the matter now was

Who is the last person to be on the bridge